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Wondering if there is a way to find out if a company - got hit to pay taxes on ICs ? SM

Posted: Oct 03, 2014

I had to report an IC MT position to unemployment as a part-time job and income.    I got the unemployment from a prior employee local job.   I never worked for this MTSO until a few months after the unemployment was issued, and it was strictly IC MT.

I strongly suspect I was terminated because I may have caused this MTSO to have to pay taxes and possibly penalties.   Is there any way to find out whether the MTSO got hit on this?   Would I call the local UC department, or Dept of Labor?  

I tend to doubt...SM - Old Anon

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that your state's unemployment division has the time to root out companies who misclassify ICs as employees. They are busy enough processing claims, and besides that it isn't really their function. The only reason they need to know if you have IC income is to lower your unemployment benefit. I'm not sure who you would contact but probably the Dept of Labor in your state. I don't now what the UC Department is. I got UE about 3-1/2 years ago and reported a small income from an IC contract and nothing came of it. I just got a little less UE.

Yes, my state did make the time to send papers to me - twice, requesting information sm

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and I know for sure the MTSO got those papers and from the tone of the HR person's voice she did not seem pleased about it.

This was done twice, by the same state, asking me to fill out papers on 2 different MTSOs that I worked for.

They will make time for paperwork if it means money in the state's pocket that they are wrongfully paying when an MTSO should be paying in.

So this is very possible that the MTSO got hit and decided to be petty and unprofessional and hit back at me for it.

Sounds like...SM - Old Anon

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the 2 MTSOs you mention were suspected as having you misclassified as an IC or unemployment had to, by your state law, check to make sure you were a true IC. By your description of HRs reaction, they probably were either perturbed about being scrutinized or they were really misclassifying you. Maybe they did let you go for that reason, but why would knowing for sure change anything? Take it as a lesson learned, water under the bridge, and try to move on. So sorry that happened to you but try to let it go.
What lesson am I supposed to learn? I had no choice but - to report MTSO to UC. sm
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UC can be very unforgiving if they pay benefits that someone else should be paying. I had no choice but to report this income, whether the MTSO liked it or not.

Too bad if they had to pay taxes or penalties, then they should be classifying their ICs properly. That's not my fault. Most MTSOs try to pull this crap of misclassification so they can get away with not paying taxes, I'd think you ought to know that.
By lesson learned I mean...SM - Old Anon
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that bad things happen to good people, and I know it's not your fault. I know you're angry with the whole situation, you did what you were asked to do (submit paper work) but still got shafted by shady MTSOs skirting the law. I know MTSO's misclassify all the time. I know you needed to vent, but isn't it time now to let go of the anger and move forward. I was only trying to help you gain some perspective, that's all. Peace.
You dont know anything about me. I was not angry - but simply curious and wanted to know. sm
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That's all it was. I've moved on and gotten 2 other jobs, so I'd say I have a pretty good perspective.
there's NOTHING - in this conversation
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that says the MTSO did ANYTHING WRONG! LOL! There's nothing that says they misclassified this worker.

UE is not going to trigger an investigation into misclassification of workers.

2 + 2 = 5 - s m

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Let me see if I'm understanding your question/situation properly.

You were collecting UE and because you began doing some work for a contractor, you supplied that information to your state DOL.

How do you jump from THAT to surmising that you were terminated because you caused them to have to pay taxes?

DOL is not going to assume that because you were a contractor that the MTSO was somehow breaking the law. That's ludicrous.

Your termination may have come from you annoying the MTSO or something with your work or because they had enough contractors and didn't need/want you on their IC pool any longer.

But there's no straight line at all that would lead one to assume that because you listed someone as income, they would have been hit with taxes and penalties on anything.

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