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Wondering? New company working for counts 65 characters per line. Is this normal? Seems high to - mariedev

Posted: Nov 11, 2009


Pretty much industry standard, 65 character lines - sarah

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do they pay for spaces too? that's the kicker. Whether or not they pay for only visible characters or all spaces on a line.

Thanks - is 9 cents per line standard also - mariedev

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These days 9 cpl is pretty good - Happy MT Robin

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Like the other poster said, though, make sure that line rate includes spaces. Many companies these days are trying to get away with paying on a virtual black line, which means without spaces. Frankly, if I ever got stuck with a company that did not pay for spaces, I'd disable the space bar on my keyboard andthey'dgetadocumentthatlookedlikethis.

9 cpl pretty good - icmt

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From what I've seen, 9 cpl is pretty darn good for an employee status. Care to share if this is from a national MTSO?? Also agree that 65-character line count is standard... INCLUDING spaces.

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