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Is it worth it to send out letters looking for more work? Where to look-big clinics or small clinics - MT20

Posted: Nov 07, 2012

Or is it even feasable right now to look for new clients? Any advice appreciated. Also, what's with this site?? Every time I try to post a message, I have to put in my info several times.

NO! - Dina

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To answer your question, you NEVER want to do ANYTHING that might bring business your way, so by you not sending out letters, you will absolutely guarantee yourself no business via that avenue. I suggest you just sit back - do nothing - pop open a box of bon-bons - and wait ... keeping your fingers crossed that business comes knocking on your door!

Actually that does work.. - me

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I am avoiding new business, yet I get calls from physicians and new clients despite the fact. I even have an unlisted number now, but somebody seems to be passing out the number for dictating or my email address... seriously.

Build your own website. It attracts more business than sending out letters. You will also have more luck speaking to the doctors in person than mailing.

Well-send them my way ): I do have a website - MT20

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but how to make meta tags and all that to lead them there is way beyone me so I thought if I send letters I could put my website address on them. I live in a rural area so mailing is a better option for me it seems. Thanks.

That's a great suggestion - Dina

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... and a suggestion that I think the original poster should follow; i.e., sit back, do nothing, and wait for the phone to ring with referrals. In between the waiting, she can build a web site and once finished, wait for the phone to ring with new business. So the key words here are WAIT AND HOPE FOR THE BEST! (I'm really trying not to laugh!)

ha ha you're so funny. Actually I'm thinking with all the voice recognition and point-and- - MT20

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Above post was to Dina - MT20

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It is posted correctly but you trailed off there a tad. - passer by NM
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Right! - Dina

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With all the point-and-click and VR, there is NO MORE BUSINESS LEFT in our country. It has ALL dried up. There are no doctors or hospitals who dictate any longer, and there are no companies left who have the need to dictate. Business is gone. All gone. There's nothing left to do but wring our hands and moan and groan on this board.

Now the above is a farce, but I have to tell you it's been a long time since I've been on a board that is full of so much doom and gloom. It if weren't so tragic in that some people actually believe the doom/gloom, it would be hilarious.

I'm going to say no more. Either you take the bull by the horns and do what you have to do or sit back, pop open a box of bon-bons and wait for something to happen....

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