A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Company I work for sent out an email today that there are QA positions open. I was wondering sm - Colorado MT

Posted: Jul 01, 2011

do you think doing QA brings you a more steady work flow?  I have been an MT for 35+ years and have worked the last 10 or so of those years at home.  I am frustrated with constantly running out of work no matter where I go, so I thought about possibly inquiring about the QA position.  Just curious about what others' thoughts might be. 


I've been a QA for 15 years, and the last few years - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I've ended up being lured in by the promise of plenty of QA work only to end up doing voice recognition the majority of the time for peanuts. In my experience, the work flow is much less predictable for QA. If you have new MTs or unhappy accounts, you have more work that week. If not, you have nothing...

QA vs MT - freespeech2011

[ In Reply To ..]
If your company pays their QA by the hour I say go for it. I am in QA and my company pays by the hour; however, if they pay by production run as fast as you can away from a QA position as you should with VR work. In QA you get the worst of the worst dictations, doctors and dictation nobody else can understand. Make sure you know what you're getting into. Some companies can make a transition from MT to QA equivalent to going from the fire into the flame. Good luck!

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