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I find it annoying - sm - MT50

Posted: Sep 19, 2013

I find it extremely annoying when finally I start to feel like I have enough work on a daily basis for a several-week stretch only to find the account manager has decided to "rearrange the pools" and put more MTs to a pool with fewer docs in the pool.  When I E-mail my account manager and ask for more work, my E-mails go unanswered.  So I bite the bullet, go with the flow, play the "sit-and-wait" game, and when I get new resident dictating for an attending and have to send the job to QA (first time I had to send something to QA in weeks), I get a rude, pretentious E-mail from same AM stating that the blank "could have CLEARLY been found on Google had I looked."  After searching for 20 minutes and going with every possible option from what the phrase sounded like, I still could not find it.

I find the whole situation annoying and aggravating because when I am looking for more work I am ignored, but when I send something to QA for a new resident who is foreign and tough to understand, all of a sudden, poof, someone on the other end suddenly appears, albeit though with a snide E-mail.  Just wanted to vent.

sorry, but this is the beginning - of a long process

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of either getting you to quit or to eventually lay you off or terminate you. Been through this too many times myself to not be able to read the writing on the wall, or between the lines. My advice?? Prepare yourself by finding something else, and soon. It is just a matter of time now.

Been there myself, several times. in the past 3 weeks, I have...sm - LoveMT

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Sent TWO separate emails on TWO separate occasions asking specific questions about certain things that were either corrected or something I just second-guessed myself on or couldn't document/reference anywhere.

I have my email account set up where I get a confirmation that the email was actually read. BOTH times it was read by 3 to 5 different people on the QA team... Not one of them bothered to even reply. Pretty freaking sad if you ask me, especially when the Team Manager (or whatever the heck they're calling themselves these days) specifically sends an email out stating, "whenever you have a question, always feel free to reach out to your quality assurance team because that is what they are there for, to help you."

What a crock! They don't want to "help" any of us. I too have gotten the snarky reply "Found such-and-such first try when referencing on Google, very simple if you had only tried." And you know what, "I don't have time for that nonsense." If I can't find a doctors name within the first few minutes of looking, without having a correct spelling or even a correct pronunciation sometimes, that "awesome" quality assurance team that is "there to help us" is going to get that report. Definitely going to get a lot more too from me since my questions went unanswered, and had they been answered, I could have saved QA from ever having received the reports I had blanks/questions in, but hey they must want to do them pretty bad since they chose to ignore my email completely...five different people at that!

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