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good online schools - me too
Posted: Oct 12, 2011
Are there any schools/courses that I could take online for coding that would enable me to pass the CCS and CPC exams?
Graduates of Andrews seem to be able to pass both - CCS and CPC
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I know that Andrews graduates do pass both the CCS and CPC, at least some of them do.
Yes, it's great training, but - andrewsstudent
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Yes, the program is great in that you will definitely learn to code. However, you have to be a bit thick skinned with the instructors. They tend to be outspoken and in some cases rude. At least that was my experience with them. Sometimes to the point, you don't even want to ask a question if you have one for fear you will feel a fool for asking.
I agree with above - Andrews student
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Going through this right now. Had me in tears!
Agree - too
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I do agree too. Also, questions are answered with more work for the student, or âdo a self-analysis of thisâ, so if you are struggling with getting all the work done, you may not dare ask a question. They will argue that you wonât learn if they âjust answer the questionâ but, sometimes it could be done in a better way. I felt there was a punitive air on the board in the form of scoldings posted about doing certain things. It seemed every student was seen in the same light, like a child that needed to be disciplined.
Sounds like they're trying to teach you to - FISH
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I love learning to fish, but could go without sarcasm - Andrews Student
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Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the extra work at self-assessments and such, but there is a difference between being taught and being belittled, and I felt as though I was being belittled or treated as a child.
Definitely a tough course - Tough Old Bird
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I like the changes that have been made over the last few weeks. The former instructor could have been less sharp in tone, but getting both a CCS and a CPC more than makes up for it. Debbie, who took over recently is really smart too, but she has a much softer approach. I personally never had any serious problems, but it was just always more comfortable talking to Debbie, even though she's also a tough teacher. The whole course is tough. It has to be if it's going to get you ready for credentialing.
I still never like being told that I made a mistake. I always get mad at myself because I know I could have done better. It's always a great feeling when you have that discovery moment and realize where you've been fouling up. There's nothing like that feeling. You have to experience it to know what I mean. The fact that you dug in there and figured out what Debbie was trying to tell you and you did it yourself means it's going to stay with you. At least that's the way it works with me. It's a grown-up feeling. I never did that back in high school and college. I wish the teachers back then had done more than just mark things wrong. Debbie makes you find it, and if you still need help, she keeps working with you, but she makes you do the work. She doesn't do it for you.
I don't think someone straight out of high school should take this course - My Opinion
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They won't be able to handle it. They expect a lot from you. It's worth it, but it's too hard for someone who is used to being handed answers.
Very much agree! - Andrews Student
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I completely agree with the above. Someone just out of high school definitely would not have the maturity or the discipline it takes to get the course completed. I have been out of high school for many years, and if I had taken this course back then, I probably would not have finished. It's very challenging.
Question - Teacher2
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You feel that you have to be thick skinned with the instructors. How is that different from a job in coding? I think every auditor and manager I see is outspoken and in some cases rude, but I don't let affect my self-esteem.
Don't they teach by email? So, you're not actually hearing them speak are you? You're just reading what they write? In that case, I wonder if it isn't so much them being rude as it is you reading them as being rude.
I wonder, too, about the fear of feeling foolish for asking a question. A lot of people interpret even objective and necessary criticism as something more than it is. They almost see it as some kind of personal attack. I teach, too, and I can tell you that some students get bent out of shape even if you just mark the answers wrong--you don't have to say anything to go along with it. Next thing you know, they're dropping the course because, they say, you're too critical and they're afraid to answer any questions for fear of getting them wrong. I've seen students with almost perfect scores do this -- they get one thing wrong and they freak out. "I'm not perfect! I'm thinking of dropping this major and going with something easier!" This is one reason a lot of schools are going to computer grading. When disgruntled students complain about the grading, the school can document that nobody was being discriminated against.
If you're getting feedback from these instructors, then you're really lucky because a lot of schools don't provide that at all. Those instructors sound like they take a lot of time on your behalf to explain and, yes, assign extra work to help you learn and understand what you need to know in order to work successfully in coding. I can't imagine how you would justify criticizing them for trying to do what is necessary to help you.
Sometimes our expectations about how we'll be treated affects how we perceive it. I occasionally explain this to people and then ask a question that they sometimes find helpful. This is the question: What you have done to correct your own interpretation of what you see them writing? What have you done to make it easier for them to teach you?
This is a two-way street, you know. You're just as responsible for the situation as they are, and possibly more because you're the one who knows the least. You have to give them the benefit of the doubt sometimes. If you aren't happy with things, what are you doing to make yourself a better student?
Any course that prepares you to pass the CCS exam is impressive - in my opinion
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You rarely find a program where graduates can pass the CCS exam. I don't know as much about the CPC, but that's impressive too I'm sure. If you have a rude instructor who is always giving you failing grades, ask to be transferred to another teacher.
I am used to hearing stories about people enrolling in courses where the instructor doesn't know they are there. They would love some attention. The only thing they do know is, they aren't learning anything. Nobody likes to have their work corrected, like the other poster said, but after talking to some of these students who never get their work looked at by an instructor, corrections and explanations sound really good. I sure wouldn't want it done rudely, but all I really care about is whether I'm learning or not.
Ask if you can transfer to another instructor, because rudeness isn't helpful, but while you are waiting, keep learning. At least you have an instructor, and an instructor in a class where graduates pass the CCS exam can't be beat. Don't give up!
I don't have failing grades, but just don't like sarcasm - Andrews Student
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One positive thing is I do not have failing grades far from, but I just do not like sarcasm. I was told the instructor in question was from a military background and "that's just the way she is" explanation. Well, military or not, it doesn't give a person the right to be rude or condescending. I am there to learn and I'm open to constructive criticism, but not blatant disrespect and disregard for how things sound when communicating online. This is not my first online course. In fact, one of my previous college online courses was about online etiquette and trying to get your point across without seeming rude or hateful. As stated before, I am there to learn and want to learn, but if you have someone who likes to word things in which one would take offense, then who in the world would want to ask questions? Coding is a career which should not be taken lightly, as incorrect codes can be catastrophic and have serious consequences if not done correctly. So, of course, I want to learn from the best and know when I am done I WILL know what I'm doing.
That is a positive thing. I'll bet you will do really well because - it sounds like you are learning a lot
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It sounds like you are learning a lot. I'm sure you'll do well. When you get your credentials, I hope you will let us know what the tests were like. Also, I've heard that coders on the job are really rude. I'd like to know if you find that to be true when you get your first coding job. I think coders must be meaner than MTs.
Not true - at all
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When I transitioned into coding from MT, I found wonderful support from all coders. Take this site for instance, there is no nastiness, it is just honest talk with people helping each other. If they disagree, it usually handled in a mature way. Coders need each other and love to throw out coding problems and brain storm on coding solutions. That's based on my experience as a coder.
Agreed. I was actually joking above - sm
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The MTs I know are all really nice and I assume the coders will be too. I should have made it clear that I was joking. Sorry.
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