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my coworker quit - apparently w/o notice - and I thank you

Posted: Jun 18, 2012

I have watched with horror what you transcribed.  You have moved on.  I wish I could publicize your name and warn every MTSO in the sound of my voice about the destruction you cause.  If anyone deserves having their keyboard banned for life, it is you.  It's time you retire and stop desroying lives.  Thank you for the chance to give the clients a better report now that you are gone.

they do not care - anon

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I can tell you from experience that for the most part they do not care. They do not care about the quality and lack of that jeopardizes accounts, the cost in hiring and training along with editing behind them or the subsequent backlog jeopardizing the account and how much it cost to set up accounts for that client or even obtain them. Remember the days when the MTs trained on the accounts and at some point they could transmit straight through? Before QA was the normal and cleaned up behind everybody? They were paid more, but now QA costs money, money that could have gone to the MT but now has to pay for QA because they cannot follow directions or be bothered with researching terms or anything.Been there, done that.... And they always say, "Well, it is not like it is going to kill the patient." Possibly not, but the client has now left, so...

Do not care - MT 4ever

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It is a shame what is out there, but they have won and beaten down the MTs. We used to take pride in our work and many of still do, but look at all the work going to India; yeah like they care! It is all about money and I completely agree with the post about being an MT, learning an account and having QA there to help, but in time, you got it and were fine. I can never get a rhythm with my accounts, because I have so many and with all of the ESLs, it is almost impossible. We are just all hanging by a thread. I do not condone bad work and no matter what, try to do the best I can, but sometimes, I just can't. Unfortunately I either get fired or quit, can't quite get by with sloppy work!

Wouldn't it be great if the really awful MTs ended up at the worst MTSOs? - Time Will Tell

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I would love to see all of those MTs who have no skills doing the work for the worst MTSOs. I'm talking also about the unmotivated MTs with very poor work ethics. I would love to just sit back and watch. One MT with a bad attitude, regardless of their skills, can lose accounts and wreck an MTSO.
it would be even better if good MTs could get a job! - nm
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They do not care..... speaking about easy dictators.. - anon

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I was speaking along the lines of my accounts, which included the same dictator or dictators who spoke clear English who dictate the same thing, samples were given, etc. MTs who could not follow even 3 directions and made the exact same mistakes over and over and over, including but not limited to right versus left, male versus female, incorrect levels, dictation and transcription not even remotely resembling each other and even somebody who copied and pasted part of an OB/GYN sample report onto an orthopedic operative report! I know there are accounts out there that are complete nightmares--mostly because the other MTSOs do not bother addressing dictating issues or equipment and let them or encourage them even to dictate on cell phones, which I do not allow. Bless the MTs who are transcribing unintelligible gibberish on acute care accounts nobody in the sane mind could understand..

Wow. What'd this person do? - anon

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...and which company?

The reason I ask is because...I just quit without notice?

I guess it's coincidence, but I had a great attitude towards the company and great QA scores.

There was a conflict of opinion that I'd rather not divulge - I'd rather take the good and leave the rest and move on as a learning experience.

But then I'm not vindictive - are you?

it wasn't you - and I thank you

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We don't have QA, which is why this person stayed for so long. If your QA was greater than 50%, then you aren't the person I'm talking about.

50% QA??? - Runamok

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Who would be allowed to get by with 50% QA??? If a company allowed this for 1 day, shame on them and not necessarily the MT. Maybe she was lazy and was't trained very well, but it rests upon the company/supervisor's shoulders to try to fix the problem. Jeez Louise!!
50% QA??? - MTMom
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50% QA? Most companies will not keep an MT past 30 days with QA scores below 98%.
To MTMom - Runamok
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I totally agree. I am amazed someone would last very long with a 50%, even if they were fresh out of school.
Oh, believe me, it's possible. - QA MT
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The OP probably works at a hospital or a large clinic, where most just don't have the staff/time to do QA. It's done only sporadically where I work because I'm expected to also crank out the lines and we are always so far behind. Here, QA had NEVER been done, ever. I was sick to my stomach for 3 days the first time I did QA. For the life of me, I can't understand why doctors weren't screaming bloody murder. It was apparent they did not read their reports. When I showed the scores to the manager, she just shoved everything under the rug. I know for a fact that the worst MT was talking about me behind my back, saying that I was nit-picking her to death. Only she neglected to tell our coworkers the part about her 8 (!) *critical* errors in one 2-page report. Because QA scores are confidential, I could not say anything about it. But everyone knew she was an awful MT just from looking at the reports coming off the printer. So, anyway, yeah, I do believe the OP's claim of 50% QA.
that is every other word for goodness sake - dont believe it
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There is no way someone can get every other word wrong in a document.
Yes, it is possible - anon
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It is very possible. I had an MTwho copied and pasted a large part of an OBGYN sample I had given her for another surgeon onto an orthopedic operative report. She had obviously had somebody else transcribe her test. She was logged onto that report for 5 hours!!! I have never seen such a mesh in my life, and these doctors speak clear English!
thank you - and I thank you
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for believing it really does happen out here. There are MTs who look for services off the grid where no QA is in place. These services usually expect a true IC relationship, one where years of experience is supposed to equal quality performance. It amazes me when I had to pull one of this person's reports one day to fix it and the words in the report did not even match the dictation. It was a report for the same procedure, but had very significant dictation with anatomic landmarks not mentioned in the final report. I found what had happened was that this person found an older completed report and simply pasted it in to make a report and sent it through. You know, the words made sense, but it just was not what that doctor said for that patient. How can you even grade that? 50% QA? None?

Like I said, it was politics that the person stayed. Others were laid off because the person who stayed could really crank out the lines. Um, yeah, I could too if I had snazzy cut and paste tools and did not care about content.

Nope - 99.6% average accuracy, 8% to QA - anon

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...and 137% of predicted productivity.

So you can imagine why I was shocked to find myself on probation anyway:)

I made 5 encounter errors, after our servers crashed, trying to catch up/keep TAT - all dated within one week. I'm not excusing the errors, but there was that factor, and I wasn't alone - we ALL did that week. However, I was the only one put on probation.


Because sometimes it's not about your work performance at all, though it should be - it's about politics - which I thought I'd avoid, working at home.

You see, I inadvertantly made a member of management and QA look bad, about a month ago. I avoided answering a question because I knew it would make them look bad, but I finally did, rather than taking the blame alone.

Now I've paid for it with my job :(

I came on here, today, to look for something else and found your comment - which to be honest, scares me, even though not about me.

How can I say this in the nicest way I can - exactly how vindictive ARE you transcriptionists? lol

I don't have all the info, but who's "lives were ruined?"

If you mean the patients, I feel ya (tho still a bit dramatic).

I don't have all the info in your situation, but in mine - seems more like mine is, I'm the one without a job, now?
lives were ruined - and I thank you
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Clients left and that meant layoffs. And it was about politics that this person got to stay while women with families got pink slips. You committed career-icide, which effects you, not innocent workers. You can keep your snide "vindictive" comments to your paranoid self.
Yeah, Cuz I'M the Snide/Vindictive One Who Started This Thread and All - anon
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Um...you started this thread, on a public forum, wanting others to ask you about it - so don't try to flip this back on me for responding, sweety.

As for my situation, which is not the same, I took responsibility for my part - which was not wanting to answer a question, but at the same time, not allowing all responsibility to be hung on me and proving it. And I also said I made errors that week I was put on probation.

But I guess you thought I should lie to protect QA and management, though I make substantially less?

I said I'd take the good and leave the rest - there was some positive there too.

In the end, if I made a negative impression here, I'd RATHER it be that I seemed paranoid because of recent coincidence, rather than miserable, bitter, underhanded and vindictive - which is all you've accomplished, starting this thread.

I said I didn't know the situation, and now, I don't want too - you're just plain scary.

How about putting your energy towards something you can actually control, like yourself and your own job performance?

I remember why I never come here - peace:)
i didn't accomplish any of what you say I did - and I thank you
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I said what I said, you responded saying "I'm not vindictive - are you?" and it snowballed from there. The sole thing I said directly to you was if your quality was greater than 50% (please insert the sarcasm control for that - who gets to work anywhere for 50% QA other than the person I referred to in the OP), then it was not you.

I did not comment about your circumstances in a positive or negative light at all and yet you are throwing "miserable, bitter, underhanded and vindictives" words out at me. Methinks thou dost protest too much about thy MT divinity.
I Read You Below - If Just An Angry Vent, My Apologies - Anon #1
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... and despite your reply, I will continue with that apology because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.

I assume that what you say is truth, you'd have no reason to lie here, especially anonymously - and neither would I.

For the record, I believe you, and not automatically because you're an OP. And I'd be just as frustrated as you, if she worked the politics and screwed around with work, I really would - I DO understand that it's just as frustrating as my situation.

But you gotta admit, your vent does sound kinda bitter - but if just a vent, as you say below, then I apologize - and I hope it helped? :)

Another commenter said below that some must've identified with the comment and those disagreeing "hijacked" the thread and another said we said you were bullying?

I never said you were bullying and I don't see where anyone said that - in fact, I don't think you were/are.

And I'm not sure who they're referring to, but I admittedly identified with it, but only the part about quitting without notice - I literally just had. However, it turned out to be a coincidence, the scores didn't match at all.

But saying we overly identified with it is kinda silly - we all identifiy with things on here or we wouldn't be motivated to comment or agree or disagree lol.

Regardless, it was not my intent to "hijack" anything, and I hope no one's suggesting that disagreement with a comment is "hijacking" it. Whatever the case, I AM sorry for that, it was not my intent to do so - you may have it back now? lol
99.6% Accuracy - anon - Runamok
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I see what you are saying. It IS very political at home just as in the office and the rumors are just as vicious. I am sorry if my comment added to it. I was stating that I could not imagine the supervisor keeping anyone who was 50%. What a mess! Politics and rumors ruin a lot more lives. Good luck and I hope you find a happy new home!!
Wow! - Runamok
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I talked about this on another thread - about women standing together and beside and behind each other and not using each other as a step ladder to get anywhere, not to get a man or a house, money or a car, or be vindictive. Why can't women be happy for one another or help one another? Why do they have to be "catty" and one-up and make fun of each other. NO ONE is perfect. No MT knows EVERYTHING!

Also, when we are pushed in this job to be faster, do more work and getting less (I know I am) than years earlier - mistakes are going to be made. Why are others (MT and QA) jumping onboard with the company and brow-beating MTs about being imperfect when we KNOW the docs sure aren't and we are FOREVER correcting their stuff so they can slick a button that signs them off on the document without verifying a darn thing!

We are under tremendous stress (at least I am and a lot of other MTs I know are) and seriously we should band together instead of dividing or kissing company butt. The only people being held accountable regarding HIPAA seem to be us. It's not the hospitals or doctors offices accidentally faxing patient documents to the wrong numbers. I have seen that swept under the rug so many times that I lost count! They would fax an order for a test with a copy of a progress note and then a call would come in from a doctor's office that it accidentally went to. No one hears a word about it!
If we submit a document and the wrong doctor is on there, we get a violation, a brow-beating and can be fired. Why?
Docs are still dictating on patients using cell phones and out amongst people where you can hear them carrying on conversations with others and dictating. Why is that okay?
When we send a question to our manager, QA or TL and have to repeatedly follow up, why aren't they held accountable?
A lot of us have many accounts and some of them are not even remotely the same. It's tough remembering everything and clicking back and forth between the account information and staying caught up with emails regarding all accounts (yes you need to look at them as there may be a stat or a question you have to answer right away) while working and striving to be perfect.
Amen, Sistah! :) - Anon #1
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I feel ya - let's blame Reality TV? lol

I'm only half-joking - because if you think about it, it HAS glorified corporate strategy/politics.

Now, making alliances, "mean girl" bullying/gangups, butt-kissing, smearing the competition, pinning errors on others, vindictiveness and backstabbing are "cool".

No, those things are immature selfish, socially irresponsible, and contagious - and just because you score, doesn't mean your team or company does. which explains why we're in this economy to begin with.

Consider things like the mortgage loan crisis - personal greed that benefitted themselves, not having the foresight to realize that doing so would collapse the very structure that supported them.

Fifteen years ago, anyone in the basic office (rather than Wall Street) that acted like that was ostracized - now it's cool to be a butt-kiss and high-school cliquish with it.

Does anyone remember the movie "Nine to Five?"

The "toilet-paper" lady wasn't cool, everyone avoided her.(She hid in the bathroom stalls and wrote down everything everyone was saying to tell the boss lol)

Now, there's groups of "toilet-paper ladies," and the odd-man-out is the ethical person with integrity, who just wants to do their job.

That stuff is completely unnecessary - but if you say anything, then YOU are creating drama lol.

It's like we're devolving as a society instead of evolving, and it's not just transcription - it just seems worse because of the focus on errors.

However, the responsibility MUST be only taken by the MLS - OR ELSE - what happened to me could happen to you, even if you can prove it.

In hindsight, I shouldda sat there and continued to take it, at least I'd still have a chance. Now, as "And I Thank You" not-so-nicely said - it was careericide.

I'm terrible at politics, I admit it - I'm too genuine and nice to people, CEO to janitor, just because I am, not because they can do something for me - I just like people. But if push comes to shove, I'll say what I really think too lol. (God help me, I can't play the game! lol)
Thanks - No worries:) - Anon #1
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The moderator removed my other "thank you" because I said "focusing on the angels in the room and not the buttheads (except I used another word with blanks after the A,not knowing that was a no no).
OldMT - OldMT
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I think some QA people are crooked. Had something very crooked happen to me. I couldn't believe it, but then I found out that this QA person was having a bad day and took it out on me. I almost lost my job over it. I don't think QA people should think they are GOD! They are human like everyone else. Not GOD. Remember that QA people!!!!!
Amen, Tho Many QA Are Very Decent, Humble People - Anon #1
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The main QA person on my account is awesome, as was most of the others - open to admitting mistakes and realizing they're human.

It's so simple, we all learned this in kindergarten - it goes like this: "You know what, you're right, I dropped the ball on that, I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry I drop the ball and you pick it up for me every day - thank you."

It's just the ones who suddenly/inexplicably stepped in that don't.

As an aside, I just now read the original post in this thread and noticed something.

Did I misunderstand her to say that there were others on these lost accounts whose lives were destroyed?

So they lost these accounts over just one person?

I...guess that's possible.

Regardless, in MY situation, I don't wish ill on those involved. That's not going to bring my job back.

And in her situation, it won't bring back those lost accounts.

Good night all:)


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The initial post sounded very bitter and vindictive. I just remeber there are three sides to every story, the two parties involved and the truth. It takes all of my eight hours to be the best I know how to be. That leaves me no time to be concerned about my coworkers work performance. I have an inhouse position and cannot understand being so concerned and invested in someone else's work. I care deeply about patient care, which is why I do my absolute best.

Why did you come on this board with this message? - Curious

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Are you so angry that you wanted to scare this MT by possibly exposing her publically here? While I agree totally with all of the comments you made about any MT who has this type of work ethic, you are speaking specifically of a coworker. Do you not have her phone number or e mail address in order to address this directly withh her? Could you have written the same sentiments to her? Is it that you want to remain anonymous? You do not name a company or an MT's name, thank goodness, but it seems as if you are airing dirty laundry with a coworker here. Do you really expect a response or her to defend herself here? What's your purpose.

Venting - MT

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I think you are over-analyzing this. It's a medical transcription board and I assume the OP is just venting. It was the response(s) that took it personally that hijacked the thread. I don't know why someone would react that way to the OP's anonymous vent unless they identified with it?

OP was not bullying ... good post - anon

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I do not think OP was bulling but either just venting or bringing to attention the consequences of low-quality work. It costs accounts, thereby putting other MTs out of work not to mention the havoc and costs to the MTSO, whether a small company or national. This means they have less to pay the MTs. The OP did not mention any names.

Um...no one said she was bullying - Anon #1

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Nor was anyone trying to "hijack" her thread by disagreeing with her.

Wow. Words get twisted on here fast.

Ladies, why don't you take a look at my note to her, just posted above - an apology, for my part, if she was just venting.

However, come on - OP or not, anonymous or not, we can't pretend it doesn't sound venomous.

And just because people do it on here all the time, MT or OP, doesn't justify it.

And frankly, I don't care who believes me and who doesn't - I assume she's telling the truth and so am I - we both posted anonymously, so why lie?

These were two different situations, two different companies - it's highly possible we BOTH are telling the truth, which I believe we both are:)

If two different situations, why do you assume only one of us is telling the truth - because she's an OP?
No, but you accused her of being "vindictive" - MT
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You asked her if she was "vindictive". I think you actually felt it was necessary to repeat it 4-5 times in different responses. That is accusatory (and not something I read into the OP's original post), and to me it seemed for some reason you took her situation and a vent about her coworker personally. You even called the OP "miserable, bitter, underhanded and vindictive" for starting the thread! You seem to think that's a normal response and you were just "disagreeing" with the OP. Me, not so much. I'm not going to respond further. Not worth arguing about.
Apology above; however, saying she wants to "warn all other MTSOs" sounds vindictive - Anon #1
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Not to mention, she addresses the comment TO the person directly as 'you" as if they read here.

I hope she IS just venting, for her sake - and that whomever she's talking to doesn't actually read here - that could land her in legal trouble.

Regardless, I apologized if she was just venting and didn't mean it - but if you want me to take back that her vent SOUNDED vindictive and bitter, I'm sorry, I can't do that - it certainly does.

I don't wish the company ill, far from it. I'm sorry she wishes ill on others. And you can't tell me that's not bitter.
difference between wishes and acting on wishes - and I thank you
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All lie in the action that follows the wish. I *wished* I could warn every MTSO within the sound of my voice not to hire the person, to ban him/her for life from ever even owning a keyboard.

Did I in fact post the person's name? No. Did I pick up the phone and alert the media? No. I have an ex-boyfriend that I *wish* I could tattoo some warnings to future girlfriend's on a certain body part of his, but I don't do that either. Having a feeling of wishing to prevent harm to others is actually very maternal, not vindictive.

Instead of acting on a wish, I did not, and yet you don't offer me congrats for being the better person. I simply screamed in cyberspace where you heard and went on the attack. Good thing I edited out the three paragraphs I wrote the first time!
True; yet legally, it could be left open to interpretation? - Anon #1
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Particularly since you addressed it TO her.

I'm just saying, lawyers reading could say it was left open to interpretation, you know how they love that kinda stuff.

Like I said, I hope she DOESN'T read it (and especially her attorney), for your sake.

Sheesh, I just apologized and NOW you want to be congratulated too? ;)

Okay, then, congratulations! For...not warning anyone of anything "for real" and for not tattooing anyone's anything? lol

Now, is my apology accepted or do I have to tattoo myself with it?
at this point, the thing I would enjoy the most is - and I thank you
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for you to follow my now former coworker and just go away. Tattooing is optional :)
Well, at least I TRIED an olive branch apology (above) - Anon #1
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...and sincerely understood things from your perspective and that it was a vent.

In fact, I felt sorry for you/those other people who lost their jobs.

However, you really should stop confusing me with that coworker.

Though I'm willing to apologize and meet you halfway, I don't work for you and I don't have to jump when you say how high (something tells me it would never be high enough)...and I definitely don't have to "go away" when you tell me to. This isn't your company or your personal forum.
I am the other anon - they just do not care anon
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Wrong anon.... I can completely understand the OP anonymous venting. We have too many anons here...

Curious - Gloria

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I'm curious, too. I have always felt that if you did not have the integrity to confront someone face to face, then you should not say anything behind their backs. While all this MT says may well be true, methinks there is another side to the story as well.

nope, I just vented - and I thank you

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You know, the way therapists tell you to do...write out how you feel and then burn it, blow it out to sea, whatever floats your boat to get it out of your system so you don't fester.

I'm a lot of things, but festering is not one of them. I got it off my chest. And to those who say take it to the person....it bounces off, it is ignored, in their eyes you are making it all up, take your choice of responses, but it will never make a difference to the person as long as they make their money and move on to the next service to rinse and repeat.

wy did you.... - IMT

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Why? why not. She is anonymous, she gave nothing even remotely close to identifying factors, and she allowed to vent here. Even I can see the purpose is to say something "outloud" that you can't say otherwise. People do it here all the time.

Chances are, somebody is saying the very same - thing about you. (n/msg)

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aint you sassy, late in the game - NM

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Wow - Apparently MQ Pays Well, Too!
May 14, 2011

http://www.aflcio.org/corporatewatch/paywatch/ceou/database.cfm?tkr=MEDQ&pg=6 CEO Pay Database Peter MasanottiPresident and Chief Executive Officer MEDQUIST INC (MEDQ)Headquarters: MOUNT LAUREL, NJBusiness Services 2009 Compensation   2009     Salary $500,000 Bonus $0 Value of Stock Awards $0 Value of Option Awards $0 Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation $700,000 Change in Pension Value and Deferred Compensati ...

I Would Like To Have Someone Who Is Apparently More Enlightened Sm
May 26, 2015

than I am, to explain to me how, when I am told to take my lph divided by 2 and my overall lines for the day and divide by 2, how we are getting paid for all the lines we do.  I'm curious how that is explained so people see that they are actually getting paid for all the lines. For example, I am told that I need to figure C-LPH which is basically my lph divided in half.  So if I am able to edit 250 lph, for the grid that is equivalent to 125 clph.  Then my total lines are di ...

Our Wonderful ASR. Apparently, Since It Still
Jun 23, 2015

cannot figure out the word Xarelto even though it's seen it corrected tens of thousands of times by now, it has decided that word is "femoral tunnel."  Not even remotely close!  The doctors/administrators who are drooling over the thought of VR cutting us out would be in shock to see what it actually cranks out. ...

Apparently Performance Mentoring
May 03, 2012

I have just learned. ...

Apparently, Transcend Is Initiating Something
May 06, 2012

M Modal cesspool, but not quite that bad.  They are prioritizing stats from all of your secondary accounts in front of your primary, making it harder obviously to produce lines.  Did anyone get the email about this?  I am wondering if this is a Nuance thing that is now being introduced?   I know why companies do this, it is to their benefit, and they care nothing about us, but it just infuriates me as another kick in the face to MTs and lack of caring about anything but ...

Apparently According To TCM We May Have To Make Schedule Changes
Feb 28, 2013

I have made 3 schedule changes in the last year and I think I am pretty much done.  It seems that they are working with capacity planning to insure work for everyone so guess what that means..mandatory schedule changes once again.  So sick of this. Quit hiring, then maybe we wouldn't need mandatory schedule changes. Just a thought! ...

So Apparently ONE SINGLE TIME Of ...
Oct 18, 2013

Coming in above 15% in our proficiency statistics will earn us Mentoring.  My kids were out of school for fall break so I had a lot of distractions that week but I'm seeing that it only takes ONE week before they consider you "mentoring material". Last week, I was at 4%.    ...

Apparently I Qualify For Their Health Insurance.
Jul 03, 2013

I also am wondering how much would be taken out of my check for the health insurance for just myself. Thanks! ...

So Apparently For Those Of Us With No Audited Reports In FIESA....
Dec 17, 2014

.. we get an automatic score of 99.0%. I have one report in there on 12/3 but no reports for the pay week of 12/6-12/12, so they assigned me a score of 99.0%. The one report that is in there from 12/3 is higher than that. I have no idea what they base this 99.0% score on. I guess this is just a number that felt right to them, so they went with it. I'm not the only one with no audited reports for the pay week and a 99.0% score. This must be an automatic score you receive if you have no audti ...

Patient Has Train Morse. ASR Apparently Thinks
Aug 26, 2010


QA Submission - Apparently Client Rule Reports
Jan 17, 2011

that are sent to QA, the ones you are forced to send due to the client wanting all reports QA's, a certain dictator, etc....I was just reading in the "Rewards" Plan that these reports are NOT counted towards our QA submission . I have read posts here where MTs were frustrated because they thought they WERE.  Please read (I think page 10 but not sure) where it says they are NOT.  If you feel yours are counting against you, copy and paste the paragraph and send it to your CCM.  ...

Apparently, I Just Cannot Type Verbatim! Either That Or QA Is Trying To Drive Me Crazy!
May 17, 2011

I started a second job for extra money and so I'm on 100% QA.  I keep getting feedback for what I consider to be the most inane reasons.  I am old school.  When a dictator starts as sentence "patient is here for..."  I type "The patient is here for ...."  So QA has pinged me several times for not typing "verbatim."  So I've tried to be very conscious and listen very closely.  Now I've gotten feedback where I clearly thought I heard patient, typed ...

Apparently Sten-Tel Is Offering 2 Cpl For Editing And 5 Cpl For Transcription
Mar 22, 2013

. ...

MM Apparently Opening A New "healthcare Technology Center"
May 14, 2014

Don't know what to make of that....just another example of how they want to invest in their Indian employees. If you call slave wages an investment that is. ...

Longest Medical Word, Or Any Word Apparently
Jun 04, 2010

Just thought it was interesting.     pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis:   pneu⋅mo⋅no⋅ul⋅tra⋅mi⋅cro⋅scop⋅ic⋅sil⋅i⋅co⋅ vol⋅ca⋅no⋅co⋅ni⋅o⋅sis   // //  /Ë�numÉ�noÊ�Ë�Ê�ltrÉ�Ë�maɪkrÉ�Ë�skÉ�pɪkË�sɪlɪË�koÊ�vÉ�lË�keɪnoÊ�Ë�koÊ�niË�oÊ�sɪs, Ë�nyu-/ Show Spelled Pronu ...

Seriously, Is TT Trying To Get Everyone To Quit?
Jan 26, 2010

Not only can I not get up to speed flip flopping back and forth between traditional work and VR each and every report, not only did they cut my pay for this not so great new platform, not only can I not change accounts because there is no work on anything but my account, not only has production incentive gotten completely out of my reach, and not only is this year's insurance not actually what I signed up for, but now the latest? Seriously WHAT IS UP?  I can&# ...

BOO HOO -- Can I Quit?
Feb 01, 2010

This is the first time I am transcribing an intubation procedure.  The doctor keeps stating that he used an instrument "Glide slope."  I can only find a GlideScope.  Is he mispronouncing the name of this instrument, or is there a Glide Slope? ...