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Question about part-time and hours - could be MM MT

Posted: Sep 25, 2012

Our hospital is being outsourced to MModal.  The offers are supposedly there and ready but for some reason they haven't passed them on to us yet.  I was wondering how many hours are required for part-time and if you can work a flexible shift.  If I can work part-time with a split shift I may consider taking the offer.  Of course I will have to see it first because I haven't heard much good about MModal.


Part-time hours - Nature

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I work part time, which is 24 hours. From what I now hear, hours are not flexible. You type when you are told to. I wish you luck.

You can have a split shift - msmt

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if you want one. Just as previous poster said, no flexibility.

Thanks - could be MM MT

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Thanks for your quick responses.

I was afraid of that. Right now we do not have part-time available but we can work anytime between 3 a.m. and midnight. It's nice when you have young children at home and other obligations to not have to work set hours.

I guess I have lots to think about.

I dont think you can find that at any company - anymore

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I would request a split shift schedule that works for you (before kids get up, at nap time, after bed, whatever), and work the minimum hours possible which is 24. If there is OT, then you can add on hours.

M*Modal - SC

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Is it really 3 am to midnight? I was considering employment with them, but didn't see how I could make the hours work with my schedule, because I thought it was noon to 3 am. I need to be able to start before noon if I am able to make my hourly requirement. So, please let me know if I had it backwards.

I was outsourced to MModal a while back - see message

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I took the offer and initially only went part-time to see how it was going to work for me. Part time is 24-37 or 38 hours a week.

I wasn't too pleased with the orginal offer but we were all considered tier 3s because everyone in our dept had been with the hospital for years. Shortly after starting for them they increased our cent per line rate (those of us who took the offer). Only a few of us went.

I had started with another company as an IC where I was allowed to flex my schedule - Meaning work at my leisure. I didn't like it because it was mainly clinic work and the work was only available between 9am to about 8pm then it would taper off so it made it difficult for me to do both and the IC job only paid 8cpl with terribley slow platform and it took forever to make good lines.

I eventually went ahead and took full time hours with MModal and quit the IC job after the outsource and I actually do fairly well. I have no regrets. My only advice is to start out part-time and see how it works for you. Everyone is different. Some people have good experiences and some bad. My experience overall has been a very positive one.

Good luck to you. Its no fun being outsourced.

MT part time - Liz

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I work PT and you must put in a minimum of 24 hours and you can work a split shift. I work 3 hours in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. Good luck!

I am PT and work 20 hr/wk with a Flex Schedule - Lee

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It doesn't hurt to ask for it--I did.

They eliminated the flex schedule and must work 24 hours - for part time.

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