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just applied at Oracle - JM

Posted: Jun 07, 2012

 I just applied at Oracle.  I don't understand what they pay per line.  It says they have eScription as one of their platforms.  They want 3500 LPH part-time, 5000 LPH full-time.  Are they still in business or really hiring.  I was able to get onto their site but I seem to find things about them that are old - like comments.  Also, are they a big company?    Thank you. 

They are a great company - dmz

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You set your own hours, just meet your line count and nobody bothers you. One of the best places I've worked since leaving MDI after the Transcend debacle. Pay average for nowadays I guess.

Oracle - Bee

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Yes they are still in business. Not sure if they are hiring. They are not big. Not small. Super nice people. Fair pay. IC only. Would definitely not pass them by if they are hiring.

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