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With Webmedx/Nuance, is anyone - making $24-$34/hr?

Posted: Sep 22, 2011

I know it seems like a silly question these days, but I really do need to know based on something that was said (not here).  If not, what would you estimate an average hourly salary is with this (these) company(ies)?

$24-$34 - WannaTakePics

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I don't work for Webmedx/Nuance, but I do work for XX/Nuance, and in my 20+ years' experience with various companies...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! However, that's just my experience, and if even $24 is a reality, I would like to apply!

Lot of variables Webmedx/Nuance - ANON

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Lot of variables when considering ones wages for what it comes out to. For example, normals/shortcuts. With most companies, if you don't have a great deal of these, your wages are minimal if any. Where else in a world do they use the fact that we have normals to help increase our wages, but we don't see a painter getting a decrease in his pay or benefits because he uses a spray gun instead of a brush. IMHO, the more we make up for what they take away, they just go another step further, one way or another, benefits, decrease in pay, harder/new platforms, upgrades, changing accounts, etc. They also expect us to be available 24/7 when we are not salaried to cover the no/low work. They demand we keep our schedule, yet the constant change in work volume is always demanding otherwise. I cannot even think about a part time job to help cover the cuts because I find myself always trying to catch whatever drops in between accounts just to get a full 8 hours in and keep the insurance. Sigh...amazing what they get away with.

So, what you are saying is... - sm

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When we are told we have the capability of making said amount with this (or similar companies), it's sort of like Publisher's Clearing House saying we have the chance of winning big money and all we need to do is apply?

Somewhere in between - ambieMT

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IMO it depends on the company you work for, conditions and their pay. My current employer provides a fair amount of pre-templated text that we get paid for; it's an IC position only. How much an MT can utilize their time and expansions ultimately determines the outcome of production = $$. For example, 9.3 cpl for anything 5000+ in 7-day period and 10 cpl for 6500+. Weeding through good companies vs not so good is the toughest part of our job now, it seems.

their system matters, too. If you cannot flip in and out - you have an uphill battle. NM

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system/platform, under *conditions* - ambieMT
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thanks for letting me in on your personal verbiage. - never heard it call that before. NM
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system/platform/*conditions* - ambientMT
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Working conditions, is the platform/system hard to learn? Cumbersome? Help in learning? A seamstress can only be as good as the sewing machine, carpenter with tools, etc. Open-minded way of looking at it. ;)

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