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I just love emails from IT department at imedx. It is like solving a puzzle to figure out what they are trying to communicate. More fun and sparkle added to my day! Message to Imedx: Hire 1 English as first language IT person to commicate with your US employees. Just fuels my belief that despite what I have been told, you have NO intention of keeping me on as an employee long-term. This is just common sense, which in my opinion most of your decisions so far seem to be greatly lacking!
P.S. Sure do miss the tech guys at Transtech. :(
I gave it two weeks and it crashed my brand new, very expensive PC. I had already paid a year in advance for a very good virus program, so after they had verified I had their program on my PC, I uninstalled it and reinstalled the program that I had purchased.
I'm extremely picky about my PC. I saved up for a long time to get the monster computer I did this year, and in a matter of days, their virus program had brought my PC to a complete halt. Screw them. They can sue me. This is MY computer, not theirs. I hate these people.
I agree totally - it's like this is their first takeover and they've never used these programs before. Here's my question... if they have Word/Office on their PCs over there in camel-ville, and they would have to in order to work our accounts... then they would also have access to Outlook, right? If they really knew what they were doing, they could easily have come up with an email program that feeds through Outlook, like our old TTMS emails did. This makes no sense to me at all... until I had this thought... it's a paranoid, conspiracy-theory thought, but I think it's a valid one.
"Let's make it so difficult for the stateside MTs to work and get critical information so that they eventually start dropping like flies, thus saving us the trouble of getting rid of them in other devious ways. Let's give them a virus program that's really a virus - and watch them all fail. Let's take over their company, but we won't bother to find people within our company who can communicate in their language. Let's do all this, hope like hell everyone quits, and then we'll just dump the leftovers in a few months, according to plan."
Just my two cents.