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Didn't get around to asking supervisor about pay schedule... - blondie

Posted: Mar 04, 2013

I will have to remember to do that tomorrow. Would anyone care to share the next paydate and when this pay period ends? Thank you in advance! I do have to say having worked for Nuance previously they have MModal beat on providing info to employees. When I hired on with Nuance I got so much paperwork sent to me with info of every kind that there was not one question I could think of that was not covered. That has been a few years back so don't know if they still do that but that was my experience. Not here though!

This is the start of a new pay period. - see below

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Pay period started yesterday and ends the 16th. My pay gets deposited this Friday and then it is every other Friday. Some months have 3 Friday pay periods.

Blondie, when you are logged onto TW (time clock) - click on the TIMESHEET tab

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it will tell you what the current pay period is at the top. You can click the right or left arrows to see past/future pay periods. HTH

Thanks...nm - blondie

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