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Cut back on hours ...again...time to retire - Patti

Posted: Feb 08, 2010


I have been cut back on my hours at my current job, after being rehired full time 3 months ago (grrrrrrrr!!!!).  The hospital and doctors office I work for currently switched from cassettes to VR, and the workload has dropped dramatically, and with them hiring trauma surgeons only, with no hope of more work, it has hastened me to make a decision to retire from transcription completely after 27 years. 

I started my own travel agency after graduating from travel school 3 years ago, and business has picked up dramatically.  I'm done working full-time MT and part time travel...only to be slapped down...so I'm taking a leap of faith and trusting I'll be able to make a living at travel only. 

I gave my 2 week notice at my hospital job....I'm nervous but so excited.  Please wish me luck. 


Retiring MT - RLee

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I have been an MT for 22 years - and the profession is a disaster. I worked in a neurology office for 17 plus years and they outsourced, could have gone with the outsource company, but seeing as though I had never worked at home before decided to try work at another practice, was unhappy, and now here I am an at home MT. I am glad to hear you at least have something to fall back on - it is always uplifting when you hear someone has a plan B and not just left out to hang and dry. I wish you all the luck !!!!!


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Sounds like a plan - you go girl! May your business be a success and transcription in your rearview window. Can I help????

Good luck! - nm

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Wishing you the best! - momo
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You go girl!!!!!!!

Help - Patti

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Old tired MT:

I will actually need help if the business keeps going at the pace it's currently at...so sure...I'll be looking for an assistant in about 6 months :)


Good Luck. I wish you the best. - Backwards Typist

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You're one of the smart ones. :-)

Question for Patty - shalyn840

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I read that you were an MT for 27 years. Did you notice by any chance that your line count DROPPED in the most recent years?

I have been an MT for 23 years....I'm struggling to make 1200 lines a day.

Question - Patti

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Yes, my line count has dropped. I used to type 120 wpm back in the day...now I'm lucky to hit 70 or 80 most days. I've been typing since the 7th grade...that's almost 40 years, and these old wrists say it's time to stop ...

Retirement - Patti

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Thank you all so much for the well wishes :) I'm so stressed out trying to fit in both jobs now...I can't wait until the end of next week!!!!

I'm going to be giving all my medical books away...to anyone who wants them, you just have to either pay for shipping or come pick them up in central New Hampshire. There are quite a lot of books...probably 20 or so.

I'm also going to be selling 2 C-phones and 2 mini-cassette transcribers.

This all makes it feel very real :)


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