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Im not sure if I am posting to the right board about this and I dont know anything about VR, but I am just wondering if anyone has lost their job to a doctor who has decided to go to VR and you subsequently got your job back because the VR sucked?
My doc has talked to me about how in the future he wants to go to VR, but I told him I dont see that happening....not with him anyway. He gets very distracted, repeats things, says "no change that", etc. He may laugh or talk to the patient or others, may slurrr his speech a lot, or say to use a template... you get the idea, I'm sure.
Would VR work for a doctor like this or is it only for the doctors who know exactly what they are going to say when they dictate? I mean, if I were to have to edit the reports, I would have to make so many changes that he might as well pay me to type them! (or is this the situation for everyone who has to edit VR reports?)