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OMG! Reading all the posts. Who is the suit - trying to do damage control!

Posted: Sep 03, 2010

First want to say I am so sorry for all MT's/QA who were laid off.  How terrible, yet I feel it could be a blessing in disguise because you can get unemployement and TAA and go back to school and get out of this field. 

It is pathetic reading the posts from a suit who is trying to maintain damage control for the WEB company.  The suit is the one who is still getting paid with excellent benefits, not the poor MTs/QAs who have been let go. 

Makes me sick that a suit would say who cares what other people/newspapers think of more layoffs because the country is saturated with people who are laid off.  HEY SUIT!  HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU WERE LET GO WITH NO BENEFITS RIGHT NOW! 

Makes me sick that this suit could be making anywhere from 60,000 up to 500,000 (maybe a board member posting) and cutting down good hard working employees who will not know what to put on the table for food next week, if any, AND let us all face it, if it was not for MT's these MTSO board members would not have jobs.  THEY FORGOT ABOUT THAT WAY OF THINKING!!!!  Now they like to call it Socialism.  The suits who is making the money and thinking in their disturbed mind that we should feel honored they pay us. 



I for one am getting out of this field of 25 years.  Never seen it so bad in my life until today.  

The suit trying to do damage control is likely - the SPIDER itself. And I do mean "it".

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Seriously - mardol

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Why do so many make it seem like only a "suit" would try to be positive? It is a horrible situation but those of us who are not "suits" can still turn adveristy into something positive. It is a shame to live life and not love your life, no matter what the circumstance.

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