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iMedX nearly $50 million in revenue acquisition - anon

Posted: Sep 11, 2014

Hey iMedX MTs, I thought you would like to know how well we are doing. I think it's time for a line rate increase! http://itbriefing.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=610308 ATLANTA, Sept. 3, 2014 -- iMedX, a leading health information solutions company and a leader in medical documentation solutions, today announced that it has added nearly $50 million in acquisition revenue over the past 12 months thanks to eight deals, including five in 2014. iMedX, the third-largest company in the industry in terms of revenue, combines technology with exceptional customer service to deliver unparalleled solutions for medical documentation, high-value medical coding services and data analytics solutions.

rate increase - anon

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I could sure use a raise, but we know that's not happening. Raising the line count quota raises stress more than pay, but that's the only raise offered.

Did it also mention where most of their labor force is located - India it is

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So the only raises are the dudes at the top.

line rate increase? yeah right - IMedX MT

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I was working for one of the companies that got sucked into IMedX. Since then, much of the work has gone offshore and the rest will be going to voice wreck soon. Anyone want to take bets that our line rates will go down when that happens?

re: line rate increase? yeah right - IMedX MT - anon

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Some people have gotten their new contracts with IMedX. They are dropping us to .35 cpl

New contracts?? - What company did you work for

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Just wondering what company you worked for that "merged" with Imedx. I am with TransTech and have heard nothing yet of new contracts and drop in line rate. Your statement about new contracts makes me really nervous. Can you give more info please.

Ugh - anon2

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That is AMAZING... especially for a company that says commas don't matter and to get perfection out of your mind, because you can't be productive if you are worried about quality. Sure must be nice for the investors though. I guess at least THEY can pay their bills while poopooing all over the MTs.

Unfortunately, that large revenue and being in - the top 3 means probably lower wages

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coming soon. They don't become competetive with the other big 2 by taking care of their employees, that's for sure. Clearly, they are competing with the other 2 evils and only by cutting wages as the other 2 did will they ever have a chance of moving up the ladder. How sad is that.

Imedx pay - potential employee

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Would anybody be willing to comment on what they pay? TIA!

Huge rates in acquisitions - Nick

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I am not and never was with iMedX, but I did my time with MQ back in its evil day, so I think I can relate. Doesn't it just chap you to know that this kind of money is being made on our backs? I am pretty much out of MT, am working only part-time now, have a research gig at a law firm (for which I am thankful). I don't resent that the senior partners bill at $800 or so an hour because I know that associates who work like dogs (and I do mean dogs), get lots of billable hours, and really do well in court have a chance of making partner in several years. But do MTs have a chance of getting rewarded? No way, Jose. Not only do we not get rewarded for our effort, we get less and less. Even though I now have about 50K in debt, I am still glad I chose to change careers. I am not a young guy, but I am not old, either, and if I am going to break my back, I would rather do it at a law firm where I have a chance to be rewarded than get stomped on by the MT world. My sympathies are with the MTs and my anger is at the MTSOs!

Don't you mean "huge RATS", Nick :0) - nm

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