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working for AllType has received their paycheck for the pay period ending August 15th? - MT

Posted: Sep 01, 2010

Hi.  Just wondering if anyone currently working for AllType has received their paycheck for the pay period ending August 15th?  I am still waiting on this and am worried it has been lost in the mail or something.  I'm assuming it would have been mailed on August 25th.  Is this correct?  Thanks for any help.  I'm worried, and I have a ton of bills to pay and a family.

Did you contact All Type? - nm

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I have e-mailed several depts. - MT

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and called, and I'm waiting to hear back. When I called they said to e-mail payroll, so I did, and now I'm just waiting. Hopefully I will hear back soon because I'm counting on my paycheck. I think a lot of companies don't realize we need our checks like anyone who is working and has a family to support. I don't know if they think that most people just do transcription as an extra job now or what. After the hell I have been through this year with different transcription companies and having many years of experience as a medical transcriptionist, I almost think I should get a different job and keep this as something extra on the side. It is so hard to find a good company now.

Direct Deposit - All Type MT

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My check is direct deposit and I did get paid. I guess I would like to hope it was lost in the mail and they will issue you a new one. I want to believe they are a good company. I hope they get back to you soon. Good luck!
AllType ICs do not get direct deposit, unless you want to have - company deduct 2.00 per check for it. nm
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Does AllType still require ICs to work an hourly schedule? - nm
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yes - evenme
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The biggest problem I have with them is they treat all ICs as employees with scheduled work hours, etc. Even sent out an email the other day about it.

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