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What type of information do you put in your cover letters? (sm) - anon

Posted: Feb 11, 2011

I generally introduce myself with my name, state how long I have been a MT and just a very short overview of my experience, as well as position I am seeking, IC, for instance.  My cover letter is only 5 lines.  Is this the norm for everyone else?  When I first typed my cover letter I did some research and it stated to make the letter as short as possible and to highlight your "strong" points. 

Just curious ... thanks for any opinions, advice, etc.

I put, "Please hire me. Please, please hire me." - nm

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I think what you are already doing is great! (nm) - (nm)

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Try to put yourself in their shoes, what would you want to know? - Daisy

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Keeping it short and sweet is a good thing, they get lots of replies. They want to know how long you've been an MT of course so that would be first.

But any other info that tells what kind of worker you are would be good too. What is your best quality? Are you the type to put in extra lines if they need help? Are you reliable in working your shifts? Are you good with book of style? Have a good memory? Good at sticking to your account specs?

Don't say something that you are not, you want to make sure the job is a good fit for you after all, but telling your best quality might make you stand out about the crowd if it is the quality that they happen to value most!

Your cover letter - just read something interesting - sm

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I used to teach several Voc. Ed. classes and part of my curriculum was how to get a job after you get your training. I always said, your cover letter sells you. Don't make it really long but it can be longer than 5 lines.

Your resume tells them about your skills and experience, so your cover letter needs to sell YOU. An article I just read "How to get a job in these downtimes" said you need to tell them what YOU can do for them. So you could give them things like, I have an excellent attendance record, I developed a method to ......., I implemented an incentive program to save the department money, etc. In other words you want to tell them why they could really benefit from hiring YOU! Leave all the "I have xxx years experience, type....wpm, know 15 different software platforms (they just want you to know or be able to learn theirs). I think you get the picture. Sell, sell, sell yourself and show them why you would be the best person for the position.

Cover letters used to say "I would bring to this position XXX years experience, can type XXX WPM, answer phones with my feet, drink coke and talk on the phone at the same time without spewing it all over my desk, etc. In other words it was all about "Me" and not about what you could do for "Them".

Cover letter - RLee

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When I attended a workshop at the local unemployment office on resumes, etc - the literature they handed out stated the same exact things you mentioned about cover letters. You need to SELL yourself!!!! Explain in short version what you can do for them,as the resume states all your work history.

Actually, what you have is perfect...the rest of this info - mtmomto5

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is info (type of worker you are, your best quality, etc.) you would discuss in your interview, NOT in a cover letter. It should be a short introduction about you. My cover letter is about 4-5 lines too.

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