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I didn't get the Landesk email... - Coco

Posted: Oct 09, 2014

I'm in the SE region, so I guess it's a regional matter? 

Are you using their computer or your own? May already be on - company computer. NM

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I'm using the company computer... - Coco

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...but if the email was sent from corporate, wouldn't it just be a mass email instead of sending it to regions/individuals?

No, it said "if you are receiving this email, you are noncompliant..." - sm

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so they are already monitoring those who have the program obviously & can tell who they aren't able to monitor...
Ok..thanks for the clarification - Coco
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I don't think that portion of the email was mentioned in previous posts on here, which is why I was inquiring about it.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

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