A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Jun 13, 2012

So, my ex-husband of 15 years called my and my son's doctor's office and gets all of our medical and billing information (son is 21).  Takes those documents and files suit in court against me using the documents he obtained fraudulently to claim that I have lied about the cost of our son's medical bills (he has been ordered three times to to pay 50% of those costs which only amount to about $2,800).  Y'all get that?  He committed fraud in order to prove that I have committed fraud (which I didn't).  Best part, the doctor whose office gave away the information to him refuses to talk to me because of  'privacy issues' - LOL! Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated, including a referral to an attorney who can handle these type of cases. Thanks much! PS:  Have already filed a complaint with HHS.  Contacted Sheriff's Dept. and FBI and neither wants to do a thing about it.  The Court couldn't care less whether he lies, commits fraud or is in contempt of 3 different court orders.  What to do?  

I believe he has a right to the medical records if - he has joint custody

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Why would you worry about it unless you falcified the amount he owes you? Even if he obtained them fraudulently, if you were truthful you will still get the same amount of money he owes, right?

I would have your son (who is 21) file a claim with the doctors office for passing out his medical information! It is his HIPAA violation, not yours.

No custody - Ms. Petunia

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He kicked the child out of his house when he turned 18, he has living with me since and I have supported him alone. Records are good, court has ruled on them 3 times without questions. EX trying to make the court believe that I have lied about the amounts, even though the papers he presented are the same the same thing I gave to the court. I do worry because it's a violation of MY and my son's rights. What is HIPAA good for then if anyone can get anything they want except for the patient and those responsible for him? We have attempted to file Complaints, nobody wants to do anything about it. Thank you for your reply.

File a complaint - anon

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Here is info:

How To File a Complaint
If you believe that a covered entity violated your (or someone else̢۪s) health information privacy rights or committed another violation of the Privacy or Security Rule, you may file a complaint with OCR. OCR can investigate complaints against covered entities.

COVERED ENTITIES - A covered entity is a health plan, health care clearinghouse, and any health care provider that conducts certain health care transactions electronically. For more information, please review our Understanding Health Information Privacy section or look at our responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on our web site.

COMPLAINT REQUIREMENTS - Your complaint must:

1.Be filed in writing, either on paper or electronically, by mail, fax, or e-mail;
2.Name the covered entity involved and describe the acts or omissions you believe violated the requirements of the Privacy or Security Rule; and
3.Be filed within 180 days of when you knew that the act or omission complained of occurred. OCR may extend the 180-day period if you can show "good cause."
ANYONE CAN FILE! - Anyone can file a complaint alleging a violation of the Privacy or Security Rule. We recommend that you use the OCR Health Information Privacy Complaint Form Package. You can also request a copy of this form from an OCR regional office. If you need help filing a complaint or have a question about the complaint or consent forms, please e-mail OCR at OCRMail@hhs.gov.

HIPAA PROHIBITS RETALIATION - Under HIPAA an entity cannot retaliate against you for filing a complaint. You should notify OCR immediately in the event of any retaliatory action.

HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR COMPLAINT - To submit a complaint, please use one of the following methods.

If you mail or fax the complaint, be sure to send it to the appropriate OCR regional office based on where the alleged violation took place. OCR has ten regional offices, and each regional office covers specific states. Send your complaint to the attention of the OCR Regional Manager. You do not need to sign the complaint and consent forms when you submit them by e-mail because submission by e-mail represents your signature.

OCR Complaint - Ms. Petunia

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Thank you very much, Anon. We did that yesterday, I doubt that OCR would do anything to the ex. My beef is not with the doctor but with the ex. He is doing this in order to get out from paying the money he owes his child. He's been doing things like this for 15 years without any consequences.

Great answer! Thanks again.

It was the practice (and not the ex) that - violated HIPAA, right? (SM)

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Maybe I am not understanding what you are trying to do with HIPAA, but wouldn't it be the practice that you would go after for the breach? They are the ones responsible for keeping the records private, right? I completely understand that it is your ex whom you are upset about, but I am not sure you how you could actually go after him under HIPAA.
Practice or ex? - Ms. Petunia
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Dear ms:

I'm confused myself. I was told by the FBI that HIPAA only applies to medical professionals not individuals. Doctor definitely violated HIPAA because he gave records without authorization or consent. But the ex lied in order to get those records and also perjured himself in court by presenting records which were obtained thru false pretenses (fraud). Not sure what to do that's why I'm asking. I know the doctor is liable but I don't wish to cause him any harm, he is a good man. This is all the ex's fault, he's the one who is a crook, a liar, a troublemaker.
it's not the ex's fault - it's the practice's fault - sm
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It's true that HIPAA applies only to medical professionals. Your ex obtained the data falsely, but the doctor's office violated HIPAA and your son's privacy.

Just like if a minor buys alcohol - it is the liquor store that has broken the law, as they are subject to the laws of liquor sales, not the minor.
Practice is at fault - Ms. Petunia
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I'm finding that out. I'm speaking with an attorney on Craigslist who doesn't even think I have enough grounds for a legal case. So here we go again, he breaks the law, I am harmed, nothing is done. I just have to lower my head and my pants and allow the abuse to continue. I apologize, I'm feeling sorry for myself again. :(
your ex did not break the law; you have to let that go - if you want retribution...
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...you will have to obtain that from the physician's practice. The practice broke the law. Don't talk to attorneys on Craigslist. :)
LOL! - Ms. Petunia
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I'm finding out quickly that Craigslist IS all it's crackdown to be: a looney bin. I really don't want 'retribution' but I would love to see some justice done. This man has been doing things like this for 15 years and the courts don't care, they don't even flick an eye. It's so frustrating! I'd gladly let the money go (it's only about $2,800) if, somehow, I could finally get him to go away. But that's easier said than done, the guy is a sociopath who will stop at nothing in order to torture and hurt others. There is no hope!
take the doctor to task - - it will make you feel better!
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It's your ex's "job" to be a sociopath - forget him! It's the doctor's job to comply with HIPAA - make them accountable. :)
Sociopath - Ms. Petunia
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I know what you're saying but I feel that it's not fair for the doctor to pay because he was suckered by a crook. Also, if the doctor ends up paying for this, how will the sociopath ever learn a lesson? This reminds me of the banksters crashing the economy with their fraud & gambling and being punished with a shower of trillions of our tax dollars. What do you think they learned from that? :)
your doctor was not suckered - his office broke the law
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Again, you have to let go of wanting to teach a sociopath a lesson. These laws are in place to protect us. A liquor store will be fined for selling to a minor - no matter if they were "suckered" or not. It's still up to the liquor store to abide by the law.
MS - Ms. Petunia
[ In Reply To ..]
You are making me feel better. :)

That and the fact that I've just been viciously attacked by a trove of trolls and other sociopaths pretending to be lawyers on craigslist. LOL! I'm cutting my losses and running out of there as fast as I can. You would not believe the things I've been called.
hang in there, woman! - : )
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I want you to feel better!

HIPAA - Runamok

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Wouldn't your son, now being 21, be the one who was violated?
It amazes me that a parent wants rights (been in that position with my ex-husband who held up our divorce proceedings because he wanted joint custody though he was barely there as a father during marriage) but does not want to provide any of the funds that it takes to support the child(ren). Mine was to pay for half of school supplies, extracurricular activities, doctor visit, medications, etc. Never paid a dime but wasted the court's time for stupid things like him calling my house and cussing me out and expecting me to not hang up on him - saying I was denying him access to his child even though our child was in school at the time of the call. He brought in his phone bill, etc. I brought in a calendar and a note from my son's teacher that he was in school! I tried to get the court to rule on the issues of him not paying for the aforementioned items (violating a court order), which my attorney told me could not be brought up in court at that time because it was a "different matter" and I would have to take him to court over it. In other words, me spend more money on the attorney and file motions, etc. He kidnapped my kids. The county prosecutor did NOTHING. It took my attorney walking into his attorney's office and telling him that he had 3 hours to get them home before he called the FBI for him taking them over the state line. Of course, I had to PAY for my attorney to deal with this matter too. My ex apparently knew how to play the system right up to the point of not getting thrown in jail. He tried to run me off the road with our children in the car after a school function. A member of the city council witnessed this. The police did nothing. They said he was "heated" and we were separated at the time and getting ready to go through a divorce and he would "cool down". He kidnapped my kids 2 times before this but we were just separated and I could do nothing about it. He kept them from school and everything. He had them for a week when finally they bugged him enough to come back to me that he called me and dangled them in front of me that I went to pick them up by myself, like he wanted. It could have turned out very bad. Luckily, it did not. He was very volatile and abusive and that is the major reason I left.
He never was made to pay for anything. Once he found other women (not that he didn't have them throughout our marriage - unbeknownst to me) he finally left me and the kids alone unless he wanted to use the kids to impress a woman.
He died when my youngest was 10. A year before he died, we actually had been getting along decent. A week before he died, he was overly nice to me that I wondered who I was talking to. He took his own life over a woman and $. She apparently was from a family with $ and would not marry him. I don't know if he planned to die or just get her attention but he did die. He also left HER as beneficiary of his life insurance, not his children and she was low enough to take it instead of putting it into some sort of trust for them.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but sometimes I feel the fight is not worth it...at least it wasn't worth the stress it caused me as a mother of 2 who worked full time (outside of the home at that time).
Good luck and I hope he finds it in his heart to pay you what he owes you and what he owed regarding his son!

HIPAA runamok indeed - Ms. Petunia

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The violated MY rights because our accounts were tied since I was financially responsible for him. I can write a book on what this individual has done to me and my family over the course of 15 years. He has lied, stolen, committed perjury, violated restraining orders, been in contempt of court and NOTHING has been done to him. The guy is teflon coated. I feel your pain, I really do. The system is so broken and unfair, all the Crazy Glue in the world can't put it back together.

Thanks for your reply. It helps a little when others understand.

HIPAA Violation - Ms. Petunia - Runamok

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If my ex were not deceased, I would think they were one in the same. I feel for your pain, financial and emotional and the embarassment I am sure this has caused you and your family, especially your son, although I am sure you have hidden a lot of his father's deeds from him (what you could hide from him).
I would definitely attempt to report this doctor (if you no longer plan on being a patient there - it could be uncomfortable) on this as a HIPAA violation. As a child, and if his father were LISTED on the child's medical chart and showed identification, it would seem to be okay for him to get copies. However, your son is 21 - definitely an adult. It seems you were paying the bills. I cannot believe not even a courtesy phone call was made. If you had bills to back up your medical expenditures on your son from the doctor's office and he was ordered to pay this, I can't see where he would have ANY reason, legal or moral, to NEED those records to decide (after it was already decided) what, when and/or how to pay these bills! It's a power-trip. The doctor's office probably has a summer intern releasing records (?) who knows(!) but I feel it is definitely in bad taste if nothing else! HIPAA violations seem to only matter when we are getting a violation, IMO, and it's usually for some misinformation given to us that we didn't dig far enough into (yeah, we don't get paid for that either). This is IMO and from what I have heard from my peers.
Regarding your ex, I am a firm believer in Karma. Some day, some way he is going to cross over a line with someone and they are not going to take it anymore. It may get him financially, freedom-wise or later on in his years when he is a lonely old man.
I got the best of my ex when I quit reacting to him. I may be throwing a hissy fit after we got off the phone or after he left after picking up my son, but he never saw or heard it from me or about me. I would just look and smile sweetly at him. It wasn't an immediate reaction from him, but it did work.
Keep your chin up. Know that YOU were there for your child and know that your child will respect you for being there. Even Teflon has been claimed to be TOXIC.
wow! I can relate to all of this... - anon
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as I have been through the same things that both of you have, and my husband took his own life too. He was also angry and volatile and no courts would ever do anything to help. Women just do not count for anything these days. Just saw a video of a man set his wife on fire last night and she had just be denied a restraining order by a judge the day before! The courts do not see women as anything important. If they get killed by some crazy male, so be it. He will no doubt get off from any charges, as well. Men rule everything and it is getting worse day by day. I feel for both of you! May God bless us all in the afterlife! We don't deserve this kind of treatment from anybody. Hugs to you both!
Relating! - Ms. Petunia
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Ladies,considered yourselves lucky. Whether you believe it or not, you were actually married to individuals who had the commons decency of killing themselves. I, on the other hand, am not so lucky! For 26 years, I've been hoping and wishing and waiting but he doesn't have the decency to do what is right and put us all out of his misery.

BTW, I've been following what seems to be a new trend on domestic violence, men setting women on fire. We're all on the same boat and, yes! the men still rule which is the reason why we're all in such a mess at every level and around the entire world not just here.

Hugs back!

two questions - sm

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You mentioned "all of our" medical records. Did your ex obtain YOUR medical records as well? This is not clear. Second question: Is your son covered under your ex's health insurance?

If the answer to both of these questions is "no", I would OWN that practice.

Medical records - Ms. Petunia

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Dear sm:

And so I'm clear, it wasn't the medical records per se but the medical & payment history - if that makes a difference. Having said that, yes, it was both our records as I am financially responsible for my son and our accounts are linked for that purpose.

My son is and has been covered under MY insurance since 2009. His procedure & history begin in 2010. He is already 21 but is still my dependent. His father kicked him out of his house early 2009 & wants nothing to do with him. I have all of this in writing from him and the ex wife on papers they submitted to the court in 2009.

Hope that helps clarify & thanks for replying.

thanks, Ms. Petunia - sm

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Under no circumstance should the practice have supplied that information to your exhusband.

Contact the practice and ask to see your signed records release form, as well as the signed records release they should have obtained from your ex.

Consider contacting your state medical board/medical society. For the fun of it, call the insurance commissioner in your state.

Contact the physician directly with a letter, and cc the letter to the state medical board and any other entities involved.

If I think of anything else, I'll get back to you. This kind of breach makes me insanely angry. By the way, what state are you in?
Thanks! - Ms. Petunia
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You have just given me a couple new sources I hadn't thought of. I have contacted the doctor but he's now sent me a letter stating that he can't talk to me because of 'privacy issues' - LOL! Get the irony? I have complained to HHS (this will take some time) & Sheriff Dept., they've been "researching" for 2 days, no hope they'll do anything. Have also contacted the FBI, again, no answer. I'm in the process of contacting the State Board (printer just ran out of ink...oops!).

Sorry, forgot to mention that my son and I (and the doctor) are in GA. Father is in NJ.

Thanks again for your reply. I'll get busy with those. I truly don't want to cause the doctor any harm, he is very good doctor and a decent man. The ex is a sociopath and he embroils and destroys everything he touches. It's him I'd love to be able to do something about. Complaining to the medical board, commissioners, etc. will only harm the doctor not make the ***** pay for what he has done wrong.
here's a link for you - sm
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Here is one link to your medical rights in Georgia:

I know you don't want to get the doctor in trouble, but I would not accept his unwillingness to talk due to privacy issues. I would turn that right back around at him and remind him that that IS, in fact, the problem.

Doctors are responsible for the policies and practices carried out by their office. Don't be afraid to hold him accountable for the actions of his staff. On that note, get the practice manager on the phone and have them mail you a copy of the signed records releases immediately!

Sure, your ex is a stinker - but the practice is the violator here.
Thanks, ms! - Ms. Petunia
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You're a doll. And all of you guys have been great. Thank you so much for all of the replies, kind words and info provided.

HIPAA Violations - MT2011

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Assuming you have already gotten an attorney, there are a few more things you can do. First of all, find out who handles the HIPAA complaints in your state, and file a complaint against the doctor's office. Then, find out if that doctor's office is accredited and through who (JCHO, etc.), and then file a complaint with them. Then, contact the Better Business Bureau in your state and file a complaint with them. I just googled "how to file a HIPAA complaint against a doctor," and got some very good links, especially one on e-how.com. Go to the Department of Health and Human Services website, and there it will tell you how to submit a complaint. Also, e-mail the Office of Civil Rights at OCRMail@hhs.gov, to file the complaint. If you hit them with all of these complaints, you can pretty much bet that you will start to see some action taken.

Does your doctor's office have a HIPAA privacy officer? If your doctor is affiliated with a hospital(s), you should talk to that hospital's HIPAA privacy officer. Under the HIPAA law, the Office for Civil Rights can file suit against that doctor/facility if they harrass you if you do file a complaint.

I hope this info helps. I know it's a lot of legwork on your part, but at least you are leaving a paper trail and letting as many people as you can know about what's going on. When a lot of people start asking questions, people start doing things. I've been down this road before. I'll be interested to know how things turn out for you.

MT - Ms. Petunia

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Sorry, I had not seen your reply. I'll summarize: filed complaint with HHS yesterday (will have to wait on that). Contacted both Sheriff Dept. & FBI, no answer, both say they're "researching" - Contacted the DA in NJ (that's where the ex lives), they were very nasty, no go there. Also filed a complaint with the medical board but think it was the wrong board. I was moving to the board of dentistry next but printer run out of ink. Oops! Asked on Craigslist and got someone who claims to be a lawyer who has just launched a vile ad hominem attack against me because I criticized the judges. :) LOL!

This is an oral surgeon and he is on his own (I think). Someone else suggested contacting the insurance commissioner. No luck on attorneys.

Thank you so much for reply. You have provided great info and new sources for me to explore.

Ms. Petunia.... I have a question - sm

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You said that your ex is in contemt on 3 different motions. Have you filed a "contempt motion" against him? It usually starts with the judge telling him to do something, and he does not. The next time you are in court, you say he did not do this, and the judge tells him to comply, or he will be held in contempt. (THIS IS WHERE THE FUN BEGINS AND THE COURT NEGATS TO TELL YOU). He will not be held in contempt in the judges eyes until you file an actual "Contempt Motion." At that hearing, the judge gives him X number of days to "purge" his contempt (comply). If he does not, then they assess penalties. Yes, it is a long, drawn out process and they sometimes even give extra time, but they have to find him in contemt if you file a contempt motion and he does not comply.

I went through so much with my ex, 14 years of drama, court every year, he was held in contempt several times. He even went to prision for 4 years and was working while in the jail, adding money to a "savings account" but not paying child support. So, I petitioned the court, informed them of said bank account, and ended up winning and got the entire amount of money in the bank account.

You do not need an attorney to fight your ex. You have to know the law, and what you dont know, research. I will help you any way I can.

MS - Ms. Petunia

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I'm beginning to love you... :)

Yes, he is in contempt of 3 court orders and no, it had not occurred to me to file a motion for contempt. You, my dear, are brilliant!

BTW, sorry if I'm repeating this ad nauseum, we've been fighting in court on and off for 15 years, he always starts, usually loses then refuses to comply with the court orders. When he has the rope around his neck, he calls on his daddy lawyer who is a sociopath like him (and the one who put him up to all of these shenaningans to begin with) and before it's all said and done, the mess is so big and there is so much time and expense that I end up giving up out of sheer frustration and exhaustion. The judges sit by idly and do nothing about it. He cheated me out of everything: children, child support, alimony, custody, home, savings, even the dog.

BTW, I'm a paralegal and have done all of this myself including an appeal to Supreme Court. Should I be embarrassed yet? :(

I do love your mind though (in a non-sexual kind of way). I say all this jokingly and lovingly not meaning any offense. You have been awesome! Thank you so much.

No problem. Just remember when you - file the motion for contempt

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Include everything that he is in contempt for, if it is not included, it will not be heard. You will need copies of the original order, and attach those to the motion. Also, you can serve by mail and do not need to pay a process server, just make sure you get proof of mailing.

Motion - Ms. Petunia
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I call myself "the Queen of Motions" - LOL! Have done so many of them, I can have one in the mail by tomorrow afternoon. You've just had an awesome idea. Thank you so much!

This is taking place in NJ so, yes, I can serve by certified mail. I live in Atlanta, btw.

A couple of questions for you. Back when the - services were rendered,

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was he listed in the chart as someone being responsible for the bill? Also, are the bills paid, or is this something that is an outstanding balance that you are requesting he pay part of?

The unfortunate part is that the doctor's office will be the one to take the fall as far as him getting your billing records, if done illegally, not him.

yes - he does

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The noncustodial parent has a right to the information contained in the medical record unless specifically stated otherwise in a court order. RHIT.

Fraud - Curious

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Did he himself get the records or did he have an attorney get them? Your son's medical records are protected from you but you can get your own info. I'd like to see what release I signed to authorize that. Consult an attorney, consults are free, and maybe you can have it so he has to pay the fees. What do your medical records and bills have to do with him payikng half your son's medical bills. Did you give him copies of receipts? Anyway, civil matter and you need an attorney to sue the doctors office for releasing the records.

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Feel the need to address certain posts "..and there are no such places as you describe any longer. I have been working for an MTSO that treats their ICs as employees without all the "benefits," but also looking for something else along the way. I have not found ONE...not ONE service that takes true ICs any longer." This is called painting with a very broad brush. How can you claim that as accurate? Saying 'no such places' means you have literally checked into, inquired and e ...

Oct 08, 2013

When a consultant's office calls the referred patient, is that office allowed to say the name of their office?  Ex:  Got a call from a GI office for my husband.  The woman gave her first name and said she needed his medical hx before she could schedule an appointment.  I asked what office she was from, and she said she couldn't say because of HIPAA but that it was a referral from his PCP.  Is it true that because of HIPAA we can't even know who's ...

HIPAA Violation...
Nov 11, 2013

I posted earlier about a HIPAA violation I believe the company I am subcontracting for is committing. I'm considering filing a complaint, but not sure what this would entail. Before I go too far into it, has anyone filed a complaint against an 'employer,' for lack of a better term, as I am a subcontractor & not an employee? This issue is weighing heavily on my mind. I do have proof of emails sent back and forth that are not encrypted or secured in any way containing reports with t ...

HIPAA Compliant?
Apr 23, 2014

From what I am hearing, if you have an XP computer, you are not HIPAA compliant. It violates regulatory requirements. Then why is MM not supplying us with Windows 7? My XP computer they gave me was freezing up, so they sent me another XP. I asked them why they didn't send me Windows 7 and they said XP was cheaper. So now as of April 8, they are not HIPAA compliant. I would like to know how they get around this,,,,,,having many accounts and still having many employees submitting reports u ...

HIPAA Training
Jan 27, 2015

I get why they do these webinar things, but honestly, the person narrating sounds like she herself is bored. I try to follow it, take notes, but know deep down that when I do the test very little of it will have been absorbed, so am resigned to taking the test any number of times. It's kind of like watching a weather report you are waiting for, yet then when it comes on you realize you have completely blanked and it's over. I have a real problem focusing on webinars. ...

Question: If New HIPAA Laws Are Going To Come Down
Dec 23, 2009

sending a copy of the report to the wrong doctor, what about sending all this work offshore?  What am I not understanding?  If sending a copy to the wrong Dr. Smith constitutes a huge breach of security, then sending people's health records and personal information offshore constitutes a GIGANTIC breach of security.    ...

Question About HIPAA Rules
Jan 13, 2010

Couldn't we just leave a note on any report with a cc to "please verify physician name for copy" which would then take the burden off of our shoulders? Not a QA marker, but by doing Ctrl + Shift + Q. I plan on leaving a note for anything that is questionable at all, ie., only last name given, unclear, cannot verify, whatever... I am not going down with them.  Fire me for it, then I will file for unemployment and win because they cannot fire you for a doctors mistake and then I might ...

Well, It Has Already Started, HIPAA Laws.
Feb 13, 2010

If we do not check our screen where patient name, info, attending, date of birth, blah blah blah is not correct or we did not check to make sure the dictator name is correct or attending name in the screen, of did not fill in attending or dictator for, this will have to be notified to HIPAA.  If company does not notify HIPAA that an MT made a mistake and did not correct patient name, dictator name, attending, etc., my company will be fined big time and possibly the MT too.  Honestly, ...

HIPAA Data Breach
May 02, 2010

I am reading far too many cases of MTs being fired/threatened for copying the wrong doctor on a report.  While this constitutes an error, it does not (NOT) constitute a HIPAA breach.  HIPAA law is being wielded like an axe by misinformed management, with the regulations being used to threaten and fire a huge segment of the American workforce.  MTs fired for a "cc" issue need to report their job loss to their state labor department as well as the department of health and human se ...

Jun 04, 2010

Here's the latest in my inbox: "These classes will vary in topic and although we will strongly suggest you take some or all of the classes in the end that decision will be up to you. They will not be mandatory as previously communicated but strongly encouraged for any MLS who wants to continue their education and professional training. HIPAA is the first class we loaded into the system because of the new regulations which became effective in February.  Some of these regulations a ...

Anyone Accused Of A HIPAA Violation And Let Go?
Jun 22, 2010

x ...

HIPAA??? Privacy??? Texas???
Oct 06, 2010

And they DARE to threaten US with HIPAA??  What a crashing joke!! http://www.theaustinbulldog.org/index.php/Main-Articles/Main-Articles/department-of-state-health-services.html     ...

Code Of Conduct, HIPAA?
Nov 12, 2010

What a joke. They come down on us so hard about this, but there is information on ADT we have no reason to see such as SS numbers. I have a couple of dictators who actually dictate the patient's SS number and say to put it on the report. Not to mention the wrong patient information and cc names given by the dictators. I now will always leave a QA note every time a cc name is given without the first and last name or any ADT names given without first and last name. With thousands of MTs wor ...

HIPAA Compliant Email
Nov 23, 2010

The doctor's office is switching to digital. We are trying to find HIPAA complaint email or some  other way to transfer the voice files. Any suggestions? Thanks! ...