A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

INDIA'S POWER GRID COLLAPSES - 680 MILLION LOSE POWER - How is that outsourcing working for ya?

Posted: Jul 31, 2012

One of the things I have repeatedly written and warned about when it comes to outsourcing is the uncertain infrastructure that many foreign countries have - and I'm not just talking about their electrical grids.

Foreign countries introduce huge elements of uncertainty (read, RISK) when it comes to their physical infrastructure, but also their social, governmental and legal infrastructures.  And when it comes to something as CRITICAL as American healthcare records (which, may I remind every MTSO, are used in REAL TIME TREATMENT of patients, and not just as historical documents), those RISKS are simply UNACCEPTABLE.

So, when I saw this breaking news, was I surprised?

Stop me on the street and ask me.



Sadly, our grid infrastructure is not real secure either, but nobody has been paying attention to th - anon

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I can't think of a better time to strike or do a work - slowdown than RIGHT NOW.

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Work strike - Randi

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Forget your work strike. Think about the PATIENT, for once.
Maybe the hospitals and MTSOs, should think about - the patient - for a change.
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Yeah! - Now! nm

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I think some are - agree w/you

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Think of how many jobs revamping US infrastructure would create. US jobs at that... definitely couldn't be sent overseas!!

Costly for taxpayers/government? Yes, but more income tax would be generated by more people working and you'd think that would help out a little.

We are more vulnarable than people want to believe. Denial is costly.

They have backup generators.... - just me #1

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They have backup generators, as losing power is common in India. They do have bandwidth issues... and everybody has seen what their electricity lines look like. OMG!

Maybe they hook up their computers to bicycles - and peddle real fast. n/m

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very rude. - no message

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MTSOs are rude for sending our work to India - - always a disaster going somewhere to happen.
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Have you ever seen what their - "infrastructure" looks like?
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A nightmare of antiquated lines and poles and connections. It's amazing it works at all!

Backup generators won't get it done with major outage. - This is a false form of power security.

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Backup generators require more fuel to operate than you can possibly know if you haven't been responsible for large systems as I have. If you have to replenish the fuel, it isn't long before you won't be able to do so.

HURRAY! At least something in our lives - went right today, didnt it? ;p

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Cause of outage? - me

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Probably all that typing being done that belongs on US soil overloaded their circuits - hope it makes companies realize that our work belongs in the USA. Maybe they'll run out of oil/gas for their generators. That would make the circle complete.

nice dream - never happen

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cheap will always win.
nice dream - rierie
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Don't be so quick to say nice dream - never happen. Remember 09/11/2011. First time such attack ever happened on U.S. soil. Did you ever think that would happen?
DATE CORRECTION 09/01/2001 - rierie
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Don't be so quick to say nice dream - never happen. Remember 09/11/2001. First time such attack ever happened on U.S. soil. Did you ever think that would happen?

*Cheap* wins are frequently only temporary, as they - are unsustainable long-term.
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LOL! - Lordy

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WTH??? Fantasies running wild in the real world domain, and should I say awry too. Since nobody is giving two hoots to their plight, American MTs have fallen down to wishing ill-fortune on others.
They wish (and deliver!) ill fortune on America every - single day of the year. Kharma, dude.
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Indian Blackout - burned out

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Doesn't mean squat to me - OUT OF WORK - NO JOBS AVAILABLE today.

This blackout was so enormous, there isn't even an - estimate of all the deaths yet. NM

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Just Nature, trying to cull the herd and establish - Her balance again.

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I'm shocked anyone could say something so horrible. - FAIL.

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This is the least tasteful, most inhuman comment I have ever seen on this board.
You do realize, don't you, that our species has just about - overrun the planets ability to sustain it?
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Did you have the same flippant attitude - about the shootings in Colorado?
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I'm quite aware of overpopulation and feel strongly enough about it that I've had myself "fixed" and will NOT be contributing to the problem.

That does not mean I take an "oh well" attitude when tragedy strikes.
Um, I don't think the power going out is a "tragedy" but that's just me. NM - anon
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Talking about death estimates - Follow the thread please.
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If you follow the thread, it was in response to someone mentioning that they did not have a record of the number of deaths caused by the power outage. That IS tragedy.

Then someone came on and said it was nature culling the herd.
Well, it kind of is, even if that is a bit harsh... - anon
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and it is different than shooting a bunch of people.

Technology failing and nature are a wee bit different.

The world is grossly over populated and when technology fails, which is artificially supporting numbers that could never survive with out it, she kind of has a point.

I followed the thread, I simply pointed out that it is different and really not a tragedy in the same sense of some nut job shooting a bunch of people. Apples and oranges.
Impasse - I find it heartbreaking.
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If innocent people dying is not a tragedy to you, regardless of whether they were shot or died from lack of resources, there is no direction for this conversation to go, other than to just be over.


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I am so tired of idiots confusing the two!! OUTSOURCING ALLOWS US TO WORK AT HOME!!!!!!!

Geez - for your information outsourcing is always correct. - sm

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Please stop your nit-picking. I see this time and again on here, and it is starting to get on my nerves. I am embarrassed for the people who post as you do. OUTSOURCING is correct for any situation that is not in-house. Yes, off-shoring is more specific, but technically it does not matter. For the intents and purposes of MTs, we all know what "outsourcing to India" means, it is outsourced off-shore.

I respectfully disagree. - FBL

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When discussing issues of livelihood, one needs to be as specific as possible, especially politicians. Many voters do outsourced work and may mistakenly think the offshoring comments are aimed at them if the more general term is used.

Telecommuting allows me to work - from home.

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Not outsourcing.

Telecommuting allowed India to steal our jobs. - Now its a nightmare run amok.

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