A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

GOOD MT's hard to find - patricia

Posted: Jun 14, 2010

WOW, are there any really good MT's out there?  I have tried soooo many MT's.  Several say they are going to work and I make arrangements for my IT people to set them up and they are not available, do not let me know they have changed their mind, do not e-mail me change in plans.  One even had disconnected cell phone a day later.  UNBELIEVEABLE.  These are all people who look fantastic on paper.  I have learned you cannot even trust resumes.  One girl even used a reference who I called.  She even called her a "close personal friend."  She gave her a terrible reference and said they definitely are NOT close personal friends.  People are just unbelievable, even unethical.

I have found it very, very hard to find decent people, especially with the slightest difficult dictator.  All I can say is there must be a TON of medical notes out there with words not even dictated and/or misspelled if not being edited.  Why do I hear words SOOOO clearly that they type wrong or leave a blank.  I honestly just don't get it.

One girl told me two weeks later when questioned about so many blanks, "yeah, some of these files do have static."  Did not even tell me, and I even lost a dictator because of her.  I could hear the files FINE on my computer.

I am just in shock at the lack of talent out there.  I haven't a clue how a large service operates with such incompetence representing the MT field.

Anyone share my frustration?

I bet I know why - capn obvious

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Pay an MT their worth, and you will find a quality MT.

You want to pay these insanely low line rates, you get inexperienced MTs.

Pretty simple...

Finding good MTs - patricia

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I completely disagree. My rates are industry standard 8-9 cents a line, 8 cents starting, 9 cents off QA. You show me higher than that and I will apply (for clinic work). You can't pay me enough to do hospitals with all the ESL's and lousy dictators.

then blame the BIG GUNS - i.e., Q, Transcend,

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The "industry standards" 8 to 9 cpl is not cutting it.

I started out in transcription at 8 cpl fresh out of school. That was 15 years ago.

Disagree all you want, but ask any Qualified Transcriptionist and you will get the same answer.
Those wages may cut it in the Ozarks, but I live in a - major metropolitan area, and am starving on 9.5 cp
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Same here. I haven't been paid this low - since the Reagan administration
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I was paid hella MORE during the Reagan administration - than I am now. MT = an American TRAVESTY.
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MQ - con
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any one out there work in the west region and have mat-su as a primary and are being moved to the South region?

How about raising your standard? - Spherite

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Perhaps if you raised your standards above the so-called industry standard, you would get the attention of those MTs you want. If you want to remain average, then average is all you can expect.

Are your MTs IC status? - June

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If so, you get what you pay for. Your line rate is low for IC even for clinic work. I cannot imagine trying to make a living for anything under 10 cpl for clinic work and 12 cpl for acute care to start as IC.

and another thing - patricia

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And another thing, I have found many, many MT's inflate their experience, have a much higher opinion of themselves than they should. I am still trying to get a so-called 18-year MT "trained" on simple work. To read her resume, you would think she can walk on water.

I have 10-20 year MT's applying so someone's "worth" is certainly subjective.

I'm looking - AngryMQPrisoner

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I AM a good MT. I take pride in my work and NEED to work to do silly things like pay bills and feed my family.

I am going to work on my resume this week and start job hunting. I am praying there is a company out there who will pay a decent line rate and respect my abilities.

all I'm saying is - sm

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I am not as "detail oriented" anymore after the past 3 years of pay cuts. If companies want to pay better, they will get better work.

Maybe your 18-year MT is giving you exactly what you pay for???
Wow - patricia
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Wow, I would still be "detail oriented" pay cut or not -- it's called good work ethic. And grateful to have a job these days.

FYI, I type myself as a subcontractor for 8.5 cpl, 100 wpm typist, can do difficult dictators. Other than for hospital dictation it IS the going rate, like it or not. Hey, I don't like it either, but that is what outsourcing to India has done to us.

I earn 3 cents a line on my own clinic work I sub out, and that is peanuts.

If people aren't happy earning 8-9 cpl in this field anymore, they will need to find another line of work.

FYI, I have been at 10 cpl for local doctors for 13 years. WHY, because one of the office managers gives me every add he gets for MT's many at 9 cpl, so I'm not going to price myself out of a job.

AND guess what, I make more at 10 cpl straight typing easy family docs than I do at 12/13 cpl with this VPN and EMR BS.

IT IS ALL RELATIVE. You are taking the relativity out of the equation.

you are exactly right - people are not happy at that rate and
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they are finding other lines of work where they can get annual pay increases and respect, which in turn, leaves you with the "low-quality, low-paid" transcriptionists that you are finding.

I once, long long ago, worked for an MTSO who felt like...sm - MY personal take
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she "owned me." She changed my medications to look they were all caps (even though they were generic), she took out commas (guess she figured she'd have to pay me for them), she changed this and she changed then and actually had the GALL to tell me I needed to be "more careful" about my dictation - this to an MT who has NEVER had below a 95.9% QA rating even when I was fairly new to the field.

Then, on top of all that, she expected that I would work way before the rooster arose and would be willing to burn the midnight oil. When I complained to her about that, I got this all indignant attitude "what, you don't wanna work for a living?" And ask her for a raise since I was her "go-to" MT? Well, you can just imagine how THAT went over - THUD! I finally realized that I had absolutely NO time for my family or ME and told her what she could do with her job. She has tried several times to get me to come back, but I always - as politely as possible - tell her I'm still trying to find the right mix of meds to take on her job. She doesn't laugh much, but she gets the idea. I'd sell pencils on the corner before I got into another situation like that.

You sould reasonable, but so did she - for awhile. Please understand I'm not actually accusing you of doing these things, but these ARE things that can make or break an IC position (which I'm assuming yours is) and can ultimately drive a GOOD MT back onto the track for looking for a better job, which I did find at a much MUCH better company and with benefits. They actually asked me to keep a schedule - unless, of course, I was needed for extra work, which I don't mind one bit!

There are lots and lots of aspects to both sides of the coin. I am merely trying to give you some perspective from a GOOD MT's point of view.

You refer to yourself as a "GOOD MT" but we have only your word for that - Keeping Things In Perspective
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Each and every MT who posts is probably going to describe his or herself as being one of the good MTs. Sure! Right! It's getting ridiculous. Does anyone really think that we should believe it each time someone says they are (good) (qualified) (highly skilled) (expert), etc., or should we use our common sense to realize that many times it isn't true. We'll never know, will we?
Well, I'll just say this. I have a SUPER job with GREAT...sm - MY personal take
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benefits and a GREAT pay. As I said, my last QA score was 99.5%. I can read the posts on here and still do my 2000 lines in about 5 hours. I won't tell you where I work because, after all, I might not really be a "good MT" so you really don't deserve that information. I guess you'll just have to take my word for it - or not, makes no difference to me. Your snideness doesn't go unnoticed, but sticks and stones.........
Actually, despite my message above, I do believe you - Just making a point
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I'm just making the point that not everyone who claims this or that kind of expertise really has it. In your case i tend to believe what you are saying, but some of these claims are not so credible.
Yes, I totally agree with you. And, I think those who make the...sm - MY personal take
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claim that they are good but are not in fact have actually been instrumental in bringing down the MT field in toto. I agree that MTSOs have had a huge part in it by not being willing to pay for expertise then complaining when they get the opposite, as well as the offshoring which has also been a huge problem. But ongoing education is a must in this field, and I have done just that, taking in everything that I can to keep abreast of what's new. I think that's important in this age of home-working MTs. I do NOT support AHDI - I quit putting in their mouth when their mouths quit bettering the MT field. But I do attend some of the conferences once in awhile to get news on the medical front and to continue my CMT status. I'm not one to read the magazines at the last minute to keep the CMT status - I actually get the education. The MTSO to whom I alluded earlier is well known for having other people write synopses for her from articles they have read so she can send them in for continuing ed units! Not for me and I found was the reason for the capping all meds, no matter their status!

I guess the old addage "the proof is in the pudding" probably applies here. Anyone can SAY they are an MT, but it's obvious some really are not. Juts hope one of those doesn't transcribe into my med record!
And lots of MT companies think theyre "good" companies, - dont they? 2-way street, ya know. (n/m)
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Patricia...quality vs. pay cut - Looking
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I ended up taking a cut in pay when I was switched to a really bad account, mostly heavy ESL, because I couldn't stand to turn out cruddy work and was a bit slower than usual to make sure everything was correct. I saw some of the reports being sent to the client, and the quality was horrid. I always think about how somebody is typing medical reports for my family, and would I want my family's records to look junky or put them at risk because of incorrect info? Definitely not. Not all MTs out there are bad or as mercenary as all that.

Also, there's only so much you can tell from resumes. They really don't reflect a good work record, experience with ESL, average lph, work ethic, etc.

BTW, I make less than 7.5 cpl for straight typing, so 8 cpl sounds good right now!
Dont take it. Youre worth a lot more than 8 cpl! - The OP is obviously part of the MT Problem. nm
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you call them unbelievable, yet I think you need to look in a mirror - sm - anonymous
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You said "it's called good work ethic" -- how about a good EMPLOYER ethic? The kind of employer who doesn't treat their MTs like irritants and nuisances, the kind who doesn't come to MT Stars to yell at a bunch of MTs you don't even know.

You seem upset that these MTs don't think you are their top priority, well why would they? Just look at how you act. You want MTs to be grateful to people like you for paying us peanuts. You're not exactly stellar employer material, so why do you think you'd attract stellar employees? Anyone with even a little MT experience can see someone like you coming from a mile away.

In short: Like attracts like.
It's true that some MTSOs also have poor work ethics - Not the OP
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There are MTSOs who lack work ethics just as there are MTs who lack skills, work ethics, and/or motivation. The only way to know about any of us is to try us out, MTs or employers. It works both ways.
I think you've just unburied an unpleasant truth about MT "quality" - See message
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Look at the attitudes displayed these days. "I'm going to do a bad job because they don't pay me enough to deserve a good job." Where are these people learning their work ethics? This is scary.
We dont do a "bad" job because they dont pay enough, - most of the time we"re trying to
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go fast enough to make their minimum linecounts on their crappy software, with the NJA's, their TAT's and their ESL's.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is going to be able to turn out squeaky-clean, perfect transcription when they're under the gun the way we are today. There isn't the time to proofread every sentence. If we spend more than a couple minutes researching something, and come in one line under, we hear about it from you the next day.

So please. Dig a quarter out of your pocket and call up someone who cares.
We were having a serious (adult) conversation but you proved one of the points being made by your ch - Continuing the Conversation
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Some of what you said made sense, but you took away your credibility with the silly comment at the end. That kind of immaturity is not helping.

Back to the point you were trying to make though, production does seem to be the main thing. Quality is almost a dirty word in some companies. I believe that will change, but it will take a major dramatic event with victims who suffer due to bad information on medical reports.
Build a bridge and - Get over it!
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Who are YOU to tell her that her conversation is negated because she is frustrated? You have a mighty high opinion of yourself. And you sound like anything BUT an adult!
It's remarks like yours that keep MTs in a poor bargaining position - Mature MT With Skills And Work Ethics
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There are some people here trying to have an adult conversation. I know, because I've talked with them by e-mail. We don't intend to be bullied off the board by crude one-liner comments intended to end every serious conversation.

We have serious issues and many of us would like to have a productive conversation. A few of us have talked about it offline and have decided to have the conversations in spite of the few who have the intent to stop the conversation from happening.

It's easy to tell when someone is part of the problem or part of the solution and the vulgar one-liner comments prove our point better than we could ourselves. The point is, many are failing because that's all they have to offer, sarcasm and rude comments. Some of us have the goal to reserve the better jobs with the best MTSOs for people who have skills, work ethics, and can communicate without having to resort to rude one-liners. We are winning.
After being discouraged I've decided to try to rise above - SM
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I had been discouraged by the posts on this board but I like the information so I kept reading but never posted. Now I've decided to try to interject positive messages wherever I can. Attitude is half the battle. If you think you are defeated then you are!
What a crock - Of MTSO Hockey
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What is SCARY is the way money has been taken out of the pockets doing the job!! Earning the money for the company, yet the company keeps finding new and ingenious ways to screw the MTs. Then we have newbie MTs who come into the field knowing nothing about the way it used to be - they way we seasoned MTs built it to be so that the MTSOs can now push us in the mud and walk all over our backs.

Then we have the snooty MTs who know nothing and tell us we don't do a good job because we have an attitude.

Go stuff yourself!
You are proving the point made in another thread about communication skills - One who agrees with the theory
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I am one who agrees with the theory that there are many MTs who are just typists who lucked into jobs. Now that quality is being required, they have less work or no work at all. They resort to tacky, crude conversation, because that's the best they have to offer. It's obvious to anyone who observes very long that people with that level of communication skills plus a bad attitude can't succeed. It's also obvious that they make it worse for the rest of us.

One thing about the MTs of the past who built what used to be AAMT, before it lost credibility due to some of the actions it took, was that they behaved with dignity. They were intelligent people with solutions. One or two people took the organization down the wrong path, or did that happen because of the global economy? Were they responding to reality or were they part of the problem? That is a discussion I would truly love to have, if we can somehow focus the conversation on thoughtful comments and 'shun' the silliness.
Its pretty hard to maintain a "good work ethic" when - sm - Rocky Raccoon
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you know you're being devalued and cheated.

When, after 4, or 5, or 10, or more years working for one place, you get your pay cut for no other reason than they want more of the cash for themselves, it's kind of hard to give a cr@p about doing right by the employer.
After all... are they doing right by us?

And when you have to work faster, harder, longer hours (with no overtime), with ever-worsening dictators, accounts and software, and you find yourself making less then minimum wage, it's pretty hard to think of anything but how you're going to make that next utility payment, rent payment, car payment, or doctor co-payment on what you make.

So what exactly does the average MTSO (and you, apparently) consider to be a "good MT work ethic"? Hmmm.....
Let's see:

1 - Poor math/accounting skills. (So they won't know they've basically being financially raped by the MT profession.)

2 - Have superhuman health and endurance... the ability to sit in one position for roughly 3/4 of an entire day, without fatigue, wrist pain, sore backs or necks, eye damage or illness (because of course, they don't get sick-days).

3 - Have "Kidneys Of Steel"... (because we know lots of you are timing those bathroom breaks and dinging for them, aren't you?)

4 - Be able to understand the non-intelligible. Spoken gibberish which even a crack CIA code-breaker can't decipher, we are expected to understand and transcribe correctly, even when the dictator himself didn't know for sure what he was saying.

5 - No personal or social life whatsoever. After all, you need to be able to call them at 3:30 in the morning with STAT report, even though they already worked 6 hours of overtime that day, which you and I both know they're never going to see a dime for. Weekends off and vacations are a no-no, as well. Anyone who could possibly have the AUDACITY to need a day off once in a while can't POSSIBLY have a "strong work ethic".

As the MTSO MORAL ETHIC continues to go down the proverbial toilet, I wouldn't hold your breath too long, waiting for that perfect, 100% loyal, true-blue, "I'll die for my profession" MT to come knocking on your door. They either starved to death long go, or else they've moved on to other business sectors that have more realistic ideas about what it takes to attract, and RETAIN good empoyees.
WOOHOO - Right on!!
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Thank you for an excellent post DEFENDING your fellow MTs and pointing out who the true "enemy" of the MT is - the greedy MTSOs!!
Not all companies fit your description of an MTSO - Leave companies like that to fail naturally
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Time takes care of companies and people who don't have good work/business ethics. I agree that it takes too much time and I wish it would happen now, not later. The best way to put unethical companies out of business is by having all the decent MTs vote with their feet. If you have good skills, take them to one of the better companies. I don't say 'good' or 'ethical' or 'perfect' companies because I'm not sure any are ideal. You can do better than the one you described though, if you have competitive skills. Everybody competes for jobs. That's the way industry has always worked. Go out there and compete and win the best job your skills command. Once those sleazy companies are stuck with only the worst MTs, their business will start dropping off.
Unfortunately MOST Do though! - Sad State of MT today
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So if we're only left with a half dozen who aren't sleazy, we at least have them - Winning MT
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Obviously we can't list the MTSOs that we know are trying hard to do the right thing. If we did that, they would be swarmed by the people who we've seen here with the bad attitudes and/or poor skills.

I would suggest that history has taught most of us who have been around a long time that it's wise not to generalize that all good MTSOs are (small) (large) (clinic), etc. There are some really good companies that are large and some excellent ones that are small. If you have the ability to do quality work and you have good work ethics/attitude, make it your job to find those best companies and help them to succeed. That's a win/win situation. Rather than decide they are all evil, which they are not, find those who are trying. They face enormous challenges right now in this awful economy where businesses are failing right and left. They are faced with making decisions they have to make in order to stay in business. In the past loyalty on both sides, employer and employee, created a work ethic both could be proud of. Is that possible in today's work environment? If not, what do we do about it?
DISAGREE - Patricia
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Nothing should ever affect your work ethic. If it does, you should not be staying in that job. I would not be staying in a job that lists all the negatives you list.
Oh, yes - I forgot to list 1 "work ethic" attribute for MT's: - a MARTYR COMPLEX. - Rocky R.
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My thoughts are with you! - TamTam
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Rocky, I really hope that you are out there looking for a new job! I have worked at several companies that do none of the things that you say, they are out there! Just keep looking!

But thanks for warning us about some of the red flags that we need to look out for when looking for a job!

I work for the "big guys" and I am nothing more - sm

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than a glorified babysitter, having to call MT A to remind her of her schedule for the umpteenth time, telling MT B that no, she can't have the weekend off just because her husband wants to go away (especially if you ask me on Friday afternoon), I have to ask MT C to please sign in and she says after she finds a sitter for the day. The list goes on and on. This is a real job, not a recreational activity, please treat it as such. If you worked in-house with that kind of work ethic you'd find you tush out on the street looking for work.
I think this is one thing that is causing problems for all MTs - Concerned
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There is a huge problem with lack of both skills and work ethics these days. That is an absolute truth. It's a problem with the employers and it is also true with the people they hire. No wonder our industry has problems!
Nowhere in MT are skills & ethics lacking more than - in OWNERS & MANAGEMENT.
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You can justify your nastiness all you want. You can call us lazy and unmotivated. You can blame the hospitals. You can blame the recession. You can blame India.

But deep down at the very bottom of it all, there YOU are. The MTSO. If you MTSO's are all verklempt because you can't seem to find top-notch, error-free, high-producing, workhorse MTs for the crummy "pay" you offer, you have nobody to blame but your own slimy, bottom-feeding, greedy selves.

Rocky R.
I'm not an MTSO but as an experienced MT of many years - I see some very unskilled and unmotivated MTs
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There have always been MTs who didn't have good skills but just lucked into a job. I'm seeing more and more though, and with an attitude. It makes us all look bad, unfortunately.
If yer gettin the big bucks for "babysitting", as you call it, - then why are U complaining?
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Your attitude towards those that work under you says a lot:

Big opinion of your importance to MT
Terrible social skills
Chip on your shoulder
Heart the size of a lima bean
oh come on - sm
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I have friends who are MTs and it amazes me when I hear them talk about how they took a nap or watched TV during their scheduled work time. I may have missed something in this thread but I'm not understanding how you have come to your conclusion about the poster because they are irritated with the lame excuses they receive when they want the employee to work when scheduled. ????
babysitting seriously? - ??
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Why don't they get rid of the MTs who are not working when they are scheduled and don't call in? It shouldn't matter whether you work at home or in-house.

A Higher opinion of themselves than reality - Exactly what I am seeing

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You put into words what I've been seeing, people who are claiming to be very good at medical transcription when they are not. They blame anything and everything for the fact that they are not doing well. The truth is, they just aren't very good at transcribing. Could they improve their skills? Some of them probably could, but they aren't motivated to do that because they think they already know it.
AMEN - Patricia
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You wouldn't even believe the stories I could tell you, and it is incredible how many resumes cannot be trusted, promoting themselves as experienced MT's with 10 and 12 years experience leaving me blanks NO experienced MT should be leaving.
You just described most QA-people. - ;p
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Most QA people I know are intelligent, motivated, and hard workers - We see things differently
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I've been very fortunate. The QA people I've dealt with have been good. They were reasonable and had common sense. There have been very few that I would describe as being on a power trip, and they didn't last long.

Even if an MT cant "walk on water", it's no reason for - them to carry so little value in a business - sm

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that DEPENDS ON MTs in order to have a business at all.

MT's with no hope of ever seeing a raise, let alone having their pay continually whittled away at, aren't going to give you 110% on the job. You want that kind of commitment, training, speed, intelligence, and experience, then try paying for it.

You know perfectly well what it takes to live on in 2010 in America. If you were a single MT relying on MT alone to get by, and only got paid for YOUR OWN work, and not the work of others, I seriously doubt you'd have it any better than the rest of us do.

Until you MTSO people grow yourselves a pair, and start standing up to the skinflint clients who are cheating YOU just as much as YOU'RE cheating US, then you'll never be able to afford good workers, and you'll continue to put out an INFERIOR PRODUCT.

Business isn't always about selling yourself the cheapest, it's also about having a product that stands out, that's better than most of your competitors'. And you'll never have that, if you consider an MT who just wants to make a decent living, feed themselves and their families, etc., to have an "inflated opinion of themselves".

The kind of MT you want, you either can't afford, because you've put your business and YOURSELF "on-sale", or else you don't want to pay fairly because you want more of the pie for yourself.

My heart bleeds. ( NOT !!! ) ;p
Would you want your MT business to 'depend on' the MTs on this forum? - Interesting Thought
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There are a couple of posters on here that I would be proud to have as co-workers. There are some that would be a detriment to any business that hired them. There are others who are very proud of themselves when it's obvious that they don't have that much to offer in the job market. They are angry because their work isn't marketable, but that doesn't change the fact that they have nothing to offer.

Those who do have marketable skills and attitude probably also have common sense enough to be able to tell the better MTSOs from the ones that are just out for a quick buck and will go out of business during the next 3-5 years.
Heres a scary thought (because its TRUE): MTs having - to depend on the likes of you for their living.
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Quality, speed, cheap...pick two. - volcanic vent

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I think there is probably plenty of talent that has been pushed out the door. I am frustrated with watching what I thought would be a long-term career being sold out to India (after being forced to 100% QA them for half line rate). I am tired of horrible, inconsiderate dictators (ESL and not) who refuse to change, and management who ignore the problem. I am tired of being micromanaged and in general treated like a cheap, expendable machine. I have a problem with being paid less while being forced to use useless VR programs.

I am probably just average, but looking to get out of MT entirely because it has no future that I can tell. I am discouraged about this because I thought I had found something stable. :(

Do you have an ad up here for MTs? - MT70

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If you are in need of good MTs, could you give some particulars on your platform, lines required, IC/employee?

Eeeww! You would actually work for this person? - Personally, Id rather clean Porta-Potties. nm

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no message

Good MTs - MT145

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When I first started going to symposiums, the way the other transcriptionists talked, I thought they all walked on water and could basically type anything. Then I saw their work and was shocked. There is a lot of truth to what Patricia says. There are a lot of people who misrepresent this profession.

I've noticed that over the last several years and it's getting worse - Agree With You

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I have had the same experience. I keep thinking that this trend is not good for any of us.

Thats because most of the good ones quit MT or retired, - and all that apply now are the inexperienced.

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Not true from what I'm seeing - nm
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Thanks MT145 - Patricia

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The very negative responses here have obviously never had subcontractors working for them or tried to find talented MT's to work for them and dealt with people grossly infalting their abilities. Like the post above, she would obviously have such a terrible attitude to work with, she would be happier, I would think, cleaning porta-potties.

Am interested in what you have open - MT70

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Shoot me an email with what you have open if you have a need for more MTs. Have done multispeciality clinic work remotely.

Hey, Patricia, I'm an excellent MT looking for clinic work - Preferably part-time

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Been working remotely, reliable, dependable, self-starter, have worked for some of the best.

Whatcha got open???

yeah, we all are excellent MTs and want a job - whatcha got open???

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Count me in.

I'd like to know also - LinK

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I'm looking for part-time clinic work also and would love some information.
Me, too.....looking for part-time work - Looking
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Thanks - Patricia

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I have sent you an e-mail reply.
I'd also love some information - LinK
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I did clinic work until I lost my job to EMR.
Info - Looking
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Patricia...I'm also interested (looking for part-time, 25-30 hours per week if you have it). I had sent an e-mail to you, but it came back to me.

Looking for part-time clinic work as well sm - looking

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I am looking for part-time clinic work. I am available nights and weekends. Please e-mail me if you have an open position.

I'd like to know, as well. - myka

[ In Reply To ..]
I have been testing, passing with flying colors, and do not get called for an interview. Or I get an interview and get told they will contact me, and I never hear from them again. No acute care experience = no work for me.

Sounds like a "great" job, if you like working for the - likes of Simon Legree......

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"Don't beat me, Mas-tuh!"

Thanks - Patricia

[ In Reply To ..]
I have sent you an e-mail reply.

Here I am (as an example) - Long time MT

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I've left the MTSOs to go back to work for a hospital working remotely. I've had more compliments on my skills and work ethic in the past 2 weeks than I had in 15 years with national companies where I felt under appreciated and under valued consistently.

I'm convinced that many MT employers have never even met a real MT - My opinion

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Agree though I only have 8+ years experience - sm -

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I train a lot of people for the MTSO I work for. I can hit the ground running just about on any speciality and have done most of them. There are only a few I have not done, and OP reports are my weakness though I can do just about anything else. I cringe when I have to go over some MTs reports, some of the mistakes are really, really bad and should not have been made. Now I can see leaving a blank for a new dictator until you learn their idiosyncrasies but I have people guessing which is so much worse. I get paid dirt for training and QAing people, lose money actually as I have to give my work away in order to train others. Luckily I only train a few times a year though. But when training new people on accounts, and I am talking MTs with 20-30 years of experience, they take such offense at corrections, which the doctors request, not me, I am just passing on how the doctor wants it done and get told to shove it up my butt basically because that is how they do it and have never been told it is a problem, etc. I have encountered the holier than thou attitude so much it is not funny. Maybe they are ticked that I a lowly MT with only 8 years experience are training them the high and mighty, who knows, I am very good at what I do and take pride in my work, many don't. I have thought about trying to get my own accounts but just not sure if I really want the headaches that go along with it, people who don't do their work on time, do bad work, do good work but are super slow, decide they don't want to work that day and their work just sits, clients that take 90 days or more to pay, clients that don't pay, paying my people on time, not ever being able to take a vacation again probably, etc. Commom sense is definitely lacking with some MTs. I'd say it is 50/50 out there. Older MTs ticked about the pay scale dropping, new MTs that think they should be making the $40-60K promised to them in ads, not working 10+ hour days consistently to make $100+ a day or however long it takes to get that day's work done, or staying up late to do a last minute stat the doctor dictated at 10 pm and needs it right away. I work with a few people I truly wonder why they still have jobs, if it was up to me they wouldn't but it is not my company unfortunately. I understand hiring is a pain and it is hard to get lucky in finding a responsible person who is willing to work for .08 cpl and does not need thier hand held 24/7 and can just step up and do the job well right off the bat, but tht is no reason to keep incompetent people either.

Lots of talented MTs out there; you just havent had any - apply cuz your pay is probably pathetic. nm

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Good MTs - Anonymous

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Were your employees graduates of the Andrews School? From what I have read on this board, they are the only ones worth hiring these days.

I am a clinic MT who worked 8 years for a local clinic; now 7 years for a large MTSO. - my reference is a clinic administrator. I will do

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PT/FT IC work. - n/m

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Good MT/MTSO - Bad Rabbit

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I recently had the opportunity to work with an outstanding MTSO. The work was right up my alley. The dictators were good. The pay was outstanding as was every person I had contact with in this firm.  I believe that my work ethic and customer service philosophy meshed well with this firm.  However, it came down to fit.  I was just unable to work with their system.  The system was good, but the mechanics of it were just counter intuitive to my personal style.  

I am not saying that your system will not work, but with the number of variables involved in creating a good contractor/subcontractor or employee/employer relationship, it is difficult for both sides to find a workable groove.  There are some MTs who just feel like a failure is something does not work for them and have a difficult time moving on to something that will.  Many MTSOs, small ones at least, dread having to tell someone that things are just not working out and hope they will just go away.  

There are bad apples in every barrel, but usually it is just the wrong type of apple for your particular pie.

I recently had the opportunity to work with an outstanding MTSO. The work was right up my alley. The dictators were good. The pay was outstanding as was every person I had contact with in conjunction with this firm.  I believe that my work ethic and customer service philosophy meshed well with this firm.  However, it came down to fit.  I was just unable to work with their system.  The system was good, but the mechanics of it were simply counterintuitive to my personal style.  This turned out to be enough of a problem for me that I was not able to continue working with them.  It was not a question of a bad MTSO or a bad MT.

I am not saying that your system bad, but I am saying is that with the number of variables involved in creating a good contractor/subcontractor or employer/employee relationship it is difficult for both sides to find a workable groove. There are some MTs who just feel like a failure if something does not work for them and have a difficult time moving on to something that will or saying that they are having a problem.  I am sure that many MTSOs, small ones at least, dread having to tell someone that things are not working out and avoid it as long as possible.

There are bad apples in every barrel, but many times it is just a question of the wrong type of apple for your particular pie.

Good point! - nm

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agree with you - mtmt

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I tried to e-mail you to give a few words of support but e-mail came back twice, I do understand where you are coming from, a good MT is hard to find, but so many have been burned by the bigger companies they have resentment and I have noticed on this board they take it out on anyone who posts, that is why I was trying to e-mail you. Best of luck

sorry - mtmt

[ In Reply To ..]
Sorry, this post was supposed to be a comment to Patricia but kind of got midplaced.

Patricia's emails bounce back? - Wow...

[ In Reply To ..]
I had hoped she was legitimately looking for MTs, but that just doesn't bode well for sincerity. She might very well have missed out on some very good MTs honestly seeking to see what she has available.

I'm sort of disappointed to hear that, Patricia. Kind of makes empathy for your plight a little more difficult.
I dont think Patricia is a real MTSO. I think she is - just a troublemaker, stirring up the anthill. nm
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Oh please - Patricia
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I have been a small MTSO for 21 years. I have never had more than four subcontractors work for me because I consider my standards so high, I have found it difficult to grow with dedicated, talented MT's. I have trained MANY, MANY newbies, in fact no MT training at all. If they can type fast, have excellent spelling and grammar, smart cookies CAN and DO learn this job; don't need an MT school to get into it.

I am currently working with a newbie who is soooooooo appreciative. Girls have stayed with me 8 and 9 years (unheard of in this field). My two current subs have called me the nicest person they have ever worked for, even written reference letters for me to get accounts. WHY, because I treat them like subcontractors, NOT employers. I treat people the way I expect to be treated. I do not demand anything but good communication on availability to work.

So please, enough of your rash, immature judgments. You will only note other MTSO's know where I am coming from, NOT MT's who have never had anyone work for them.

So, with all the empathy you give, and loyalty you have, - WHATs YOUR PAY SCALE?
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Hopefully not some chickenscratch 8 cpl.
Say what - Patricia
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You certainly are judging me harshly without even knowing me. I can't explain perfectly legitimate e-mail address bouncing, sorry.

I will GLADLY contact those expressing an interest in working.

Not that I need your empathy. You would have to have tried to employ/contract out to know my plight.

THANKS - Patricia

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I have legitimate e-mail address here. Would love to "talk" with you and welcome the support. Such negativity on this thread, from people who haven't a clue where I am coming from. I will try to reply by your e-mail also.

Thanks again. I really, really appreciate the support.

not her e-mail - mtmt

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To set the record straight, it was not Pat's e-mail that was causing the problem - Baraccuda (whatever that is) said that my e-mail had sent bogus e-mail, which is not the truth. I think people really need to get the whole story before they start causing trouble and making accusations.
not her e-mail - Patricia
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Baraccuda is a spam filter I believe. Like I said, how silly are the posters here that I used a fake e-mail when MT Stars requires a verifiable e-mail. Not the sharpest knives in the drawer and like you said, definitely not getting the whole story straight before ridiculous accusations. They sure are a defensive bunch out there.

Email didn't bounce back - LinK
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I sent her an email an hour or so ago and it hasn't bounced back to me as undeliverable.

Patricia -- your post - anonn

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Obviously, you opened a HUGE can of worms with the post you made. I was going to wait until tomorrow to post MHO; however, I can't. I have been in this business 30+ years. I JUST started working for a company whose system is sooo CLUNKY and antiquated that I can't even use my word expander (which BTW has worked with EVERY platform but this one). Today, I spent innumerable hours (at my own expense of course), trying to figure out why word expander would not work. This particular hospital has a VPN connection so BURIED that everything has to be typed out -- NO expanders and this after talking to "techs until I am blue in the face." To no avail.

I have an EXTREMELY dedicated work effort and on a good account, where I can get used to the ESLs, I will NORMALLY crank out 1100 to 1200 lines a day. Have you ever considered the fact that YOUR particular platform may not be MT friendly production wise? Not being critcal, just asking.

I too have seen the"I don't wanna syndrome." Being a new or relatively new MT and sorry, I want first shift and NO WEEKENDS - IT dosen't work that way. I normally work seven days a week, 10-12 hours a day, with taking my only time off to shop for groceries or things I need.

I have been frustrated with the "new account" and not being able to use a word expander as well as the fact that as an IC, "the company wants set hours."

There are good MTs out there, be they new or old, but I TRULY believe that it comes down to the "old fashioned work ethic." If more people looked at this profession as a CAREER/job, rather than a SUPPLEMENT, then we would have a better workforce.

Can of worms - Patricia

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I agree, there are cumbersome platforms. The VPN platform I type in for this clinic is awesome. VERY user friendly. I think easy dictators. I am just so frustrated by people leaving blanks that I don't feel any so-called experienced MT should be leaving -- their resume just does not match their performance is the only point I am making and it has happened SO many times this past month.

I too have quit couple of companies as I did not like the platform and made peanuts (even at 9 and 10 cents a line). So many posters completely missing the point, that line count doesn't even matter, when I make more at 10 cpl straight typing (unheard of anymore but I do still have local internists on tapes), than I can at 12-13 cpl in a platform.

So it's not the platform.

ALSO, people think they are fast typists at 70 wpm. For 20 years, I have preferred to use only 90 wpm or better typists, as they will make more money obviously and be happier. I wonder how many MT's whining about my post can type 90+ wpm, yet griping about what they make.

It is oh so frustrating.....

Yeah - I share your frustration with lousy MTSOs - Wish I knew who YOU were...

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Guess you have to get your hands dirty and do your own work. If you paid a decent wage you'd get better MTs...just a thought!

good Mts - magsnfla

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I'm an excellent MT, QA 99+% for the past 20 years - yet I cannot even get the courtesy of a reply to resumes I send out to MTSOs. I'm reliable and disciplined, almost never miss work and always give notice when I do. Why can't I find an MTSO that will respect me?
As far as references- why are you using them? In this business, no one wants to give references because of liability and if you test the MT, you'll know if she can do the work. I've worked at home for the past 17 years and I have actually never met anyone I have worked for in that time. People move around in healthcare jobs, including office managers, MTSO supervisors - for the most part they have a short shelf life and MTSOs won't let their managers give references.
If you have work, you pay decent cpl and you want reliable help, email me.

You don't have job references? That may be part of your problem - See message

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I'm not sure where you've been working that you can't get them to give you references. That's terrible!

my thoughts about - MT

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I hear you. I also see you are getting a lot of flack for your post.

I do agree that MTs are paid poorly, but I believe the problem of finding good MTs is deeper than that.

It is my opinion that MT courses and MT schools/degree programs are deficient in their educational objectives.

Transcription has more to do with the ability to understand subject matter than with rote memorization of anatomical words and phrases.

You can drill people all you want on novel anatomical terms, but the ability to listen, think, and interpret is essential in transcription, and in my opinion cannot be acquired through course-work or spelling bees.

Don't we all know intelligent people who can't transcribe the words of a song? Don't we all know intelligent people who can't interpret the meaning of a medical abstract?

The ability to transcribe medical information is a highly specialized skill that should be valued for the rarefied talent it represents.

Too many "schools" are profiting from the steep tuition they collect from people who believe they can become MTs because they can type really fast.

No one would pay money to go to songwriting "school" if they couldn't carry a tune, would they?

There is no mechanism by which an MT "school" assesses the aptitude of its enrollees to transcribe medical information. If you can spell and pay the tuition, you are accepted.

As long as shoddy "schools" continue to convince people they can "become" MTs, and as long as predatory MTSOs are allowed to profit from this slice of the healthcare pie, you can expect the skills of the average MT to decline.

Interested in feedback... - MT

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any thoughts?

It starts with you - Tracy

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You are undercharging your client, therefore, you must underpay your MTs. Like anything in life, you get what you pay for. Sounds like you'd be better off typing your own reports rather than being an MTSO unless you are able to raise your rates.

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