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Just wondering if VR is successful? - Very Skeptical

Posted: Mar 23, 2010

Im not sure if I am posting to the right board about this and I dont know anything about VR, but I am just wondering if anyone has lost their job to a doctor who has decided to go to VR and you subsequently got your job back because the VR sucked?

My doc has talked to me about how in the future he wants to go to VR, but I told him I dont see that happening....not with him anyway. He gets very distracted, repeats things, says "no change that", etc.  He may laugh or talk to the patient or others, may slurrr his speech a lot, or say to use a template... you get the idea, I'm sure. 

Would VR work for a doctor like this or is it only for the doctors who know exactly what  they are going to say when they dictate?  I mean, if I were to have to edit the reports, I would have to make so many changes that he might as well pay me to type them! (or is this the situation for everyone who has to edit VR reports?)


it will work, BUT - mt

[ In Reply To ..]
it will probably cost him more in the long run (if you are paid hourly), and it will definitely give you more headaches!

Keep in mind I work for MQ, and our ASR is horrible. I have no other experience with any other VR platform.

In my opinion - onemore

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You have to train the voice system. If he says wait or go back, the system will do so to a certain extent. If he retrained himself on dictating properly, it could work for him. Honestly, if he is going to do the switch and unless you are getting paid hourly, I would leave. It is quite frustrating to have to correct word for word when a doctor does these errors that your doc does. I use E and if the physician puts in wrong speaker, the whole report is awful. Good luck!

Voice Recognition - Raine59

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I haven't had the situation you describe but do have a lot of experience with VR. It does not understand directions like "delete that last line" or "Add to the history that...." It will just type whatever he says. So if he is not real organized, I cannot see it working for him. If you are the one editing the reports, it will likely take you as long to edit them as to do them from scratch. If he is paying you hourly, he will not save any money and it is unlikely he will want to edit the notes himself. But maybe if docs had to edit their own notes, they would realize what awful dictators they are. Good luck.

Thank you - Very Skeptical

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Well I get paid by the line..I've seen on this board where people who got paid by the line went down to like 3 cents a line just to edit...I dont think I'll quit just because he's saying this...he says a lot of stuff that never happens. He's just very old fashioned and likes his reports to be perfect, and I think once he realizes what all is going to go into VR, he probably wont go through with it... just wanted to get an idea if something like that would actually work for him and I just don't see it.

Voice Recognition - Lee

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Do not quit, lots of times people talk and nothing happens. Wait it out. They keep talking about VR at the hospital where I work and I say bring it on. Of course, some of the doctors are perfect dictators, it will work for them. But in my experience, people who change their mind, go back and make edits, make up words, etc. it will not work. They would probably end up paying more to do both. Don't worry and good luck.

if your doc really switches to VR and realizes that - vrvr

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everything he says is put down in the draft document, and you have to correct this stuff what takes time for which he has to pay, he will clean up his act.

BTW, you do not lose your job if a doc or company puts some accounts on VR, only if they offshore the account.

Just tell your doc, the better his dictations are, the - vrvr

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cheaper it will be for him and the happier he will make you, his MT.

My experience - MT in TX

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Six years ago, my 8-dictator group informed me they had purchased a new office software platform that included a "system" that would eliminate their need for our services. It lasted 2 days, and they were all back dictating.

Three years ago, that platform got upgraded and they attempted it again. That time it took a week for them to come back.

Six months ago, that platform got updated, again, and they hired an inhouse IT man. Now I have only 1 dictator out of the 9 (they added another in that period of time).

They were determined to make it work, could not abide by the amount of their bill, although they never complained about the rate, just that they had so much dictation that the bill was high. Their determination to make this work is real. I do not see the other dictators returning to dictate after six months.

However, they have paid for software, are operating as transcriptionists, and have the salary of a full-time IT guy on top of it.

I know this practice well, and at no time would they ever break down their per report per patient visit costs when we provided the service. I am sure they have doubled their cost per report per patient visit, but the costs are "hidden" because no one is looking and frankly because of pride and, I think, some gender prejudice they will not look at that statistic.

My one dictator left make it clear from the beginning that he would NEVER do VR or drop-down box menu reports.

Not sure in your shoes if I would bank on anything happening soon, but it has happened to me, and that $6 to 7000 bill a month is now down to $1000.

When it works, it really works, but-- - horse on a mattress

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I've been doing VR for about 4 years now for a good-sized hospital system. Out of a medical staff of 600 or so, I can count on the fingers of one hand the dictators whose reports come through VR as perfect or near-perfect drafts. This is a system based on the well-established Dragon engine, has the ability to learn over time, and it does remarkably well, considering. But still: Mistakes are made, and few providers are willing to spend the time necessary to carefully proofread their reports. It's important for those who work with VR on a daily basis to get the word out to medical providers -- who are being bombarded with absurd accuracy statistics by software vendors--that using VR without any skilled person editing it is a bad and dangerous idea. Case in point: Skeptical, show your doc the blog in the link below (it's humorous on the surface, but has a serious purpose) for examples of the kind of scary stuff VR will put on charts if they're not edited. Your doc will at least have a better idea of how to deal realistically with the BS heaped on him by the software vendors.

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