Why respond with something stupid? .. :S - brown72807
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There is no need to be rude or snide. It was a question for anyone willing to give a helpful answer. Why even waste your time responding with something so stupid?
Not stupid. I have been an MT for 16+ years and - sm
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they were trying to tell you not to even get in to this racket!
Yea .. it was stupid. Not worth the post. We can agree to disagree. - brown72807
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No disrespect but I asked a simple question. If someone doesn't have positive feedback or help then dont waste the time. I am currently an IC trying to switch over to employee and figure out the best way to go about doing that from other people who have possibly done similar. If you can't say something helpful don't waste my time.
It was not stupid answer... - maybe it was a stupid question
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You wanted to know a good company with benefits and 401K. I dont believe any of the MTSOs are good companies with good benefits, so I gave the best answer I had. Maybe you should "do the work" and apply for employee based jobs that offer benefits and 401K and then if the hire you, great. Let us know if they are good or not. Maybe any answer we give is a waste of time because who knows if you can even pass a test or get hired. Maybe you have a different idea of a good company than I do! By the way, this was not a simple question!
This is going nowhere fast. - brown72807
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If you think Walmart was a legit answer then we really do have different ideas on things.
I've already started applying. Anything is better than what I have so the question was just a general one. If nobody can answer it then fine .. that's okay .. but no answer is better than a snide one IMO.
No worries, brown72807 - Pffftttt
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I suspect a few of the snarky comments today, not just on your legitimate question, are being provided to us courtesy of someone using a different handle than what that poster normally uses.
Disregard it. Ever since that "like" button feature was added, it appears some take a perverse delight in randomly clicking "dislike" on the most benign posts imaginable, and the snarkworthiness of the comments has also increased.
Blow 'em off, as difficult as that may seem. Just pay attention to the credible answers and laugh off the other ones, obviously posted by those who have nothing more productive to do all day than try to make others feel inferior (key word being "try" ;-)).
For one thing, I was not the one who posted what you - sm
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so poetically called a stupid answer. I was NOT rude in telling you they were trying to tell you to get out of this biz while you can. Good gravy!! Chill already!
Not sure where my post went, but I said - sm
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to calm down. They were not trying to be stupid. It was a legit answer in a humorous manner!
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I work for Nuance and I think the benefits are as good as you can find these days. Seems like no companies offer anything really spectacular. The 401K is fairly good - through Fidelity. The incentive plan is very nice. Hope this helps.
Thanks Anon! Appreciate the feedback ... - brown72807
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I have looked at them a bit and submitted a resume this morning. It's hard to know whether a company is good/bad when reading comments on here; sometimes it is hard to differentiate between who is negative in general or who may have really had a bad experience with a particular company.
Nuance - Brownie
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I tend to differ....The insurance is horrid with a huge deductible just to get blood work and forget anything other than an office visit by your PCP being affordable. 65.00 to see a specialist, I believe 250 or 500 deductible for blood work. Insurance here stinks.
Nuance - anon
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I certainly didn't imply that it was that good. I just meant that it seems none of the companies offer anything very good from what I can see.
employee based - luvslasvegas
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I would personally recommend you try and find something employee based at a local hospital. Those positions are very hard to find but well worth it if you can find one. I have yet to see a service that comes anywhere close benefit-wise and some hospitals do have home-based positions. Good luck.
Nuance - VT Prepper
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In my opinion, I don't think any "good" companies even exist. Yes there are those who have wonderful experiences and those who have horrid experiences all at the same company. But a good company that looks out and values it's employees in the transcription world is unheard of these days. There may be some, but they are the exception and not the norm. It's all about the $$$$ for the CEOs and those on top and screw the transcriptionist and the PEANUTS we are paid is evidence enough. AND before some of you MTs write about how wonderful your job is and you make $40,000 or better...don't even go there because you are either being paid by the hour, a paid company spokesperson or a down and out liar!
Nuance insurance/incentive - anon
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IF you only need benefits for yourself, the insurance is reasonable. IF you need to cover children and/or husband, the rates are prohibitive, IMO.
The incentive plan, IF you can get it (rather like an elusive carrot being dangled in front of our nose, and when you get close it is yanked away) IS helpful. BUT it is based on 99% QA and if you don't achieve that, you don't get a bonus for 3 MONTHS!!! I have many friends who had not scored below 99% for years, and suddenly now that this is the policy, they are getting 98.8 or 98.6% reviews.
Having said that, the Escription platform IS one of the best. So you need to balance that info. It works for some, especially if you do not need insurance for anyone but yourself. Good luck in your decision!
If a QA has the initials HBE (home-based employee?), does anyone know if they are offshore? If they are US, why don't they have US in front of their number? These people seem to be the nastiest of the bunch and the most nit-picking. I just failed a post-audit because I missed out the word "the" where it made absolutely no difference to the meaning. They also seem to make the most errors as I got a few critical errors reversed recently and it was the QAs with the initials HBE who were ...
with their job?
I know there are tons of people asking for information on companies all the time on this board, but every company I search on looking for information on here, either the information is a few years old or not the information I'm necessarily interested in. I'd appreciate any input, good or bad, I can get.
I have 18 years experience and have done just about everything except radiology, so the type of account doesn't matter, though I love ortho an ...
Have read lots of negatives. My basic question is about whether there is enough work available and what the benefits are like especially health insurance. Am just really looking for some accurate current info. Thanks. ...
I am currently looking to apply for a new job and wanted some info from current employees how they feel about their job and the Company - Is it worth applying? Is it mostly SR? Is there a good pay scale? ...
I'm seeing more and more job postings for statutory employee status. I'm trying to figure out what an appropriate line rate request equivalent would be since I would be responsible for withholding income taxes. For example if the traditional employee line rate is 8 cpl for transcription what would I need to request for statutory status? The same or more? ...
Can anyone recommend a good small company that will pay a decent line rate, not make me learn a new platform and treat me with respect? Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...
I went to a seminar for At-Home Professions. The training course is about 5 months. I am trying to decide if I finish the courses, will there be employment opportunities?
I need a new headset for my PC. I want want with really good sound -- but want don't want to spend lotsa $$ -- anyone got any suggestions for a good sound quality headset that is affordable.. thx.... ...
Hi, Folks,
So, my company sweetly sent me a dictaphone stethascope-style headset, but it's really uncomfortable for me. Can you recommend a more comfortable, good-sounding headset that you might have found?
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I don't know too much about KVM switches, but I am getting ready to start two new jobs and have two different computers. I thought I might try one.
Today, my foot pedal for my second job came in and low and behold, it is the same one for my first job. Do any of you know if there is a KVM that will switch keyboard, video, monitor, headphones, AND foot pedal, and can you recommend one to me. I'm trying to research, but all this techie jargon makes my head hurt an ...
Can anybody recommend a good chair? I am petite, 5 feet 6 inches but small and need cushioning. I need a chair for an extended day (12-20 hours), preferrably without arms, which seem to get in my way. An affordable one not over $400 if possible and fabric, as it is always hot where I live.
Thanks ...
I need to get a new headset as mine is wearing out. I haven't ever bought a headset before and just used the ones that came with my transcribers as they worked fine on the computer as well. I tried the stethescope type and didn't like them but otherwise would like some thoughts on what might be good ones to try. Thanks! ...
I'm looking for just a basic expander program that works similar to Word auto correct.
I've found two that seem to work very much like the one I'm used to, and similar to auto correct. One is FastFox by NCH (affordable) and the other is Speed Type (expensive, but may be worth it??).
Does anyone use either of these? Suggestions appreciated.
Hubby and step child will be home for the next 9 days making my work environment extremely noising and crazy. I need to get new headphones and wondered what everyone recommended. I can't stand the kind that sit in the ear. Every pair I have every tried makes my ear hurt after about 2 to 3 hours and as I am on a 12-hour schedule I prefer over the ear ones if any uses them. Thanks in advance for all your recommendations. ...
I'm one of many MTs who are considering coding. I want to do acute care coding, or hospital/surgical.
I've spoke with Allied, AAPC, and both sound reasonable for CPC-H certification. Does anyone have any experiences with either or other schools/courses they will share? ...
I have been an MT now for 10 years. My fingers and hands hurt horribly. I went yesterday and had nerve conduction studies done and I do NOT have carpal tunnel. The pain is just in my fingers. The doc says it is arthritis. I use the Microscoft Elite ergo keyboard which the doc believes kept me from getting carpal tunnel but I am looking for a soft touch keyboard and want to keep the split keys like what I have. Can anyone recommend a keyboard? I have tried typematrix and cannot use that. Also Kin ...
Does anyone have any website suggestions for where to find the name of a drug that would be marketed outside of the U.S., specifically Europe? I've tried drugs.com and spelled it as many ways as I could think on google, but am not having any luck. Was wondering if maybe there is a website specific to European meds? Thanks in advance for any help! ...
(I'm sorry--this posted on the main board somehow...which is really strange as I almost never ever visit the main board...but oh well. Here is it again on the correct board.)
I have been a transcriptionist for about 11 years. Was an employee for about 8 of those years and IC for 3 years during that 11-year period. I truly enjoy IC work more than employee status. I just enjoy the flexibility. My life is such that I no longer need to work full time, but I DO nee ...
Am considering a position and have completed the testing process. Seems there are always after-the-fact issues that people wish they would have known to address before jumping on board. Would like to get some ideas beforehand if possible.
Thanks in advance for any insight you can share. ...
My grandkids were playing games on my computer and now I have all kinds of popups and malware. Any recommendations/suggestions would be greatly appreciated in how to get rid of this. ...
I am very interested in narrowing down my current work experience and specializing in one field. I have no idea on what school I should go with for a CMT diploma/certificate. Can anyone guide me or have any great experiences with a school? I am looking for an online school if they are worth paying the money. This field would be fairly new to me so I need a full course of all the necessary and required courses to be marketable to a new company for job placement. Thanks for any suggestio ...
I may be batting into left field ... but can anyone recommend decent companies which have a nice amount of typing as opposed to 95% speech and 5% typing.--- I'm so bored doing speech (good dictators, too) that my forehead is making a permanent crease in my desk. ...
I am currently a coding student, but worked as a transcriptionist for 13+ years. I am getting an associates degree and plan to graduate in the spring next year. What review or exam prep books will help prepare me for the CPC exam? Thanks in advance