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Have you ever looked up your TSM on Google or Facebook? - anon

Posted: Oct 22, 2013

I was curious what she looked like so I looked her up.  She looks *exactly* like she sounds.  Have you ever looked yours up? 

no, I'm not that nosy, and have much more important - things to do with my time. nm

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I guess we all can't be as highly evolved as you are... - anon

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After working with the same TSM for over 10 years, I at least ADMIT to being a tiny bit curious about what she looks like.

But you know what, I wanna be just like you when I grow up and be way too busy to be curious.

TSM - whodat

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I have googled mine and looked on Facebook ~ and yes, I have a life!
I have - Mt
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I have googled some doctors to see what they look like.
HA! I've done that too ... - anon
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The ones with the nicest voices almost always turn out to be the biggest disappointments visually, haha. BUT, the strange effect of looking up the mumblers, speed talkers, etc is that there is an actual "face" to go along with the voice and I find I have a little more compassion when I do their reports now.
Yes - Me too exactly! - Finding their face makes them more human.
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With a bad dictator, if I can put the name to a face, when I get their stuff in the future, I just go "Oh, you, Dr. Mumbles, you silly socks!"

I love that someone else does the same thing! :D

Sometimes I find local news stories about the particular doctor, and that makes them even more interesting to me. But knowing what they look like is the best.
Doctor's pictures - NY MT
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Totally agree with matching a face with a voice with the dictators. I will look them up on their hospital website and see what they look like.
Me too! - curiousMT
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I look up doc pics on hospital sites ever since I had one we could not determine if male or female and had a generic name. Kind of like "Pat" on SNL. :) Anyway had my supervisor guess man or woman and she got it wrong. That was in the day when your supervisors acted like real people with a sense of humor.

Facebook - Hippiechick

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I haven't done that but I will now! Sometimes it helps to see what a person looks like, makes it easier to talk to a person like a person. Great idea!

i am friends with a former TSM that went to Nuance - but havent looked up the 2 since her

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both have common names so i'm not sure I would find the correct ones.

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