applied to TTS last week - new-hire
Posted: Mar 31, 2014
I applied to TTS last week. Got an email within minutes of submitting the application and objective test asking when was a good time to call me. Got a phone call before I even replied to the email. Had a job offer on the spot. WTF. Felt very rushed into making a surprise given the horrible pay rate (0.0641 text and 0.0326 speech). But I accepted the job for the sole reason that I need a job that will give me benefits for me and the family. I don't even care so much about the crappy pay, I just need the bennies. Ugh. Gonna suck it up and do the best I can and try to hang in there 90 days (and beyond) to get health/dental for the fam. I quit M2 back in January and left their good cheap insurance premiums behind. Family has been without "normal" insurance since then except for an emergency coverage thing for if we break our leg or something, but no coverage for regular doctor/dentist visits.
I did the same thing... - Far away
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but frankly despite my optimism, the pay is absolutely the worst. They nitpick to death on QA, really bad ESL, and I am barely making minimum wage. Good luck. I hope it's better for you.
TTS Insurance - Bear
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Did you ask how much the insurance is? When I worked at TTS, I paid over $700/month for insurance for just my daughter and me.
TTS Insurance - new-hire
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Hi Bear, this is the info I was given for their 3 United HealthCare plans. Biweekly premiums:
Employee only- - $114.00 $194.00 $145.00
Emp & Spouse-- $376.00 $549.00 $441.00
Emp & Children-- $318.00 $469.00 $375.00
Emp & Family-- $615.00 $798.00 $711.00
I have been at TTS - for almost a year
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I am on the eScription team so I know what you mean about the rates, however I like my account and I always have work. They also pay for headers and footers so I know that adds up, I am actually making more than previously when I was straight typing. My rate was higher then but when out of work all of the time who cares how high the rate is? It is nice making money again. Good luck to you.
Thank you! - new-hire
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This is good to hear. I'm going to be on the eScription team too. I hope I'll feel the same way as you do once I learn the account.
I was on eScription as well, also claimed I got 47/50 on the test, but was not shown results - n/m
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Same thing with me - Did not stay with them long
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I wasn't interested in the benefits but just needed a job. Stayed with them for a few weeks, but quit because of being constantly hammered to "be faster" at editing, not using the mouse, etc. They even were going to "watch me work" on the back end to see how fast I was doing the VR. They thought my internet speed was too slow although it was the best I could get here. Couldn't take more than 3 minutes to research anything. Had to completely sign out before leaving the computer. Had to look up each dictator to make sure they had privileges. Had 17 pages of client specs plus each report had specific specs that you had to read before doing the report. Never worked so hard in my life for the crappy 3 cents a line for crappy VR, so quit after a couple weeks. Good luck to you.
I work on eScription and have never had the issues - you speak of with TTS
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Am never told to be faster with VR, never told not to use the mouse (in fact use it exclusively), never told me they would watch, never told me to not spend more than 3 minutes on researching, never, ever told to sign out when leaving the computer (how long were you taking leave when they told you that, a day or 2?), no looking up doctors to see if they have privileges, no reading thru X numbers of specs before a report( that sounds really weird, how would you produce anything if like that?) and I made more than 3 cents for VR. I have worked there for over 4 years now.
Well, good for you - Did not stay long
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Perhaps this is because you have been there for 4 years. This was told to me as a new hire just recently. Perhaps you are on a different account than I was. As far as "leaving the computer", this was for a bathroom break or any other kind of a break. I was told not to leave the computer until I had completely finished a report and then had to sign out completely. Yes, there were specs on each and every report that you had to read before typing the report. This was on a brand new account that they were just starting up and the VR was horrible. It typed out crap that did not even remotely sound like what was said. It was a constant "hurry, hurry" and they did not want me to use the mouse. Don't judge everybody by what you were told 4 years ago. This is NOW.
Maybe you are just not that good for them - to constantly be on your back so to speak
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Seems really odd that they have these really rough rules for the "newbies" as compared to someone hired say 4 years ago. You think they are just unaware that I am using the mouse as watching over your shoulder and know you are? To me sounds like your work is not up to what it should be and thus the constant breathing down your neck. Do you think they are hoping you will leave or have you already?
The eScription platform SHOWS that you are not using the mouse - Already said I did not stay
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Their crappy VR was so bad that I had to delete the whole thing and retype it myself-- but still got only 3 cents a line. It was definitely NOT worth staying for that piddly amount. Glad you enjoy it there because I sure didn't.
We were told, never, ever to delete a report and just - type it over, did you miss that memo
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Like I said, I always use the mouse, never and not once have I had them say diddly about me using a mouse, but then again have never deleted a report and retyped it over. JS.
TTS - me
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Same thing here. I only worked for them a few weeks because it was the worst contract with the worst ESTs I have had experience with. The client was verbatim and anal about it. There was absolutely no way to be sure of what was being dictated, so it was a guessing game for most reports from the start. There was no way to make any money at 0.337 a line at that speed either. What a waste of my time!
good experience - newbutold
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I have had a good experience with them. They did hire quickly. I only work PT for them as I work FT for Nuance but I just need some extra money which is what TTS has been able to provide me. I am on the Escription platform, have a very plentiful account, always needing extra if I can do it, pay is more then what they offered you but not by much. I am certainly not nitpicked on QA. In fact they never bother me at all about it. Of course, I am used to Nuance who that is their life goal is to nitpick you to death. So far it has worked great for me.
to newbutold - new-hire
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Good to hear it's going well for you. Are you IC? I have read that IC pay is slightly higher than employee. Thanks!
I'm an IC on their Dictaphone account. - good experience
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I absolutely LOVE them! I never get picked on. I get help when I need it. I never have run out of work so far. I get paid better than I have in years. Really. Not lying. I have no complaints.
aren't you lucky? LOL - confused
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I applied (sent resume and tested with 47/50 correct). Got an email asking me to clarify things which were perfectly clear in my resume 15+ years acute care experience, 2nd shift preferred, currently with a full time job looking for parttime, computer specs, pedal specs, VR experience... everything matching to what they were requesting, then told I was not what they were looking for???? Curious as to why you shoed in so quickly and they brushed me aside. Perhaps for the better, I guess.
Me too - Long time MT
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I had this same exact experience and also a 47/50. Two emails telling them details of my experience and companies. Told me going with other people. Very strange.
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