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How long did it take to retrain your eye when you switched to VR? - VR Newbie

Posted: Jun 16, 2010

I started a VR job just over two weeks ago.  I actually really like it.  It's on the Dictaphone platform which is one of the better ones, the drafts for the most part are pretty good and I find the work interesting.

My problem is switching my "eye" from typing and reading to editing.  Plus, my prior job, which is now a part time IC job wasn't as picky about the BOS.  This new one is all about the BOS.   The new job also wants all numbers written as numbers.  The old job we spelled out numbers one through ten.  I'm having a devil of a time getting my eye used to picking out stuff. I think I'm doing  okay and then I get my correction reports back from QC and just cringe and know that I can and should be doing better.

Anyone else out there experience the same thing when they switched from typing to editing?  How long did it take to really get into the swing of it in terms of accuracy?

Thanks for any input and/or advice that anyone may have.

This caught my eye because I only have one good eye - lindawordlady

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and I also do VR, for about 9 months now. Experienced MT with about 25 years of experience. I was in a bad car accident 18 months ago and had an orbital floor fracture of my right eye and I literally have to have the eye closed when I type and read now, otherwise I would have double and/or blurred vision.

Do you think your fingers are familiar now with the short-cut keys for VR? It could be that because you are trying to do 2 different things, edit instead of straight typing and then learning the short-cut keys are maybe playing into it? I actually worried about the same thing becaue of my visual handicap, but I did make the type bigger (which you can do and not affect the font or anything). That could be one thing. But, in the end, I think it just takes a little bit of time... not unusual that it is taking 2 weeks to get used to it. I am sure it will come in time. I also used Dictaphone ExText and found it to be a very good platform. Hope this helps, but if not, just keep plugging away or ask your team lead maybe!!

I think you may be right - VR newbie

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I know it's only been 2 weeks and I knew I was going to have a steep learning curve, but bills, you know. Those guys at the mortgage company want their money every month no matter what. Jerks.

I think you're right about the learning the shorcuts. I still have to look for the alt key and make sure I'm hitting that right with the colon key, etc. I do have to increase the zoom on the page with every document. This account has it in 10 font, which KILLS my eyes and gave me massive headaches at the end of the first week. I'll have to work on memorizing those a little bit more. Maybe study them in the evening when I'm technically "off work."

Thanks for the input.

Maybe just focus on 1 or 2 shorcuts until you have them down pat, then - lindawordlady

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try incorporating one or two more until you have those. That is how I did it. I did use my mouse when I got frustrated but you will quickly learn them and they will be automatic.

Also, I did not know this until someone on this board mentioned it, but to increase the size of your document (from the 10 font), click the control button along with moving the "wheel" of the mouse up... move it up as is comfortable for you. You can do that for any web site you go to also. Then, of course, control wheel towards you to get back to 100%. I honestly never knew that before and it does help immensely. Hang in there!

To VR newbie - wow

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Of course those "jerks" at the mortgage company want their money every month...you signed a promise to do so when they gave you the mortgage in the first place.
I think she was being sarcastic - wow indeed
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LMAO. Yes, that was indeed sarcasm. - VR newbie.
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