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Journalist's story and wanting quotes - anon

Posted: Sep 14, 2011

S.E. White, I would hope would have said the name of the paper she is writing this article for and if quoted where we can find it, if all is legit.  She posted this question on the Tuesday it was supposedly due at 2 a.m. She was looking here at MTStars for an article due by noon that same day?  Hummm.  Questionable, but then again nobody would believe we have to have a report done in 2 hours for 4 cents either, and the patient still will not get the results from the doctor in a week!!!

I think our problems here are far beyond a simple local paper on page 28, we somehow need a speaker on the Senate floor.  Where is the AAMT when we really need them?  We they not supposed to be our union?  They charged dues.  And truly for the youngin here who believed a name was given out by thinking it was Norma Rae was quite unbelieveable also.  Wonder if she knew about Kathy Lee's sweat shops!


Journalist's Story - Old Pro

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Don't look to the AAMT--or its latest incarnation as AHDI--to do anything proactive for the MT. They are too busy pushing offshoring and lining their pockets with fees hapless MTs pay.


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I am having a hard time following your email so I need clarification before I comment further. What does "And truly for the youngin here who believed a name was given out by thinking it was Norma Rae was quite unbelieveable also. Wonder if she knew about Kathy Lee's sweat shops!"

I was the original poster who asked everyone to email or comment to this journalist but I did not call myself Norma Rae, someone else did. I am not sure what your point is about being quite unbelievable about the post?

just a bit of clarification... - alias

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Glad to see you are still posting positive about the subject. :-)

I was the poster who had said "Go! Norma Rae!" as I had liked your response to the original post asking for quotes and stories for an article they were writing. Someone else, who obviously did not know who Norma Rae was, started suggesting that it was all a ruse and that by using the name of Norma Rae had made it all suspicious. She was quickly put in her place by several comments finding her post of not knowing who Norma Rae was as rather unbelievable. The quote you are responding to now was in reference to the "youngin" who did not seem to know who Norma Rae was and was not saying that you had called yourself Norma Rae. The point about being unbelievable is that someone had no knowledge of Norma Rae, not anything to do with your post. I hope that poster went and rented the movie about Norma Rae and I hope her face is indeed quite red!

Most of us agreed with your post and felt quite enpowered by your words. I, for one, appreciate your position on this and I feel you would have many followers in your footsteps in moving forward with anything positive in this regard! Thanks again for your encouraging post from yesterday!


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Thank you so much for your kind comment.

I guess I should have kept reading before I responded. I thought she was calling me a youngin and my post was suspicious. I will go wipe the egg off my face now. Thanks for clarifying.

Clarification - nm

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I am the poster who suggested that maybe the poster was young. I meant that the movie was in 1996 and she may have been very young at that time and not aware of the movie or want to see it. I also meant she should have googled it so as not to embarrass herself, not to mention also renting the movie.
Clarification - don't think so - whocares
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Norma Rae came out in 1979 starring Sally Field.

It sounded like a case of "PWI" to me.... - (Posting While Intoxicated). nm

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Give the girl about Norma Rae a break.... - anon

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Maybe she doesn't watch many movies... I know I don't and wouldn't have known who Norma Rae was without researching the name....

Just saying... Everyone makes mistakes!

I agree - This is why nothing changes for us

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The OP's questions were not even addressed. The post began to center around something very trivial and ignored the real concerns we have. Every time we get a "Norma Rae", she gets bashed and questioned to the point of it not even being worth pursuing. Everyone is so afraid to speak up for fear of retaliation, similar I guess to the third world sweat shops.

Amen! - sm

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How easy it would be just to post that Norma Rae was a movie and move on to answering the OP's questions. Instead, the lynch mob surrounded someone who made a mistake...

No one shows compassion anymore... One day, the shoe will be on their foot, and they won't like the responses given to them for a mistake!
OMG!! No one was belittling anyone! Lighten up! - anon
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Nobody insulted anyone here and has nothing to do with compassion or anything of the sort!
BOTTOM LINE: History repeats itself.

These are the arguments men 20 years older will have with their YOUNGINS!!!

And the original posting of the journalist, yes, was not addressed! Where or where do we even begin, and will she even understand to put it in an article that will be taken out of context...just as it has done here! Don't rent the movie! If you are young, as was suggested, be happy that you have time to pursue a different career! Your youth and innocence was refreshing. Sorry we could not keep this career for you as reputable as it once was. Although I do believe we all did fight, or tried to, to perserve our jobs, just as Norma Rae did...I lost.

That is what is bad with email communication - anon

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This is what is bad with communication when not in a meeting room and face-to-face!!

Norma Rae was every workers icon for worker's rights and Kathy Lee was belittled for what I believe is going on now with our MT jobs today..sweat shops. Even if you don't watch movies, it is how history is repeating itself here. The journalist's questions to the differences between services and in-house employees opened up Pandora's box! (Another reference...to which we are ALL youngins!! No? And I don't believe there was a movie) The journalist was wanting a story, and we all have a lot to expose and want to better for this career, but then feel we do not want to lose our jobs by telling the truth or being sued. Solidarity also was a worker's union of worker's rights in Poland. The AAMT organized to represent MTs and I thought was supposed to be the reason why they had meetings, rules, testings and dues for your CMT certifications...where are they now?
Maybe we need a journalist from The Wall Street Journal or maybe the AMA, where is Joint Commission? In-house they were the rule makers.

Norma Rae vs Harry Carey - anon

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Is this the same?: Had a transcriptionist transcribe that the patient tried to commit "hari kari" in which they put...the patient tried to commit Harry Carey!

Guess he knew the announcer but not the suicidal gesture.

Another for Gynecological: Parous.
The MT always put Paris. And Paris Hilton was not even born!
Just to lighten things up!

Reporter's Credentials - JN

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The Journalist is Legitimate, Easy to Look Up - RadMom

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"SEWhidbey" provided all the information necessary to verify that she is who she claims to be. She provided her name, Sue Ellen White. I googled this name and found that she is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists. She also provided the name of the paper she was writing for, the Whidbey Examiner, which is the local newspaper for Whidbey Island, located midway between Seattle and the Canadian border. Ms. White was writing a piece about transcriptionist outsourcing at Whidbey General Hospital, and another google search confirmed that she has attended hospital board meetings as a representative of the Whidbey Examiner. I believe she is who she represented herself to be.

Newspaper story - sewhidbey

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My story on the outsourcing of 10 MT jobs at Whidbey General Hospital has run in the Whidbey Examiner and is posted online at:http://www.whidbeyexaminer.com/main.asp?SectionID=1&SubSectionID=1&ArticleID=6626.
Thank you to those of you who responded to my query for information and interviews.
I told several of those I corresponded with that I would post the story idea to a listserve of Investigative Reporters and Editors.
After covering the local public hospital district and health care beat for three years, I am leaving to focus on a book project.
Thank you,
Sue Ellen White

"Where is AAMT"? Umm, they caused a lot of - the troubles we have today. (NOT a union, either!)

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