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US Dept of Labor back wages payment - K&R Consulting

Posted: Jul 31, 2013

Anyone else get a sweet check from K&R for back wages and a letter from Department of Labor?

back wages - really?

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What lawsuit was this from? Please give a little more detail so I know whether to be on the lookout or not! :)

not sure there was a lawsuit - MT

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just got money and the letter from the department of labor says work period 10/02/2010 through 12/31/2011?

You aren't suing when you contact the Labor Board - (sm). - MTBankAccount

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You file a complaint with them, provide your documentation and tell them what you weren't paid for, and if they feel a labor law has been broken, they go after them. Years ago, I got a sweet check from an employer after they took money out of each paycheck for health insurance, but the insurance was never provided. So I got a check for not only what I had put in, but what the insurance for 8 months would've been worth, had I had it. It was sweet, alright! ;)

Back wages - MT

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Looking at my post it looks like K&R is the poster, but it's not--I just didn't think that through. Anyway I'm wondering if other MTs got back payments too. I remember some drama a few years ago, but never thought I would see this money in my mailbox!

Who did you work for then? - NM

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Worked for K&R - MT

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Oh, thanks. I thought K&R was a 3rd party :/ - nm
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way to go!! lucky Gal! If D of Labor made her do it, they must - have a list from her records of all owed right? NM

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That news is a breath of fresh air!!

I'm thinking that would be right? - OP

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but I suppose it would be up to K&R to supply the list--and who knows how forthright they would be?
GOOD! They owe me also.. - anon
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we can hope, right?
it was for last year - tax records with 1099s. - anon-2
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she might be getting audited.

In my case, they not only checked records of - my pay, but all employees there. -(sm).

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When the company had to pay everyone all they were owed - insurance, back overtime pay, bounced checks, and other little infractions, plus fines - it put them out of business. Did my little ol' heart a world of good when I got the news.

audit - mtme

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Did K&R do VA Hospital work? My employer got audited by the DOL and had to pay back wages because of not paying the hourly wage as required on government contracts.

K&R is a VA contractor--what company did you work for - MT

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They were paying us 1099 wages and that is a no-no on VA contracts.

Yes, they did VA work at one time. They probably got audited. nm - anon

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They got reported by an MT who they fired for exposing them - anon

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I remember one MT sent an e-mail to everyone saying K&R was supposed to be paying us as employees, etc. and K&R sent out an e-mail saying they apologized for the upset by the MT who accused them of breaking the rules, but reassured us they were doing everything by the law. They fired the MT and now we find out who was telling the truth--THE MT!

Check - MN MT

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I see the check is only for 2010-2011 so what about other years working for them. If I sign the paperwork does that waive me from any other years they are audited? I think we should look into this before signing.

Check - Old Pro

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This is one of those times when you really, really do need a to consult a lawyer. It would likely not take much of his/her time at all, and there is much at stake. Good luck and brava to the MT who ratted them out!

Check - MT

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I wondered about that too. I see on the letter from the WHD that there is a disclaimer NOTICE TO EMPLOYEE about accepting the payment as total resolution, but that seems to reflect the Fair Labor Standards Act and this payment is required by the Service Contract Act. I've cashed the check but haven't signed the Receipt for payment from Department of Labor. I'm considering moving forward for the rest of my wages. Let us know what you decide.

What years are involved? - me

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Worked for them for a short time in 2009 and 2010.
I think there is a 2-year statute . . . - MT
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but you should check with the DOL in Georgia to be sure.
Check? - Anon
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I worked there from 2009 to 2013 and have received no check, but I do remember the drama involved when they fired that lady who ratted them out about the labor laws and pay involved. I never thought we would see anything either. I have talked to several current and ex KnR MTs and only 1 got anything...the others have yet to receive anything. Hope for all of us we all get something.
Were you an IC or employee, maybe K&R didn't give all the names? - MT
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So what was all the drama anyway? How did she do it? Maybe you should contact the DOL like the above post.

What does the DOL letter say? - OPMT

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I contacted the DOL since I had not got a check, and to see when mine was coming. They said I was not on the list. So I am filing a complaint. Does the letter any of you got say what the violation was for? Any info is helpful. Thanks!

Violation of Service Contract Act--we should have been paid prevailing wage and benefits - MT

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since it was a government contract. You should have been classified as an employee because their contract says no IC!

DOL office Atlanta, GA case ID: #1639826 - anon

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phone number 404-893-4600

IC/employee? - anon

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I was an IC until 2012 (july) when they changed me to employee. I called dept of labor and they said I was not on the list either.
Did you ask about your back wages and what did they say? - anon
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I wonder why DOL doesn't have all the names for everyone working there--this seems rather odd!
No..... - anon
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I asked about it, but they said the list is small of those yet to receive a settlement. I am not on that list. I told her the same thing, that we all should be on there, and she said she could not tell me the reason some are and some aren't but I can call the investigator for further information. I told her that a year ago we knew they made a contract violation for IC/employee and she said the violation was not due to contracts. So I am really confused...
NO ? - anon
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I hope you talk to the investigator if you really are due back wages. I suppose they could mean it's not about contracts because the DOL doesn't deal with contract violations, they deal with labor laws--just guessing. Wish I knew how to post a copy of my letter on here. Don't give up.

I am the MT who filed the claim and to the best of my knowledge - Tess

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everyone working for K&R on a VA contract that was not classified as an employee and receiving prevailing wage has a legitimate claim for back wages. If you were working there as an IC you should contact the DOL and document your phone calls, who you talk to and their answers. I have no legal experience but the way it was explained to me is everyone has a right to their wages!

Thanks!!! - Anon

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Thanks for the info and thank you for what you did!!!!

Thanks for your support. It was the right thing to do and I hope others do the same - Tess

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you can remain anonymous with the DOL--unfortunately I made my complaint known to the company!

K&R back wages - lisa

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thank you so much Tess, just got the check! If it wasn't for you looking into this we wouldn't have this money

but not everyone... - irrateMT

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Unfortunately not everyone is getting a check even though we all worked here at the same time and got paid the same way. Management needs to send out some kind of response to all this so we all know what this was for and why some got it and others not....when these things are posted it spreads like wild fire and there are too many unanswered questions. I do thank you for putting yourself out there and getting what is rightfully deserved.
Contact the department of labor mentioned in earlier post - MT
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You have to do the leg work--give them a call.
Irrate MT-management is going to help you, they are the ones taking advantage of you - call DOL
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It looks like they only gave some names, one would think intentionally!
opps, should say management is NOT going to help you - call DOL
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I understood you - irrateMT
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I know management will do nothing to help, or admit to wrong doing, but I sure hope there is going to be an explanation from upper management soon as to what is going on. This could become a class action lawsuit...not fair that some and not all were listed.
Didn't realize they had upper management--hope everyone - gets their pay
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Let us know if there is a lawsuit, this is just so wrong what they have done.

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