A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

what we are worth - incognito

Posted: Mar 08, 2012

I invite any person of management in any MTSO to sit at their computer for an entire shift and see what we go through day after day and see if they feel they are being paid a proper, living wage.  There are way too many factors that eat into the paltry wage we start out with, and it's high time this was recognized as an occupational hazard and we are duly compensated.  It's only going to get worse, not better, if something isn't done. 

Of course, I realize nobody really cares, but there is always hope that one person in authority who still answers to their conscience can read this and perhaps make a change in their organization. 

I truly wish there was a way to organize all MTs so that we could act in unison and fight for better working conditions:  Proper platforms, the best audio, ESLs trained by professionals on how to dictate, universal formatting, and of course a decent wage.  This would be in the best interest of eveyone concerned.  If there are nitpicky doctors, an in-house staff could be hired to pull and tweak those reports. 

We truly are not being paid for the amount of work we do and all the indiosyncracies that factor into our work. 

I know -- don't say it -- deaf ears. 



Agree completely - FLAmt

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The MTSOs have us by the âhoo hooâ and they know it. I truly wish there was something we could do about it, but short of refusing to work for the âpaltry wageâ they offer, I do not know what that would be. Although, we could all call in sick on the same day and create a little chaos for the MTSO. Can you imagine how far behind they would be in just one day. The only problem there is getting the message out and then everyone complying. Oh well, just a thought.

are you trying to chase our work overseas? That's what would happen. - BurntOut

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We are giving them reasons to eliminate us, and I see that more and more every day. I love my job and make a good living. Not all MTs are miserable, just a big percentage of those here!

Disagree - what?

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I don't know any MTs that are happy anymore. I have been doing this for 23 years and my wages have been cut in half. 40% of all transcription will never offshore because the hospitals won't allow it. I am getting out of the miserable wretched industry before I hit the bottom. I have a bachelor's degree and I don't need to settle for this.

Management post. We can see right through it. - Duh! Our work has ALREADY gone offshore!

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No, not all are but - ourselves.

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everyone I know is and I have been in the field for 40 plus years. While it is not EVERONE, it is more or less the consensus. And, we are not the ones driving the work OS. I dont think you really understand the economics of the situation or you would realize we are not eliminating

To FLAmt - Anonymous

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No employer tolerates employees not showing up to work, they are generally terminated or severely disciplined. I'm not sure what makes you so special that you think your employer can't live without you. There are hundreds waiting to take your place, not to mention those overseas. I wouldn't suggest refusing to show up for work until you have something else lined up.

Agree with you - but

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I think you are giving too much credit to those in authority. They have no conscience, either in the MT world or elsewhere.

I agree with you too, but just out of curiosity, - see message

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Who is to say what is a fair wage? Certainly not what is being paid at the moment, but what do any of you consider fair compensation for what you do?

fair wage - incognito

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Flat 10 cents a line for voice and straight. (We shouldn't be penalized for technological advances.)

12 cents for known repetitive offenders who refuse to learn how to dictate (ESL or otherwise).

I can dream, can't I?

Dream wages - anon

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Thanks for the dreams. What wages we are now getting is a nightmare!!

How about the dictator PAY for the blanks!?? Maybe then things will be more audible. How about every correction we make on the voice, we get extra? How about fatigue and our ill health being compensated for because we sit and get no exercise? Just how about any changes from the English grammar rules be compensated...any extra keystrokes. How about we get just the pay we are entitled to because it is Typed in America! Look at the newspapers rulings...pay for an orbituary by the line!!! The line is probably a 20 character line and surely not 60/65!!! 800 dollars for an orbituary for the Tribune!!! Better yet, maybe the Tribuine should buy out all the services and be our boss!!!

I agree with you - wheres_my_job

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You know, you could work your shift and not be in AGONY about getting lines in, about how low your paycheck might dip this pay period, etc.

well let's see - anon

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In 2008, lost house to foreclosure and filed bankruptcy. moved to 2-bedroom apartment for 1 year, then moved to cheaper 2-bedroom apartment for 2 years, now in 1-bedroom apartment. so a fair wage would be one that I can have the SMALLEST APARTMENT ON EARTH, pay the accompanying internet, electric, and water bills, plus car insurance on my 14-year-old car and renter's insurance, and maybe, just MAYBE, put a tiny bit of money away for an emergency. now if THAT's too much to ask for, then next step is homeless shelter. can't downsize anymore. plus it's time to renew my lease and rent going up $45. great, where the fire am I supposed to come up with that.

Sounds like the name of a CD - wheres_my_job

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I think it's PITIFUL that grown women, smart, hardworking, flexible, self-motivated - all we're supposed to want for ourselves is:


That's ALL we can even HOPE FOR in this economy. I'm out of MT'ing - just got another job lead yesterday from a friend. Out. Done. Fini. If it comes down to a cardboard box, it will be on the lawn of the state capital. Go on, you #*$)#, pepper spray a woman in her 50s, victim of wage theft for YEARS.
could make a whole CD! - anon
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it would be terribly funny if it weren't true! I'm just one disaster away from being homeless! good luck to you in job endeavors. I'm sticking with the one I have until I can make better elsewhere, and NOT in transcription. I used to say I was living on a shoestring. It's turned into a spiderweb...

Sad how we have lost everything at this profession. - anon

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losing everything and hope where? We are all angry and think the Republicans, or any official for that matter, is going to help. The inhuman debates of lies going on by these men who are making 45 million a year are wanting votes to give them another lucerative paycheck. Are any one of those saying they will look into changing that which is going on in this profession? Not. The technology put is at 4 cents a line, but put the doctors cranking out faster and for MORE money for them. They demand the top of the line equipment and get it, but also don't have to pay for it, nor take a pay cut, nor even pay for the internet! Maybe we can contact some reality TV that will show exactly what abuse this profession has taken....What would we call it? Biggest Looser MTs or America's Most Underpaid? How about The 4Cent MTs...and transcribing from a cardboard box or a padded cell.
I like "America's Most Underpaid"! (Seriously, I - think it would be an interesting show!)
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Fair wage - Just me

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I think a fair wage needs to take into consideration all of the factors that affect our productivity and not be just based on cpl. We have to deal with a lot of things that we just are not compensated for, and that, to me, is not a "fair wage." We can't control a lot of factors that affect productivity, but our compensation is based solely on that. Factors out of our control that affect productivity include things like dictators who dictate for several minutes and then realize the report already done and then request for you to delete it (which we get paid nothing for), dictators who forget to hang up the phone when they are done dictating so you get a 30-minute report that only has 5 minutes of dictation but you are required to listen to the entire report in case something is dictated again, dictators who put you on hold, dictators who dictate reports on 10+ patients in 1 dictation so you spend lots of time trying to find these patients when no MRN numbers or other helpful info is dictated, dictators who repeat themselves after every word or so, dictators who spell out every medication/medical term, dictators who cannot pronounce medical terminology/medications to save their life so you have to look through past reports to try to figure out what they might be talking about, bad audio quality, etc.

I think a "fair wage" would be based more on an hourly rate with a production and/or quality bonus on top of that. We shouldn't lose money because of poor dictator habits, and the money that we are making on the "good" reports (if we even get them and they don't get sent to India) doesn't make up for all of the "bad" reports that we are required to do.

What is a fair wage? - Disgruntled2

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A fair wage would NOT be $100 after working a 12 hour shift trying to discern a bunch of foreign speakers fumble their way through trying to pronounce VAGINA.

Hourly rate would help - anotherdreamer

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I would be THRILLED if I could make $100 a day each and every workday! Since VR took over I have been cut from an average of $85-$90 per day to something more like $40-50, on a very very good day maybe $60. I agree with the poster who thinks we should be paid an hourly rate PLUS the measly production amount now so popular. There are too many variables (as she describes) that make a low production rate just a big fat joke (on us!).
Yeah, I would even settle for $5 an hour plus - production pay, seems small but
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with production pay on top of that it would add up by the end of the pay-period.

AHDI - Its disgusting

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formerly AAMT should have been the organization that looked after us. They didn't. They made themselves bigger and sold us down the river in the process. We have no advocate and never really have.

AHDI - No denying that truth!!!!! - no message

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What started out as the sorority sisters morphed into a corporate sellout.

Decent job/decent wages--not today. - anon

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Has not happened in 40 years so far...just got worse. Thought the outcome of Michael Jackson's trial would shed some light being that his own highly paid PCP did not even take notes!!!! Convicted him of...what...the governor of Illinois got more behind bars for his crime and that was not murder. Now, Oprah wants to send her first graduating class there from Africa over to the American colleges so they can become doctors!!! Don't think they know English either!! Thanks for more problems with our MT jobs, Oprah!!! Maybe an MT can be a guest on her show and maybe she will intervene...ya think? Everyone listens to Oprah!

Agree - Disgruntled2

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I was just thinking this, from the doctor who snorts his snot and wads up paper while dictating and yawning at the same time who complains you aren't trying hard enough to hear him to the team lead whose cheerleading is so repulsive after listening to Ms. India dictate with Hubba Bubba wads of gum in her mouth while she is mumbling monotone dictations, I am sick of it. Yes, I am tired of it and yes, I am looking for a more respected career.

love this thread - my thoughts

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Love this thread. Just read that Chef Mario Batali has to pay $5.25 million to be split among his wait staff because management was stealing from their tip jar. Of course, there are those that defend him saying he is paying out just to settle the lawsuit. Workers' wages are being stolen, but what is happening to us is particularly egregious, made worse by the fact that we don't defend ourselves. Don't we have any self-love,self-worth, or self-respect?

We can walk out, we can call in sick, not just one day, but two, three days in a row if we need to. I have been suggesting that for years, and everyone scoffs.

I think it is a great idea to penalize the doctors for their own blanks when we cannot understand them. I am still laughing. I have never heard that idea before. Do you remember weighted lines for difficult dictators?

I would suggest a CEO go on Undercover Boss and do our work and get paid our wages (or in his or her case, not get paid, because they would not be able to produce anything), but it would be a set up. They would find the last remaining MT who works one account with the same doctors who manages to make $40,000 a year working a 40 hour week, gets a lunch break, and is willing to throw everyone else under the bus.

The few MTs who have it good, making an hourly wage and getting incentive bonus should be sticking up for us, not badmouthing us for "whining instead of typing." "If you got off this board and did your work you would make some money."

I am sick of jumping through hoops for pennies, but for a variety of reasons, and not for lack of trying, have been unable to find another job. Today I had a good day, though, scheduled one interview for next week, and a potential externship in a new profession. I will know for sure in a few business days.

We have to find our voice individually and collectively. Write, write, write, document, document, document, and the solutions in this thread are doable.

I have never understood why ESLs are allowed to get away with what they get away with. It should be mandated that they learn to speak properly, not just for our sake, but for the sake of their patients and nurses.

When have you ever heard of a professional reducing their rates because they bought new software or a new piece of equipment? The cost is passed on to the consumer. In our case, we are expected to take a pay cut when we have to learn new software, listen to new voices, learn new accounts, and after we have trained a computer to take over our jobs. I am not a medical editor; I am supervising a computer.

We are letting the MTSOs steal our pay and what is left of our dignity.

I had an interview with a recruiter whose husband has been out of work for years, she's trying to push the job on me, balked when I asked (oh yes I did) about breaks and lunch. Honestly, I just lost my mind for a minute during the conversation. If she thinks the job is so wonderful why hasn't she recruited her husband to do it? He could have taken classes and started doing MT in the years he has been out of work.

I know I cannot beat the house and certainly cannot do it alone. This has turned into a job where we are being set up to fail, and we are letting them get away with it.

I agree. Also, fair wages won't be handed to us, - we"re going to have to FIGHT for them. nm

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"Organizing" MTs - LOL

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Seriously, I shouldn't be laughing because it is NOT funny!

Over the years I have tried SEVERAL times to organize MTs. Not ONE soul was brave enough to do ANYTHING but sit around and complain! And I'm talking over 2 decades at SEVERAL different facilities (all hospitals and in different parts of the country as I have moved around a bit).

It's not just my experience, either. SEVERAL others have posted similar experiences here. As one poster put it, "Herding cats is easier than organizing MTs."

Evidently, the trait of "working independently" translates into some type of "every MT for herself" attitude, EXTREME job insecurity/paranoia, and a FOLLOWER mentality. By and large MTs are FOLLOWERS, not LEADERS. In each instance, all it took was for ONE MT to decline participating in taking action, and the rest followed suit.

MTs are spineless creatures who just don't possess the kind of spunk required to get the drastic changes made that you are espousing.

Thank you for a thoughtful post.

Organizing MTs - anon

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It is my belief that a union for MTs would be a good idea so long as the union representation did what was fair for the MT but also fair for the industry.

This is long so fair warning...

Imagine yourself an union employee of a large company. You work 7-hour shifts, get 2 paid 15-minute breaks, a 30-minute lunch all paid on salary. In addition to this, you make bonus $$$ based on sales. Depending on a points system for sales, you acquire points. With these points you can go shopping on a website w/all top, name-brand items. You pay NOTHING for medical/dental/vision insurance (families included), 401K, pension plans, have paid vacation-time, sick-time. All of this and the requirements are simple: Show up to work, be on time, and do your job.

However, these members are fighting tooth and nail against what we have all been doing for so long, having members pay a small portion for their benefits.

Their members have so much and yet still they complain/fight against paying a fraction of the cost for insurance.

I would hope if/when we organize, that these issues be taken into consideration. Thanks for listening.

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