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Transcription of Reports/HIPAA - MT20YRS

Posted: Jan 16, 2014

I did a search and could not find an appropriate older topic, so I created this topic.

Is it okay to transcribe a report on yourself? Would doing so violate HIPAA?

I have transcribed reports on friends and relatives, but not myself - at least not yet.


Can't see how that would violate - Your privacy

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You are you, and you are entitled to all of your records, so not sure how that would be a HIPAA violation.

Not sure how you ended up transcribing friends' reports, unless they requested you do it. If you happen to work somewhere very local to where they live and you happened to get one of their reports to transcribe, then you are bound by HIPAA to keep that information private and not even tell any of them that you transcribed a report for so-and-so.

s/m - MT20YRS

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I didn't think typing my own report would be an issue, either.

Thank you.

Yes, but... - see msg

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...to add to what I said about HIPAA, you do need to check with your facility. As other poster said, they may have rules. I would not take it upon yourself to just do that.

It's not all about HIPAA when it comes to rules and regulations of a hospital, clinic, whatever it is.
s/m - MT20YRS
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I checked with my supervisor, and I would NOT be allowed to transcribe a report on myself per our employer.
Okay - But not for HIPAA reasons, right?
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So, did the employer explain why? The only thing I can think of is that one could alter their own report to "hide" a pre-existing condition or something.
s/m - MT20YRS
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More for legalistic reasons, I believe, and not necessarily HIPAA.
splitting hairs - sm
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it isn't "not necessarily HIPAA" It ISN'T HIPAA period.

I don't think it would be against HIPAA, but.... - Jo

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....there might be legal reasons that the facility where you got your care might not want you to type a report on yourself. That being said, I formerly worked in house at the same hospital where I receive my care. Over 20 years there were a handful of times when I was in the unique position of having had an x-ray done and being the only person available to type it when dictated (we would get in trouble if we left without all of the x-rays being typed). In those instances I WOULD type my own report (I always informed the radiologist that I would be typing my own x-ray so if he saw anything bad to either wait to dictate it when someone else was available to type it or talk to me about it first).

this doesn't even make sense - SM

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How could you violate HIPAA transcribing your own data when the PRIVACY ACT is in place to protect your data from others but not yourself.

Not for nothing, if you had to ask that question, you might want to do some research for what HIPAA is and how it relates to your job.

HIPAA - anon

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My husband works at a hospital (in Canada, mind you)and he can't look at any reports on his kids me, or even himself, unless his job specifically dictates that he does. It's not such as stupid question to ask, as in this instance it would violate the hospital policy.

hospital policy - not HIPPA. She asked about HIPPA specifically. - and then one wonders...NM

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Just close your eyes and ears when you transcribe it ;) nm - lame-joke

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It does not violate HIPAA, but it is unwise - and may violate employer policy

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