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Where to find good jobs? - Job Seeker

Posted: Jan 13, 2012

I know it's the question of the day but where do you find a good transcription job?  I have about 13 years experience and I'm good at what I do.  Are there actually good companies to apply to? 

Accentus Ambulatory Care (formerly Zylomed) - HappyMTIC

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I'm an IC, so can't comment on benefits, etc., but I've been very happy with my exclusive docs, pay rate, and no voice rec!

A great company putting forth full efforts to comply with industry standards while keeping the workforce intact and content. From the nightmares I read here about the larger national companies, it has to be one of the best.

Thank you. - Job Seeker

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Thank you for replying. I have actually applied to Accentus and I haven't heard back from them. Maybe I will soon.

To HappyMTIC - I have heard others at Zylomed (sm) - fairylight

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say they could not make a decent living because of the qualified lines cutting into their pay. One MT said she has to type twice as much to make up for the qualified lines. Please tell us how this really works out. Thanks!

Qualified text ... - HappyMTIC

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Luckily, my docs don't have QT - yet anyway. However, I have another job (also using the same platform - Inscribe) and some of my docs there do use QT. I find that I can insert the QT very quickly and have an entire report that may take 5 minutes to type in less than a minute.

Bottom line - I haven't been that affected by QT yet.

If future trends and technology negatively affect my pay and my family's livelihood and lifestyle are affected, personal responsibility dictates that I make changes that enable me to maintain. At that point it will be time to pass the baton to someone who can maintain. It's pretty simple.
A 5 min job with QT that takes you 3 min to type, IS a 3 min - job since that is what you get paid for. nm
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Is it BILLED that way? - Bookkeeper
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Unless the MTSO *CHARGES THE CLIENTS* LESS for the QT, then the MTs shouldn't be paid any less for it.
But what about clients paying more for stats? MT doesnt get paid - more for stats, not at any MTSO I have worked for.
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Geesh, evern MQ pays the same for QT or canned text as for - typed text. Zylo sounds worse than MQ. nm
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I am on some accounts that have QT text, and - it really is no big deal
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On one account, I do not even have to touch the QT, and on another I just add the normal. Yes, it was a hard transition when we first started it, but how do I argue with not getting full pay for something that I didn't type? I think you'll find the samething with Zylo if your accounts go to QT, it's really not going to make a big difference.
With all the stuff we type and dont get paid for, demo, - for instance, why shouldnt we get paid SM
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for the whole report? How can you argue with not getting paid for what was not typed? Did you argue when you were getting paid for it? NO. It is expected to get paid for it. One of the few things that works in an MTs favor.
Dont type QT so ok not to pay for it. That logic says since we - type demo and cc we should get paid for that. nm
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beg to differ - been there
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Just look at the difference between your QT lines and the lines you actually typed - there IS a difference between getting 1 cpl for 400 lines and whatever your going rate it. And as for the poster who said why get paid for what you didn't type - do you not have a glossary you use for "normals" or repetitive doctors? Wouldn't that amount to the same thing? If my fingers are moving on the keyboard to do anything, including space between words, it better be paid for. The companies have already pocketed enough money and keep on trying to pocket more, while the rest of us try to live on wages that are ridiculous for the state of this economy. Enough said.

Industry standards do not include paying less for canned text. - Others pay same for canned or typed. nm

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It has BECOME industry standard - beg to disagree

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The new way to phrase it is to say "Blended Services." Kinda like going to a buffet where you pick the services and pay for what you selected rather than a flat fee for all you can eat deal.
What?? How is this at all like expecting to be paid - for QT? I have never worked for SM
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an MTSO in my 20 years that didnt pay full rate for the whole body of the text, MQ included.
that makes you sheltered - beg to disagree
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and you should be giving thanks for your situation. But to take up arms and weep and nash your teeth is not going to make MTSOs change from what they have involved into.

Clients want to pay less.
Technology is advancing and costs more.
Offshoring is here to stay, which deflates the market.
Goverment incentives drive client's to demand more services for less money.

It's called blended services now and it isn't going away.
I know they arent going to change, I dont expect them to. Just want all - to know how Zylo pays. You SM
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make no sense in the context of this thread. Blended services? We all know about OS, g'ment policy, technology. This thread about 1 MTSO's pay policy. Have you read the whole thread???
obviously you have a limited POV - beg to disagree
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This company uses a platform called Emdat. If you read another post a little higher on this page, you would have found a link that quotes the purpose of QT directly off the Emdat website.

I replied to your statement of "How is this at all like expecting to be paid for QT?" I explained the how to which you stated "I know they arent going to change, I dont expect them to. Just want all - to know how Zylo pays. You make no sense in the context of this thread. Blended services? We all know about OS, g'ment policy, technology. This thread about 1 MTSO's pay policy. Have you read the whole thread???"

Methinks you are the one not following along.

I dont care why. Is enough to know reduced QT pay is happening. - Majority of your post is MY post. WTH??
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Limited to the fact that Zylo doesnt pay full rate for QT. That is all - this thread is about. You are not following. nm
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Hmm that is odd. I had the totally opposite experience with - sm

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accentus. I have had nothing but the worst luck working for them (horrible dictators, terrible platform, rude staff). I would not recommend them at all.

Did you used to be a suit? You have the vernacular - down pat. nm

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Maybe because .... - HappyMTIC

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MTing isn't the only position I've ever held? I'm also a former licensed workers' compensation adjuster and former executive assistant. I've had to write a lot letters in my life.

By suits, I assume you mean management? I'm just glad we have management or else I probably wouldn't have a paycheck. I also have a cool team lead. Just sayin'.
Are you management for Zylo now or in the past? - Just sayin. nm
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Never been management ever ... - HappyMTIC
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in any capacity. I always regret posting here. Is it any wonder why happy MTs don't post here?
But I am a happy MT. Happy I dont work for Zylomed. - nm
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Even with my QT lines, I can average 200-300 - regular lines per hour.
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You sure won't be seeing me complain about it. I literally do nothing to the QT lines. They just sit there. If the doctor asks you to change something (rarely on my accounts) you get paid for it. I have the same doctors every day with almost a 24 hour TAT versus a strict schedule. I have worked for one of the massive MTSOs, and there is no comparison. I do not sit and wait for work. I do not have my pay docked if I have an audit under 99%. I can instant message my team lead, and I will hear something within a few minutes, it not instantly. These things may not fit into what you look for in a company, but it definitely works well for me.
I work the same conditions you mention in your post plus - I get paid full rate for QT. Good fit for me. nm
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I highly doubt you're making 200-300 lph. - with this company.
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I highly doubt those numbers are accurate. I work on the EMDAT platform and for this company in fact. Even with my best dictator, I could never do more than 150 lines per hour, but I can average 200 lph on other platforms. Very suspicious you can pull those number of lines in on a routine basis. Just seems impossible. (And no, I am not a newby and yes, I can average that elsewhere but not on their platform and not with QT.)
Yes, I very much can. That is definitely not an - impossible number to
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meet. I have worked on this platform and on the same doctors for sometime now. I have been averaging that for a long time now.
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Just quit Zylomed but I would recommend them. - QText is the pits though.

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I just left Zylomed but I would definitely recommend them.

I hated Qualified text as one of my providers net me 1/2 the lines I would have had without the QT. They pay 1 cent per line for QT, but their pay is fair and they did right by me. I didn't like my supervisor (talked bad about other MTs and never got back to me unless she wanted something herself), but I found the other staff and HR people top rate, quick to respond and very helpful.

After I gave my notice, I received one email from HR but never heard from anyone there again. At least my final pay was accurate and on-time. I would definitely recommend this MTSO as one of the "better ones" out there.

Staff HAS to be great. Would you stay, not getting full pay for - entire report, if staff was horrible? nm

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Job Seeker - Knitter

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Try Landmark.

Thank you! nm - Job Seeker

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I'll give them a try.

Job Seeker - HappMTIC

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Good grief, I had no intention of starting a "no one can be happy anymore as an MT" war. I recommend Accentus Ambulatory Care. My experience has been awesome.

I'm not a "suit" but surely you've noticed this board is all negatives? Happy MTs are working and don't have time to complain, which, by the way, is where I'm going now. Good luck with your search!

Why settle to be happy with an MTSO that has their hand in your - wallet? And posts like this are GOOD SM

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so everyone will know how this MTSO pays. Dont you agree all have that right? Is this the first thing Zylo tells prospective hires? Or do they keep mum about it and IF it is discoved by MT who takes the time to figure out how her pay is figured, say at that time "oh yea, there's something else to tell you...." Is this info included in the contract? Is it buried so far down, only careful reading will bring it to ones attention? Sadly, female MTs often expect the MTSO to have their best interest at heart and never feel the need to find out how they are paid. But more and more, it is becoming evident that the complete opposite is true these days. Many MTSOs are discussed on this board and only those with such low-down business practices can expect to be raked over the coals. If an MTSO is doing what she can in this economy without totally taking advantage of her MTs, she has nothing to worry about to have her company's name come up on this board.

I am not a "suit" or whatever, but... - sm

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I work for Zylomed, now Accentus, and I have to say the QT lines don't bother me at all. They come up just like a template and I don't have to do anything for them except get paid. They were completely up front about QT lines and I was fine with it. If you don't like it, don't take the job. Also, the pay is fine, not great, but fine, but I make up for it by having only a few exclusives and no ESLs and the platform is very user friendly. They leave me alone to work and are flexible as long as my accounts are in TAT. Just wanted to weigh in on my experience with them. Never worked for MQ, but from what I have read, Zylo is nothing like them.
I work for MQ, plenty of work, left alone AND I get paid - for QT which is easily inserted. nm
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I am glad you are happy. Just think this is a good subject - to discuss. I just will never understand SM
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MTs thinking they deserve less than ethical treatment.
Ethical treatment.... - sm
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I guess I don't understand why you feel that is not ethical. Why should you get paid to type something that you did not type? When the report comes up, the QT lines are already there. I have 1 provider who I have to make 2 mouse clicks and a 50-line template comes up that I hardly ever have to touch, so at 1 cpl for the QT, I make 50 cents for 2 clicks. I don't find anything unethical about that and, again, they are completely up front about it and anyone who does not want to does not have to work there. I have made more money other places, but with the direction MT in general is going, I think Zylomed is a very good company. I did a short stint with Superior Global....now there is unethical, unscrupulous and demeaning. That is one I would stay away from.
Not paying for QT is not the industry standard as - Happy MTIC stated and good for them
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many seem to think they dont deserve to be paid according to the industry standard. Understand that?
Did the ZM thing - me
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At first, didn't think it was that bad - but when I saw all the QT lines in some of the reports and did the math - no way, thank you. Left without a qualm. Pay is low enough in most places without them eating up lines you could have in your glossary to keep your line count and your pay up. They were the only place I've ever worked where something like that was allowed. If they want QT lines, why don't the suits fill in the demographics? :)

Does Zylo get partial pay for jobs with QT? You better beleive NO so - why should Zylo MTs get partial pay? nm

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Clients do pay a reduced rate for QT. - anon

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But I doubt they pay just 1 cent per QT line which is what they pay their MTs. It is definitely a way for Zylomed/Accentus to save money, but they're not going off shore and they don't do VR so it's a trade off IMO. They are also at least up front about it to the MT.

Also, of a similar nature, why doesn't an MT get paid at a higher rate for a stat report when we know the client is paying extra for that stat? I know in one case, the client paid approx. 4.00 per stat, so why wasn't any of that money passed on to the MT?

I agree. Most, myself included, didnt realize facility pays more - for stat reports. nm

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You are definitely correct on that. - sm

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I think people are too quick to point the finger at companies. I would much rather they pay the QT lines and keep the good accounts (the absolute best I have EVER in 15 years worked on), not go to voice wreck or offshore. Also, they do not overstaff. I always have work. I get paid on time. Now, maybe there are some other accounts where the QT lines are a minus as far as pay (like if the MD dictates all the QT stuff and the MT just has to sit and listen), but all my MDs just "normal" and I get my penny a line for doing pretty much nothing. Every once in a while I might have to remove or add something, but not too often, and if you have to add, you get paid your regular rate. There are no perfect jobs out there, MT or otherwise. Zylomed has been good to me and I would recommend them to a friend.
At Q I have Drs dictate 2-3 lines then insert QT, some 2-3 long paragr.& - I get full pay for it all. Just sayin. nm
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But, how many lines do you get in a day? - How many per hour?
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We have exclusive accounts where that we type for the same doctors daily. This leads to us being very, very fast on these accounts. Also, I know it is common at the Q to run out of work. The problem at Zylomed is usually the opposite. They don't overhire, so if anything, they are asking if you want to pick up more work.
Does it matter? I get paid the same for every line I do. - That is point I am trying to make. nm
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Sure it matters. I also get paid the same for - every line I do. That is the
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key word "do". I had the same accounts I had before we started using QT lines, and I have noticed very little difference. Zylomed is ambulatory care, so I do all clinic notes all day. So, I am able to easily keep a decent line count, way more than I did at the big MTSO I worked for. I have done VR and made way less. Give me QT text any day over that.
I work at the Q, as stated earlier in thread, and I dont run out of - work, left alone and I get paid full rate for QT.
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I don't believe you - period
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There is no way you work for the Q and you get left alone and are happy. You work for The Cracken. Nuff said.
I dont care if you beleive me. Who are you that I should care? - It is still true. nm
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