A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Amy's "all hands" webcast - anon

Posted: Oct 17, 2012

This is what I got out of that webcast: We are striving for above-industry-standard in quality and TAT, but we will never compensate our MTs above the industry standard in pay, making it sound like that is impossible to do and ridiculous for us to expect. Does she really think we are that stupid to think our pay is decided by "the industry" and the company has no control over what they pay us? I wonder if she would be so giggly and excited if they were to tell her that her pay is going to be cut in half and pay raises and bonuses a thing of the past for her?

I am suppose to be excited about working harder for the remote possibility of winning MT of the month and getting $50, please! This company is so cheap they cannot even give something out to every single MT in the company for MT week, we have to jump through hoops for a chance to "win" that too.

Just sickening the way they expect us to get all excited about changes being made to make our job easier so they can justify paying us less, completely ignoring the knowledge, experience, and skill it takes to do our job regardless of the "tools" they provide.

I seriously doubt they care about US MT loyalty as they have plenty of bodies in India to take over our jobs. Asking us to work harder for a chance at a $50 bonus and even more remote chance at a $500 bonus is just plain insulting when compared to the ridiculously high automatic bonuses the executives get yearly no matter how they perform.

we're all reeling as this sinks in on us - downtime

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the more days that go by, the more stunned I am.

I can't even bring myself to listen to it - MT

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I keep debating whether or not I should. I know it will only make me mad, I got the low-lights here on this board. I don't think my morale could take another hit, I'm barely hanging in as it is, just until I finish school.

Don't bother, I know I will not be listening to any more - anon

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I took nothing of value to me away from that webcast, waste of time. At least they paid me for it though.

Stunned? - Not Me

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Totally right up to par with MQ, no need to be stunned. The stunned people must be brand new to MT and/or to the company.

No I've been here a long time - downtime

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maybe stunned was not a good choice of words, but I'm just saying it didn't sink in on me right away. She was saying there will be no raises for me, ever, as long as I work here. Ever.
I havent had a raise since 2000 - no stranger to it anymore
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I have come to accept the abuse. They win. I completely give up. 16 years I have given them, dedicated, hard working years. No raise in 12 years already. I just dont care anymore. About myself, about this job, about the reports, about anything. You win MQ.
I don't want to be you - MT
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I am so sorry that is how you feel. I know I feel that way some days, but I still feel like I have a life away from this job and I still have hope for a better future away from MT. Please don't give in to their abuse, they can only win if you let them.
I felt exactly the same way. - bye bye birdie
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I was depressed, low self-esteem, didn't care about anything. Then I got another job in a clinic doing clerical and typing. It has been a God-send for me. Maybe you could look for another job? MQ/MM is what it is.
I have had 3 raises in 25 years only to - be grandfathered in
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at the same pay I had when I first started at this stupid company.

I am so mad right now. SCREW WORK TODAY!
Do you mean they lowered your pay recently to be more - *in line with industry standards*? nm
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yes, lowered pay 4 industry standard - need$
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It's what they did with me. I was offered a raise last year by my old CCM and they take'th it away this year by the new CCM! I had the pay increase for maybe 1 year.
when did they do that? - downtime
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I'm so afraid they are going to do that to me and then I don't know what I'll do because I have not been able to find another job doing anything else. I didn't think they could just up and cut your pay without an email from Vern saying that's the way it's going to be?
I don't work for M Modal, but I think I sometimes - am stunned at how SM
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greed has overtaken everything good this country used to stand for. Greed and lies, greed so callous that I sometimes wonder how these people can even look in the mirror. I wonder when the tipping point will happen. I think possibly those of us older remember that it was not always this way, not just the MT industry but in many professions. Those younger might think this is just the way the world is, having nothing to compare it to. I wake up every day wondering what is going to happen next to "stun" my sense of right and wrong.

or an incentive - downtime

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if not a raise, some kind of production incentive, some kind of weekend incentive. But to say, sorry girls, we can give you nothing, well, it's kind of shocking.
It's just another step in the inevitable phasing-out of - all US MTs. Theyre banking on - (s/m)
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MTs leaving in droves. It's what they want. They just didn't want to have to lay everyone off, and then get stuck having to pay all that unemployment. So instead, they make everyone's lives and incomes so miserable, they finally throw their hands up and quit. Then they snicker, rub their hands together in anticipation of yet another bonus they're all gonna get for having saved the company so much money by chasing out more US MTs, and bringing more of the dot-heads on board. I laugh when middle management in the US think they're immune - that their jobs are safe. A lot of that's gonna go to India too, just you watch. It's not a matter of IF it happens, it's just a matter of WHEN. When all those snotty mid-mangement peeps who thought the more they stomped on us, the safer nd more valuable their jobs were to the company finally realize that by training the Indians, they've been training their own replacements (sound familiar? Like WE did!), their livelihoods are going to go up in flames, just like ours did. And I plan to be the first one to run out and buy some marshmallows to roast over the fire.
Why then would they be calling.... - anon
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former employees and asking them to come back? I don't buy your little conspiracy theory at all....and what is with the racist comments, i.e., "dot-heads" sorry, but your ignorance is showing.
Not a conspiracy theory. - Maverick
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This is posted in the MModal 10Q-filings:

Cost of revenues on a per unit basis has declined compared to the prior year period due to the increased percentage of volume produced offshore and increased utilization of ASR technology, as well as a shift in other staffing offshore in order to further reduce operating costs. We increased our offshore production volumes from 42% for the three months ended June 30, 2011 to 47% for the three months ended June 30, 2012. We also increased our use of ASR technology from 74% to 77% during the same period. We increased our offshore production volumes from 42% for the six months ended June 30, 2011 to 48% for the six months ended June 30, 2012. We also increased our use of ASR technology from 73% to 76% for the six months ended June 30, 2012. As we continue to increase the use of ASR technology and move production volume offshore, we expect to continue to reduce costs.

I'm not sure incentive would even help, Nuance - has incentive and SM
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they make darn sure you don't achieve it.
Some of us do reach the Nuance incentive. sm - anon
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Since my long-time MTSO was bought out, I've been able to reach the bi-weekly incentive each quarter, but it is very stressful.  We see the weekly reports on how our team is doing, and from the figures, it would seem quite a few on my team are getting incentive.  I know that could end at any time if my accounts go offshore.

Don't get me wrong; I agree with everything you wrote - but (sm)

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...Comic Sans? The entire thing read in my head like you had just inhaled helium.

Hahaha, sorry about that. Font according to mood - anon

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and I was in a Comic Sans kind of mood at the time. Have to have humor to get through the days at MModal.

Now I'm 100% with you there :) - nm

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html source code - anon

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So did you look at the html source code or do you know the fonts by sight?

I'm a font nerd and a frustrated graphic-design - wannabe. Busted :) nm

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It doesn't get much more recognizable than Comic Sans. - except maybe Papyrus, lol

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True. I just couldn't think of a way to say that - sm
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without feeling like I was being snarky to the OP. You did better than I :)

Bleeding Cowboys has now joined those two in my bottom 3. Pity; I used to really like Papyrus and Bleeding Cowboys.
Aww, thanks. Hey, you might enjoy this... - sm
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see link
That's hilarious! Thanks for the laughs - needed one today nm
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The reason why I asked - anon
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Is I thought there might actually be someone else on this board who had gone back to school and now studying computer science. Apparently not.

lulz. I'll never be able to read Comic Sans again without thinking that now. - helium, hee

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Amy's webcast - gltrgrami

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VERY WELL SAID!! I once read that MModal brings new meaning to the term "slave labor." Every company I have worked for (much, much smaller than MModal have given us "something for MT week, whether it be popcorn delivered to our door, or sticky pads and highlighters with a thank you card) its the thought that counts. Making us "work" for the $50 I thought was really tacky. My brain works enough for them.

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