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Question for ASR Users - ASR User

Posted: Sep 27, 2012

I'm curious.  What is your ASR editing style?  1) Just read and fix, without listening, but listen to certain parts if question. 2) Read against voice everytime and fix, then send. 3) Read against voice everytime and fix, then read against voice again, then send. 4) Read against voice, fix, then just read without a second listen. 5) Other. Explain.

I'm tired of ASR, and just curious how others are doing it!


Never just read and fix...sm - Old Anon

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Always listen as you read along, fix on the fly as you go. If there are pauses, you can do little fixes here and there until the voice starts up again. If I have left blanks, I slow the voice down and listen to those blanks and can usually get them on a second listen. I do a quick scan, and depending on the document, listen here and there in parts that were confusing just to see if I have gotten it. I do a quick scan of the document and the demographics to make sure all is correct and then send. Of course, all this is done with as much speed as I can manage. Many documents I do don't have blanks or confusing parts, so I just do the quick scan for content and demographics and send the job off. I am averaging around 300 lph consistently, but I have had the same 2 accounts for months.

Similar to Old Anon - MT

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I listen as I read along and edit errors as they come. If there are pauses, I jump ahead and fix things I can see quickly such as headings. If I left blanks, I go back and re-listen to try to figure them out. I do a quick scan at the end.

Some things: Obviously, bad speech recognition and doctors who backtrack and mumble are terrible. But another money-losing category are dictators who speak in run-on sentences and use a lot of "little" words such as "the, of, and, for", that SR never gets consistently correct. Though they speak very clearly, when fixing every other word in a 20-word sentence, it's really difficult (a) to make money (b) to work quickly without making a minute error that still counts against you. Note to MTSO's: VR was not designed to be "graded" for trivial errors.

Also, I worked for a long time averaging 500-600 lph (no nitpicky QA, demographics imported, one account in one state, GREAT program - ExText) to now 250-300 lph (company I really like, but UGH M-Modal-based program which is so not MT-friendly, accounts in 5-6 different states, demographics have to be manually entered, myriad of account specs, etc.). HUGE difference.

I Have to Listen and Read a Second Time - ASR user

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I tend to miss too much stuff on the first read and listen, so I read and listen a second time. Horrible line count, but then, too many errors otherwise and the client gets mad, and then this and that. I never have critical errors, but a lot of little errors if I don't do my plan, then of course, the potential performance management threat.

The dictators who back up over themselves are THE WORST and take the longest to edit.

ASR style - stepped out

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I used to listen and edit as I went, speeding up as much as I could to where I still gave a quality report. As I would listen and edit the report and came upon a term I didn't understand or inaudible voice I would immediately put a blank. I then went through all blanks and relistened to blanks only. I then skim read through my report a second time paying close attention to client specifications, headers, dictator, patient name, sound-a-likes, etc. and then sent to client.

Listen and fix as you go using shortcut keys. - no msg.

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Speech Wreck - Kristi

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Speech Wreck has caused my pay to be cut in 1/3. It is a sad situation. I have looked on mtdaily.com for another job but seems everyone is going to this debacle now. I wish I could give you some pointers but it is nothing but a joke. If you get any good tips, please let me know!

ASR - anon

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This is how I was taught by the trainers when I first started ASR and I am still using this method. We get several reports audited per week and I maintain 99% so for me it works!

First before you start, scan the report for obvious things you can correct, mainly formatting according to account specs (numbering items that need to be in a list, etc) You can fix headings/subheadings also.

Then I do as most of the other people above replied, listen and audit on the fly. I have multiple editing keys set up so that I don't need to remove my keys from the home keys. I have shorts to add a period and capitalize the next word, delete the period and change the capitalization of the next work, add a comma, etc. I also did as the trainer recommended and learned to follow along with the highlighter. They insisted the following method would help increase my speed and I kept working at it and finally I have trained myself and it does (but it took some getting used to): Don't use the foot pedal, start the audio and make your edits while the audio is playing ahead, then use you keyboard command to reconnect the audio to where your cursor is and continue. This truly drove me crazy at first, but I had several friends who swore that once they got used to it their speed increased. I made a short (named it jj, easy to hit) that joined the audio with the cursor (much easier than their 2 step command to do this that involved using the ctrl and shift keys).

I scan the document quickly when I am done and send it on. If I wasn't sure of something or needed to look up and verify a term, I did as the other posters said and left a blank and re-listen at this point. I can get up to 600 sometimes with good ASR, but of course I also get the garbage that really drags my average down. I still average 300+ LPH, but it took me over a year of adding editing shorts to my Instant Text for things that I had to correct all of the time before I reached this. Other examples to add to your expander: Hyphens for a string of phone numbers, hyphens for para 1001 for example, I have shorts to delete 1 word, 2 words, 3 words, 4 words, with keys where I keep my hands on the home keys. I have a short that takes everything to the left of my cursor and makes it a header or a subheader.

It takes a while to come up with all of these, I just paid attention to what was slowing me down in editing and gradually added a few things to my expander at a time. It IS really frustrating at first, give it time, and good luck!

very helpful. - thank you (nm)

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ASR - anon - New ASR MT

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This is very good - is there a book to buy with this info? I have just been hired at a company that does mostly ASR and I would really love to know about all the shorts. Thanks!

I just learned the shorts from trial and error - anon

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My old company had an e-mail group for shorthand and we shared our editing tips and helps as well as general info, and I picked up a lot there. With both SH and with IT, you can use a command to record all of your keystrokes to make a short if you aren't comfortable making it using their commands. Anything that you do that takes several steps I try to make into an expander entry. I keep a notebook and jot down my commands so I remember them until I have them memorized. One of my most used editing shorts is the one I mentioned, taking everything to the left of the cursor to make a header or subheader. Your commands will vary depending on what platform you use. Our company uses M*Modal, and often VR does not have the headers/subheaders inserted correctly, and I constantly use that command.

When my company converted to VR we had quite a few training options offered. I took the basic as well as advanced classes offered and used a lot of the info, but some didn't work for me. A lot of companies don't offer this anymore so I was lucky. If you have a way of communicating with others working on your platform, share ideas and shorts because a lot of it will be specific to your platform, my shorts may not be helpful to you on a different platform. This is an example of that command in Instant Text to give you an idea: {command}{Shift Home}{Ctrl N}{Enter}(but again this only works for my platform)

Sorry I can't help more, I have several friends who also use IT at my job and we share our shorts and it helps.

VR is still a joke overall IMO, but at least if you network and do some of these commands, you can come close to what our pay used to be! I consistently had a straight typing speed of 200-250 so it is really difficult to get 400-500 to come out even with VR!
ASR - anon - New ASR MT
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Thank you for your help anon :) I will just have to wait until my start day and see what kind of training the company offers and learn as I go. Again, thank you!

4cpl or less - guides you on the answer

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to your question.

Rarely listen a 2nd time and/or reread. Do a quality job the first run through, leave the blanks and send the job.

You and you alone must send the message you want heard regarding pay for MTs.

Provide only the effort you are paid for and thereby do something to cease our race to the bottom.

Don't go above and beyond when not rewarded for going above and beyond.

Use your blanks to their full extent until the message is heard that we are not slaves and require wages that can be lived on. This is not an unreasonable demand given the MTSOs are literally making millions upon millions upon millions.

Another 2 cents for you!

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