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Low Wage for Inhouse Transcriptionist - Libby

Posted: Jun 30, 2011


I interviewed today for a psychology practice that is offering $8.50/hour for a receptionist/transcriptionist position (for 3 psychologists).  I thought, well, perhaps there is not much transcription involved, but was told that would be the majority of the workday.  I feel this would be interesting work, I need the benefits provided, and all the doctors are English as first language speakers (a bonus!).   I was told all of the doctors are very caring people and wonderful to work for.  This is in a moderate-sized city in Georgia. 

My first impression is they have no appreciation of what it takes to do transcription--this is not so bad for a receptionist position around here, but really!  I need a full-time job badly, but that's just insulting!   Am I being unreasonable?  TIA--

Gosh, that's low for either of those positions BUT... - Hayseed

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If full benefits are provided, I would approach them about how they feel about a wage increase after a 3-month "probation period" or something to that effect.

I know nothing about that area of the country and how that wage might be comparable in your state. Where I'm from, this seems to be about the going starting salary for a medical receptionist with experience and it's downright sickening, as about 100 miles "down the road" the same job commands a minimum of $12/hour.

1500 lines at 4cents full time is $7.50? no? - anon

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The hospital I worked for 4 years ago was giving 15 dollars entry level as a newbie. Three years ago offered 14.50 at an orthopaedic clinic, just doing 1 specialty for just maybe 5 doctors. The clerk at the hospital was given 9.00 to start at entry level 4 years ago and did not even have to know medical terminology. We really have to type and think that we are doing it because we care and not in it for the money.

Psychology? Or psychiatry? - marcyb

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Keep in mind that if this truly is a psychology practice (and not a psychiatry one), the rates they charge clients are no where near what psychiatrists are charging and thus you can't really compare wages to wages in a medical doctor's office. I know a few clinical psychologists in private practice and none are getting rich, believe you me. Just something to consider as you think about whether the per-hour rate is reasonable.

Yes, they are psychologists... - Libby

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The practice has one psychiatrist, but the doctors I'd be working for directly are all psychologists. I noticed on their online new patient paperwork that they charge $180/hour. I think that's a lot! I appreciate your reply.

You know, when I started out 11 years ago I made $9.00/hr and more recently made $13.00/hr for a secretary/transcriptionist position in Alabama, which is my home state (right on the line with Georgia) and another poor Southern state. I truly am not sure if I can live on this wage.

As a person who types for only one psychologist - mt

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I can tell you that wage is way too low. I make production pay and walk away with about $17-20/hour. I also worked in-house for her for a second as a receptionist while she was looking for new one. I was still typing at home for her and doing reception during the day. She paid me $15/hour for reception duties plus my production rate for typing. $8.50 is insulting. I could make more than that in fast food, and I live in Indiana, where the cost of living is pretty low.

Libby, I just quick-looked up average clerical in Georgia, - a lower-pay state, after all, and

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average pay for more experienced workers is a base income of around $30K.

Another quick look turns up a small-town poverty level in Georgia of $16,400 for a 1-person household, $21,400 for 2-person, and $31K+ for 4-person.

$8.50 x 2000 hours is $17,000.

It may be that practice is unaware of these figures, but they could also just be perfectly willing to help increase the growth of poverty in this country if it means more profits for them.

Low wage - elle316

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No, you are not being unreasonable. Minimum should be $12 an hour.

However, when you add in benefits (if they are really good) it might be worth it. Depends on how bad you need a job and what else is out there.

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