A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I'm going to start reporting every single company that is advertising - for ICs ....

Posted: Jan 21, 2010

...if it's obvious they are really looking for employees but want to avoid paying benefits.   Just how much abuse and illegal crap are we supposed to take in this industry. Enough already!!

You must have loads of time on your hands - Not worth my time

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reporting companies - MT

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It's people like you that drive companies to offshoring. Nothing is ever good enough for you so let's push it right into the hands of someone who will work without benefits. I don't think a lot of these MTSO's do it to get away from having to pay benefits and trying to be illegal, they do IC because it is so much easier! They don't have to file paperwork on taxes and hire more people to take care of that for them. It can be one or two people managing ten IC's if all they have to do is cut a check for services rendered and done. No crap to deal with. I wouldn't want to deal with it either! Trying to supply health insurance to ten different employees in ten different states I'm sure is not something that is easily attained, and if they are a small company, vacation and sick pay I'm sure is out of the question. This is an absolute ridiculous complaint and to go above and beyond to report them you are only hurting the MT field even further than it already is.

The point is that these companies want it both ways. - LoriMT

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They want ICs so they don't have to pay for any kind of benefit package, BUT they want to be able to tell the IC when he/she works.

Either they hire an IC and the IC sets their own schedule or they hire and employee, provide benefits, and the company sets the schedule.

It HAS to be one or the other. They cannot legally have it both ways! And they should be reported for trying!

Also, while I'm on my rant. In my opinion, companies wanting to hire ICs should pay the ICs a better line rate than employees since ICs are willing to forgo benefits.

Agree totally!!! - More power to the OP for reporting.

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great idea, encourage them to go out of country for their business. nm - Deb

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Why don't you find another line of work - see message

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If you want a job with benefits, then this is not the line of work for you. Why don't you look for a job that will pay you benefits. If you like MT work then I suggest you work for a hospital or doctor's office where you will get benefits.

I am an IC. I understand that as an IC I don't get benefits. That is my choice to make whether I want to have this type of work or not.

You are not going to accomplish anything by taking on the MT industry, except that companies will decide it's more profitable for them to send their work overseas.

One thing I learned in life is you are never guaranteed anything. If you want something you have to work for it.

If you want benefits, then I suggest another line of work.

Enough already with the incessant whining about not getting benefits. Be proactive and do something about it.

Yes...enough already!!

I think maybe you should have worded it different? - Backwards Typist

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You gave the wrong idea here. If you plan on reporting every company looking for ICs, then thats a problem.

If you are planning on just reporting those companies looking for ICs but must adhere to a strict schedule of hours, lines, etc., then that's okay. More power to you.

MTs, as you can see from the other posts, will take it lying down and forget what the the rest of it. This is one of the reasons why wages go down and why there are thousands of MTs struggling to make a dollar.

I definitely know I will be bashed for this but I started making $.12 a line and am now down to $0.04 because of VR. This is a living???? BTW, I'm not an MTSO or IC. I work for a national. I'm hanging in there because I'm looking into other possibilities before I retire.

This is not the business to get into lately. Those that are willing to take a job for what they are offering lately are not helping. Those that complain they can't get a job because they have no experience are willing to take anything to get that experience necessary. Herein lies one of the problems. Schools brag about how much money they can make working in their PJs. After I "graduated", I had to work in a hospital to get the experience but most of the graduates nowadays only want the work at home job for $40K.

Sorry, didn't mean to vent, but this is how I see it.

I'm going to start reporting every single company that is advertising - for ICs - cmmcd472

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Report to whom? Unless the laws have recently changed, employers are not required by law to pay their employees benefits. A lot of people in the US, not just MTs, are without health insurance because their employers don't offer it and they can't afford it. The employers don't offer it because of the expense, that's how the MT companies can undercut hospitals and clinics. Unless someone else knows for sure, I don't think what they are doing is illegal.

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