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Expander recommendations? - nancy

Posted: Jun 30, 2013

I'm looking for just a basic expander program that works similar to Word auto correct. 

I've found two that seem to work very much like the one I'm used to, and similar to auto correct.  One is FastFox by NCH (affordable) and the other is Speed Type (expensive, but may be worth it??). 

Does anyone use either of these?   Suggestions appreciated.



speed type is awesome and worth the money over and over again - mtr

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Speed Type - nancy

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I appreciate you letting me know.

I had requested a trial earlier today but haven't heard back - probably closed on Sunday. I did a trial of the FastFox and it's not even worth the $30.00 price tag.

Do the expansions pop out quickly?

I'm desperate. Right now I'm entering expansions into auto correct like crazy because my very old ShortCut program finally gave up and crashed earlier today -- and I'm starting a new job tomorrow!

call the number on the website ask for betsy - mtr

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she will help you out immediately -- i have used speedtype for 10 years and it is great

ShortCut Program crashing - anon

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Hi Nancy, I noticed you mentioned that you ShortCut program had "crashed." What exactly happened? Reason I am asking is that I have used ShortCut for probably 20 years or so, and had never had a problem with it and I even have it loaded on my Windows 7 computer. When I had to load into Windows 7, I had some problems, but I ended up contacting Superior Global (they are the ones who originally developed the program), and the tech walked me through the steps to correctly install it. I also have it saved to a flash drive so that I don't run into problems again. I would call Sylvan (who now I believe handles ShortCut) and see what they say. You might be able to get it restored without having to shell out aditional money.

yes the expansions come up immediately betsy - mtr

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can help you adjust your settings to maximize this
i type 350 lph and up using speedtype

yes it is wonderful and expansions are very quick - mtr

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i do 350 to 400 lph with ST

Second SpeedType, which is the same as Shorthand. - NOT expensive, except to the destitute. nm

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Speedtype - MT

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Betsy is great at Speedtype. I have been using this program for about two years now and I use the autotext on word as well and they both work great. I like Speedtype because you input your own abbreviations and use what YOU remember for your shortcuts. Also, yes, it is fast and Betsy will tell you what to set your stuff at so as to speed it up. I highly recommend it! As far as it being expensive...yes, it is the first time, but after that, if you have to buy a new computer or even a second computer, the replacement and/or second licenses are minimal. Plus, you will make that money back in absolutely no time with how wonderful the expander program works. I typed for ten years without an expander program and I don't know how I did it. What a waste of time! I cannot type without it now. I find myself typing my abbreviations if I don't have it turned on!

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