A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

The Articles in e-Perspectives (HPI) Are Worth Reading - MT

Posted: Jun 25, 2010

I was so impressed with the quality of articles in e-Perspectives. Somehow it arrived in my e-mail and I guess it has always been available online. When I read anything written for MTs I usually get the impression they are talking at us not to us or with us. This issue of e-Perspectives was finally reading worth my time.

Thank you for the info--I remember this magazine (sm) - starzzz

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from way back in the day...I checked it out online and it's just as great as I remember. Many old issues are available, too. Glad the weekend is here because I can't wait to read them. The article about the transcriptionist who used 'sic' in a doctor's report was hilarious. I really agree that verbatim is not going to work in our field of work. Anyway....thanks again for posting this!

I loved the story of the MT who put 'sic' and laughed so hard at the doctor's reactio - LOL

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Ditto!! I love being an 'error capture specialist'. - n/m

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It has been so long since I've read anything about MT that was worth reading - Experienced MT

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I actually learned a few things from a couple of those articles. It has been years since I've read anything worth reading about our industry. Most of the time it all has an agenda, usually someone selling something that I'm not buying. These were refreshingly informative.

Miss those magazines - I used to get

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I still think of some of the articles I remember reading in JAAMT, and I liked Perspectives too. Do you remember from JAAMT, Diane Guyer who wrote "Tales from the Script?" I found her hysterically funny. You can't beat Dirckx and Lederer for learning something new about English language. Thanks for bringing this up.

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