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Apparently we are on our own - QC said quit bugging her
Posted: Mar 05, 2014
So we get the email today that the QC is overloaded with her job and to please utilize the style guide and BOS and other Mmodal goodies rather than calling or emailing her.
You know Mmodal/Shaw, if we actually were allowed to contact other MTs on our same accounts we wouldn't need to contact our QC every time the client decides to make exceptions for each doctor and it never gets added to the CP or we just cannot figure out what that doc is saying. But apparently we are truly on our own. Just fine. I never emailed or called her anyway. But if I fail an audit or my line count drops you better believe that email will be used in my defense.
What region is this? - MT
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Can I ask what region you are in? HDSM initials? This is uncalled for! Save that - her job is to MENTOR you!
But you are allowed to contact your coworkers - sm
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At least the MMEs anyway. Our QC sent out an email with all the names of the MMEs who were willing to be contacted via skype for any questions for certain accounts. I'm one of them. Unfortunately, only a couple MTs have ever contacted me, but I'm always more than happy to help out. I think you just need the consent of you TSM and/or QC and the people you want to contact.
you sure are - Old School
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I don't know where the idea that we are "not allowed" came from, although in most cases you have to reach out to those people on your own, set up your skype and get in touch with them. But I am so grateful for my IM "buddy". We help each other and sometimes just chat.
Well, I guess it depends on who - your TSM is, doesnt it?
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As usual, every one of them seems to have their own special set of "rules."
When I first started, I asked who... - poorhouse
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was on my "team." TSM replied that they should be on the cc list on a group email she had sent out. I'm guessing she blind cc'd everyone because only I was on the cc list along with the QC person (only because I'd asked who that person was!). Sham of a company.
Not in our BOB - OP
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It is almost like a secret society where no contact is allowed with anyone else. I have never been asked to set up IM with my TSM or anyone else or even given contact information of anyone else on my accounts, much less MMEs who are willing to ask questions. If we have questions we are go to our QC, except of course now even that is not allowed anymore.
ON OUR OWN - Jasmine
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Don't you wish they would update the Client Profiles like they used to? They used to be so complete, and I think the more client-specific information they have, the easier it is for us to get it right every time! Like who gets carbon copies, Physical Exam and ROS specifics, format, Allergies are CAPITALIZED or NOT, etc. Ditto with the Physician lists at each hospital: Some of them are so old, the doctors listed are probably dead or retired!
"Chats"? You must be in a very unique situation with a very unique TSM - anon
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I've worked with this company for 16 years and have never had a TSM or QC that encouraged contact with other members of my team. I've been lucky to know how MANY are on my team, muchless who they are - MModal in general has never been very supportive of us making contact with each other which is why the importance of this board has grown over the years. You must be in a very unique situation with this TSM because chatting and communicating with other workers in your BOB is extremely rare.
The other side of the coin is, when we open the door to chatting and free communication with other employees and our team managers that means it's real easy for THEM to contact US too and I'm only speaking for myself in saying that much communication would be a huge distraction to my work flow - chatting online with my coworkers doesn't put food on my table or pay my bills.
neither does posting here I suppose - Old School
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but it does aid in keeping one's sanity.
They are actually working on something for us - sm
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I have had the opportunity to talk with a different suit on 2 different occasions actually. They both mentioned that they were working on a communication system between employees in their BOB, region, or nation. That it would be a lot like Facebook but designed specifically for MModal. Now, the last I heard of this was the end of last summer. Who knows if they scrapped that idea. I bet it would be strictly monitored for any disorder and disgruntled talk.
I would just be happy if my email worked - just saying
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I can receive email, but cannot send. Has been that way for months. Peggy from India tried to fix it. Cleared my inbox and told me was I was good but it still didn't work. Perhaps it is Mmodal's evil plan for us to be seen but not heard. They can contact us but we are not allowed to contact them.
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