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Can anyone tell me, for FT status PTO..... - Kiki

Posted: May 11, 2010

I noticed I had 19 hours of PTO, had this amount for the past couple of weeks.  After this last payday, it's still the same 19 hours.  I thought they added our PTO every PP?  At least they did in the past, I'd always see approximately 6 hours added every PP.  Is this yet something ELSE they are ripping us off for? 

that happened to me a couple of months ago - Dinosaur

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FT after 2 years earn approx 6 hours PTO per PP. They are supposed to add it every PP, I was missing my PTO a couple of months ago, when it did not show up after a week I contacted my CCM who put me in contact with the person who is responsible for PTO showing up correctly on Scheduled Source. She fixed it and sent me an email after it was completed. I checked it over and emailed her back that it was correct.

Sometimes additions or changes to Scheduled Source are slow to show up. Give it a few days, if you do not see the addition of your 6 hours by the end of the week contact your CCM and that should get the ball rolling.

another irony of PTO - mt

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I am in the former PT flex category, but I often times would get in enough hours to qualify for some PTO, albeit a tiny amount per pp. Interestingly in the past few months, I have not been able to exceed 48 hours per pp due to NJA. Coincidence?

Now I have less than one hour of PTO remaining on my check. They say they can't pay it out until I quit. lol

I always go by my ADP pay statment for my PTO - ***

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because that company (1) is not MQ, and (2)they seem to have more on the ball.

Where do you find PTO in Schedulesource? - sm - Confuzzled

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I'm lost and ADP doesn't recognize me. LOL Thanks!

click on days off, under availability - aquamarine

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you should see you PTO balance at the bottom
Thank you! - nm - Confuzzeled
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