A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Those of you wanting to retrain for something else ... - (sm)

Posted: Apr 25, 2010

I'm in the RNP program.

Here are 3 quick (2 yrs) degrees that are also paying pretty well.  Just FYI.




Radiation therapist

--Most common degree: Associate's

--Median pay: $72,910

More than half of cancer patients are treated with radiation therapy, which involves high doses of radiation aimed at killing cancer cells, and, according to the National Cancer Institute. (Radiation is also used in lesser doses to capture images of the body through an X-ray.) Radiation therapists don't prescribe doses for patients, but they give patients the treatments--putting them in the proper position and running the machine. Employment in the occupation is expected to grow by nearly a third between 2008 and 2018, as advancements make radiation safer and more widely prescribed, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The highest paid 10 percent of radiation therapists made more than $104,350 last year.

Dental hygienist

--Most common degree: Associate's

--Median pay: $66,570

It's no surprise that the healthcare field is home to several careers that offer the best pay and opportunities for the education required, given that the healthcare industry has faced steady increases in demand despite the recession. Dental hygienists examine patients' gums, perform cleanings, take X-rays, and in some states even administer anesthesia. Most of the 301 accredited dental hygiene programs in the United States grant associate's degrees. As with other healthcare occupations, dental hygienists need a state license to practice, so exams are also part of the deal.

[Dental hygienist made U.S. News's list of the 50 Best Careers for 2010.]

Respiratory therapist

--Most common degree: Associate's

--Median pay: $52,200

Few jobs have the kind of growth projections as the respiratory therapist occupation. Employment is expected to jump more than 22 percent between 2008 and 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Respiratory therapists help care for patients with lung or heart disorders, most often working in hospitals, but they are increasingly in patients' homes, medical equipment supply companies, or skilled nursing facilities, according to the American Association for Respiratory Care. Part of the reason earnings are high in the profession has to do with respiratory therapists' ability to constrain costs, says Sam Giordano, chief executive of the association. The healthcare system puts a lot of value on a respiratory therapists' ability to treat patients and help physicians determine when a treatment is no longer called for--increasing the quality and timeliness of decision-making, Giordano says. Respiratory therapists can also help patients avoid ventilator-associated pneumonia by weaning them off the ventilator more quickly.

Thanks for the info. sm - myka

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I actually have looked into all of those and would love to go for the radiation therapist. I could only go part time, though, so those 2 years would turn in to 4 - if the program even allowed one to go only part-time!

A friend of mine went into respiratory therapy. - sm

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So far (knock on wood), I've still been able to make about $18 an hour with MT, but my friend makes almost $700 a week as an in-home respiratory therapist for hospice and only works 25 hours a week.

I've been giving it serious consideration lately.

Do the math - Anonymous

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You make more money as an MT than your friend does as a respiratory therapist, 18.00 per hour versus 17.50 per hour and less hours per week equal less income.

What?? - tootsie

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I don't know how you figured that out, but she said 700.00 a week and only 25 hours. that is 28.00 an hour. where you got 17.50, beats me. I would love to only do 25 hours a week and still bring home 700.00!
What? - Anonymous
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I based it on a 40-hour week. If you are working full time and making 18.00 an hour you are making $720 a week, that's 2880 a month. The OP stated her friend made 2800 a month, I missed the part about the 25 hours, sorry. I just want to add that the money might be there, but is it something you would enjoy doing?
Your post doesn't make sense. - ??
[ In Reply To ..]
The OP never said anything about her friend making 2800 a month. She said she made $700 a week, but worked 25 hours. You based the 17.50 on 40 hours a week, but then said she'd be making even less because of less hours. You must have noticed the 25 hours if you said she'd be making less hours.

Friend in RT - sm

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She only works 2-1/2 days a week. I think I'd really love that kind of work. She's not tied down to the hospital or to an office. But she said the drawback is getting personally attached to some of the clients she works with, but they're terminal. I know I wouldn't like that part of the job, but at least I'd KNOW that I did what I could to help them in their last days rather than working on their medical records.

was just mentioning the dental hygienist thing to my daughter today. - good timing!

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my dental - hygienist

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makes $60K and works Mon-Thurs

Dental hygienist - Ex-MT

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I have been pushing around the idea of dental hygiene myself as compared to registered nursing. Dental hygiene sounds okay, i.e. no weekends, not traditional healthcare like hospitals and all of that but still is healthcare and daytime shifts. What is the job outlook for hygienists in the near future and future, and how long did it take for the person to find a job? I know that all the pre-reqs into dental hygiene are the same as far any other healthcare profession.
Link is for the occupational outlook book sm - myka
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you need to talk to others who are in it - and possibly read some
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online forums just like we have here for MTs. I would not trust a thing the government says about the outlook. Look at what they say about transcriptionists! LOL
LOL. I do agree with you on that! nm - myka
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Dental Hygienist work Sat and evenings usually - Typin_away
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I am a formal dental assistant and the hygienist worked the same hours that I did. Most are overworked if they work in a corp. office instead of private practice.

The hygienist at the corp. office would see approximately 60 patients a day, usually 3-4 every half hour depending on the rooms. (Typically have an assistant to clean room, sterilize instruments and take the x-rays.)

Private practice it is common to see a patient every 20 mins without help to clean your room, sterilize instruments and take x-rays. It is hard on the back and hands.

Check into if you can even get into a program, around the Pittsburgh area there is only 2 schools that accept into the program and I think it is 12 students each year.

My SIL is a dental hygienist,,, makes $34 an HOUR - MT#1

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