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Posted: Jan 26, 2010


I'll take 'em! It takes a long time to learn ops, but - they can be a money maker. nm

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I don't think I will EVER like them. Did them for about - wannie

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2 years at earlier job, off and on for the next 8 years and then have been doing them regularly again since last May and I still hate them. I just about cringe every time an op note comes up.

One time when learning this I was scared, really - scared of op notes

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I learned inhouse and we used tapes. I would always get the ones that were anything but the op notes. The boss lady noticed and one time she got upset with me and put me on total ops for about 2 months straight. The best thing that could have happened to me. I now love them, would rather do them any old day. A real money maker for me in the fact they are so similar, you never have to stop and look up medicines and I can fly through those. I am assigned to those, by my asking, after the priority work.

op notes - oldone

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Oh! When you get used to ops you will probably love them. I know the docs fly and sometimes they seem to think they are above the fray. However, when I finally mastered ops I fell in love. Almost never and surpise meds or long boring narratives as in H and Ps and Consults. Get a good medical equipment book (Stedman's has one) and go from there. Good luck. Oh, and I really did hear you about being annoyed. I'm usuall annoyed at something every day when transcribing.

No, I don't think I will EVER like them. I have a - wannie

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surgical word book. I also use google frequently for research. Unfortunately, they have to speak intelligbly to know what to look up. I'm glad that some folks like op notes, but not everybody is the same. Give me the boring H&Ps and Consults any day, ER notes, anything but op notes. I just simply DO NOT like doing them.
Your dictation must be a lot different than mine - since when do dictators speak different
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from 1 type of report to the next? My dictators are 1 big slur, blur, fast as all getout, crunching, slurping, burping, noise going off all around them day in and day out, people having parties in the background. I thought everyone's was the same. If Dr. X dictates a discharge summary, he does about the same dictating an op
In my experience, most surgeons speak more - wannie
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rapidly than other physician specialties (except ER docs). Most of the surgeons I have to listen to have ruined op notes for me. Like I said, to each his own. If one likes op notes, good for them. I just don't like 'em.
OP notes - tired MT
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You can usually tell if it is going to be a horrible report to type when the doctor can't even say his own name so you can understand it. But I think it is probably true that if the dictator takes the time and effort to do a good job dictating, that he/her is most likely to do a good job in the operating room and is less likely to get sued for careless mistakes.

I love them as well. - Lady GooGoo

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I would rather do an Op note any day over an H and P or consult or discharge summary.

I get very bored with the physical exams and med lists, etc.

Op notes are a blast.

I know that surgeons can be A**** sometimes, and some of them do dictate way too fast, but once you get the hang of it, and make lots of expansions, you can really fly through them.

Thats why I like them; they get right with it - sm

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and you can get a better line count, with a few exceptions. I also find it more interesting than hum-dum DS's or something....


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I would also rather do OP notes than anything. I get a very clear picture in my head of what they are doing, where they are in the body (the shin bone is connected to thigh bone...)and then closing up. The only ones that bother me are cataracts. I saw one on TV once and thought I was going to be sick. I had been transcribing for about 20 years when I went to nursing school so I though watching an OP would be no problem. I turned green, slid down the wall, and then when he nicked an artery the blood hit the ceiling and the pt's husband and I hit the floor. The surgeon, a good friend of mine, ended up asking me to escort the husband out of the OR. Got my degree, but am still an MT.


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