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Are remote coder jobs hard to find? - mkpb

Posted: Apr 14, 2014

I am a MT/VR considering training for Coding/Billing and wondering how hard it is to get a remote coding job or if I would be limited to finding a position in an office, hospital, etc.  I enjoy working from home, but in the past few years, just cannot make a decent living anymore.  Thanks for any info you can give me.

Yes, if you aren't credentialed and have at least 3 years of experience - LLC

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It really is difficult to find positions from home due to the complexity of coding medical records. If you do decide to go through a program, make sure it is a really good program which prepares you well to take the CPC and CCS exams.

Don't count on finding one - They are out there

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But they are not as common currently. If you study coding with the sole intention of working from home, you might be disappointed.

Are remote coder jobs hard to find? - mkpb

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I plan on taking a class through a college in Birmingham that has online classes & would not mind getting 3 years of office, hospital, etc. experience. Just wondering if there is a higher demand for coding/billing, as is sometimes advertised. I have been going back and forth between this & paralegal, as I was a legal secretary 13 years ago.
M*Modal, and soon likely other MTSO's, are - getting into at-home coding.
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Granted, when that happens the pay is going to start to plummet, just like it did with MT a decade or more ago, but if you're determined to be a coder and work at home, that's likely who you'll end up working for.
Yep - sm
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My story: I started out as an MT, got sick of it and took coding program through Andrews, passed CCS exam, got first job at a hospital with a fabulous hourly wage, hospital decided to outsource coding to a service two years later, went to work for the service making an hourly wage, four months ago service decided to pay per chart coded instead of hourly, last month service took us all from employees to ICs. The pattern here is a lot like the MT world. My paychecks are smaller and now I have no benefits. I know that I could get a job at a hospital as a coder with an hourly wage. But, why do I want to put myself through this again? This is going to be the norm in a few years, trust me.
I'm not following your logic - You say you know
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you could get a better paying job as a coder in hospital, with benefits, but you aren't because you might lose it again. How does that even make any sense? M*Modal has had coders for years . . . nothing has changed on that front.
Not the norm - working coder
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I'm sorry you have had a bad experience with your hospital. There are many hospital systems out there that won't ever outsource because it's to expensive and the coding quality isn't what they want. Some systems have even formed their own coding pool with employees that work at home and are paid hourly to help out at any of the hospitals in the system that get behind.

It looks like you have experience and a CCS. With that you should be able to get a great job even working remote for a company that would treat you as an employee and provide benefits.

Your certification and experience are worth a lot so don't put up with being underpaid.
You have only yourself to blame - for staying there.
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If what you say is true, you have a CCS, hospital experience, remote experience, and thus qualify for great jobs in-house, as well as remote jobs with the best companies.

Choosing to stay because you imagine this will "be the norm" doesn't make sense. It is a very victim-minded, cut-off-nose-to-spite-face attitude.

It is so bizarre, in fact, that I tend to doubt the story. I am unaware of anything like that happening. I can't believe that someone with those qualifications would tolerate it. No coders I know would.

Most on this board don't want to hear the truth. - sm
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The rest of this website embraces and welcomes any new insight and experience so they have an idea what to expect, but on this particular board, they prefer to put their heads in the sand and boo you... Anyone who has been in this industry for any amount of time knows that what you've described is exactly what's happening, and Mmodal ramping up their coding section is only going to speed up the process. Everyone needs to be prepared and have their eyes open. Being in denial won't stop it from happening.
I agree - sm
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My hospital has been in talks with MMdoal for a few months about outsourcing our coding to them. Whenever someone comes on here and gives their experience (when it's a not so good one), they are immediately attacked and told that their story isn't true and it's their fault. I can hardly stand coming here anymore when people are attacked that way, so childish.
How is anyone being "attacked"? - The poster said that
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she knew she could get another coding job that paid better and had benefits. Why on earth wouldn't you do that, instead of sit in you misery? Have you TAKEN the CCS? If MModal can pump out thousands of coders to take over the coding world who can all pass the CCS, more power to them.
Thanks for a first-hand experience. - anon
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There are so many here who, because of some ulterior motive, declare that nothing will change with the coding field. It's refreshing to see something more realistic. All this info, negative or positive, is helpful for me in making a decision whether to go into coding. Thanks again.
No one said "nothing will change" - They said EVERYTHING CHANGES
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In the length of time you have been trying to make up your mind, you could have learned coding five times over.

You aren't looking for a career--you have one already ... fence sitter.

This is a very - carefully constructed
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story with all the right buzz words, Andrews, CCS, fabulous pay. Well, these jobs are still out there. A coder with experience and a CCS has many choices.

No, they are not hard to find, but you - need the right credentials

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Many hospitals and large facilities allow remote coding, but you might still need to go to the office occasionally or even regularly. Contract HIM companies have remote coders in addition to coders who travel to the client sites.

All of those have stringent requirements in terms of credentials, looking mostly for AHIMA RHIA, RHIT, and/or CCS, along with several years of experience. There are also some which specialize in physician services coding which require multiple AAPC credentials (including specialty) and much experience. I would say that virtually all of them do their own testing and all have solid internal quality control programs, and the work is also going to be audited by the client.

These are not WHAM jobs. They aren't "billing," either, but there are actually billing jobs that require less training, so check on that if the above sounds like more than you want to do.

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