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OTI - I wonder if we'll even get a "feel good" email today. sm - Scared.

Posted: Feb 19, 2013

There is NO work on my accounts this morning.  :o(

Have you ever gotten a "feel good" email? No work for me either. - nm

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The only "feel good" email I've gotten is the one "claiming" they aren' - Scared

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"claiming" they aren't selling out. - Scared

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I doubt it..... - Dandelion

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Communication is not something they are good at. I've been taken off of 2 accounts, pools have been switched on my main account. I was given no notification of any of this. When I ask, I'm still not given a reason.

I've been at OTI over 2 years now and I cannot recall ever getting a "feel good" emai - OTIer

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Generally, the only emails they send out are when they want to chastise and berate people, especially the poison pen notes from AK. I'm not sure they have heard of the phrase POSITIVE reinforcement.

That's because you didn't work there before SE was let go. - nm

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Feel Good Email From OTI - caninemom3

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Good morning. Speaking of poison pen notes, I just received one from AK. I have to vent here a little. I am getting really TIRED of this person's attitude. I know I am free to go somewhere else but I just wanted to post that I agree with all here who say that she is rude and nasty and I am SICK OF IT. The poison pen note today was because apparently there have been duplicate dictations typed and the message was that we should never type these duplicates. Of course, to my knowledge no instructions were ever given what to do about these types of report. It is common sense NOT to type a duplicate. Thanks for listening. My post really has no point, just needed to get this out of my system.

Dupe - MT72

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How would we know it's a dupe if we hadn't typed the first one? That was the part of the e-mail I didn't understand. I don't understand the attitude either. Many of us are disgusted with the whole situation there now, so it would seem they could be a little nicer.
I thought about e-mailing her and asking her how we would know sm - OTIer
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if it was a duplicate or not, but figured I'd just get some hateful, berating response, indicating I was obviously of low intelligence not to just inherently know such things.
It's similar to... - Flower
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on the T account, we were sent an e-mail stating to NEVER EVER type a DS. Okay, so what do we do if we get one? What is the correct way to handle it? That was never stated in the e-mail.
This poster is not Flower from "Restuvus." I am.... - Flower
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just saying.
Incorrect - Tired of the Oracle Bashers
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We were not told never, ever, ever to type a discharge summary. We were asked not to during business hours. If it was a weekend or after hours we could type it. We also got an email that said during business hours send it as a NR with a little note saying it was a discharge summary. Read your emails.
I have been there 2 years and have NEVER gotten such an email. sm - OTIer
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It doesn't matter. I think the point is that AK always has a nasty, condescending tone in her emails. It is not imagined. I have heard her say things about other MTs that are downright mean. She talks as if she is the high priestess of transcription, never making a mistake, and it is a thorn in her side to have to deal with all of these obviously inferior underlings.
I'm sure this is coming from a "suit" - sm
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Unless the poster is one of their favorite (and I DO know they have their favorites).
I do hate to defend her, bu she did say "knowingly." - nm
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Yep, she said "knowingly" underlined and bolded - along with
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an email that was also "yelling" in ALL CAPS. Very unprofessional.

Hot mess - buns

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Unless you have personally typed a report, you would not know it is a duplicate. Makes one wonder why suddenly there are duplicate reports â it just adds to that âhot mess feelingâ that OTI has become.

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