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I started a VR job just over two weeks ago. I actually really like it. It's on the Dictaphone platform which is one of the better ones, the drafts for the most part are pretty good and I find the work interesting.
My problem is switching my "eye" from typing and reading to editing. Plus, my prior job, which is now a part time IC job wasn't as picky about the BOS. This new one is all about the BOS. The new job also wants all numbers written as numbers. The old job we spelled out numbers one through ten. I'm having a devil of a time getting my eye used to picking out stuff. I think I'm doing okay and then I get my correction reports back from QC and just cringe and know that I can and should be doing better.
Anyone else out there experience the same thing when they switched from typing to editing? How long did it take to really get into the swing of it in terms of accuracy?
Thanks for any input and/or advice that anyone may have.