A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Transcend input for - interview coming up

Posted: Sep 29, 2010

I also have an interview coming up with Transcend soon.  I have done my research on this board and elsewhere.  Are there any MT's out there who are willing to give some new and or good input into this company and why it might be worth it to work there?

Yes - please - see inside

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I worked there briefly last summer.

These are the positives and negatives of my experience.

I made a great line count - over 10 cpl for transcription.
I did not do any VR editing - transcription only.
Great account - low to moderate % ESLs.
Excellent platform.
Feedback on all my QA'd reports.

At first, I thought my Team Lead was great! Responsive. Answered questions in record time (compared to my other past mgmt at other MTSOs). She started to make some mistakes, really glaring ones - not often but the were serious as far as sending out info that was private for MT reviews to the entire group! Some of the report numbers that she said were mine (these are reporting critical errors sent to the client in a mass E-mail) were not. I called to talk to her about it. I could hear how confused she was and embarrassed. No need - we all make mistakes. When we hung up, she apparently called the Regional Manager who immediately fired me because I had apparently cursed out the TL. WHAT?! I have NEVER, EVER spoken to ANYONE in that manner. I called the RM immediately. She wouldn't let me even say a word - she just raised her voice and shouted right over me. I couldn't believe how she was a total dominatrix! Funny now but it wasn't at the time. When she finally settled down, I (never EVER lost my cool and was polite and professional regardless) explained that perhaps the TL was embarrassed over her actions but that she was 100% incorrect in her reporting, I had never used that language in my life, much less at work, and that I needed this noted on the record. She told me to E-mail my statement to her and she would put it in the file but that was it - she would not tolerate her TLs being handled in that manner.

I started reading here about this particular RM and realized that she really truly has a power issue and her personality is not one that is appropriate for managing people. Perhaps she would be more appropriate managing nonhuman capital but in dealing with individuals, she is a detriment to the company. The TL is also someone who seems nice but who cannot admit to errors and mistakes.

I found it disturbing that such an event could occur. The likelihood of it happening again is very high and, if you research carefully through posts here in the archives, you will see that I was not alone in my experience.

I've been doing this work over 20 years. There have been times where I mildly disagree with management and times I completely disagreed with them (at other MTSOs). I always was able to bring my issues to them and discuss them in a professional setting. This, however, was like something out of a movie about terroristic bosses! I was stunned! So, I have a fairly balanced perspective here and they were beyond reason and absolutely, 100%, completely making up what occurred.

The accounts you see mentioning "transcription only" and others being advertised for right now? These are all directly under that RM and the transcription only account is under that same TL.

Bottom line: No matter how great the structural aspects and pay were, it is their management that runs the employee relationship into the ground. It is truly their management that keeps that company in constant turnover. Really sad because they COULD be great to work for long-term.


And I know exactly who you are talking about.... - happy to be out from under her

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I'm a true believer in what goes around will eventually come around, but it's unbelievable how long this person has gotten away with it. Lies, deciept, manipulations, you're right, it's something like out of a movie!

My experience rather echos Yes-Please's - Transcender some time ago

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Looking back at Transcend from a far more stable company, Transcend seems pretty wild and woolly, with, as I said in another post, rather rackety management and occasional strange happenings and strange behaviors.

Like Yes-Please, I also had some unfortunate experiences with a couple of TLs, one who cheated and lied to us after being seemingly wonderful for years, and another incompetent pair of TLs of whom I was strongly reminded by Yes-Please's story, including being blamed for other peoples' mistakes--at least until the phone-call dominatrix part. I saw the last of them when they lost us the extremely prestigious account I had been glad to be assigned to. There was a QA who, bizarrely, out of nowhere failed me twice and was going to put me on probation (typical array of weird mark-offs x5). My current TL made that go away, but a couple of years later a post here described the same situation to a T, so I had to believe she'd never been fired and may well still be there.

All that said, I actually liked working there in other ways, comfortably loose, was allowed to roam my accounts choosing what work should be done next, no sign in and out, totally ignored most of the time. Suited me. I made a nice living while my accounts were good and would actually consider going back for a trial if I found myself out of work.

BTW, to this day people still describe being hired and then being given NO work. That happened to me. A full work week went by, and my new TL only finally contacted me and assigned me to an account after I told HR I would resign and return all equipment if not contacted that day.

Oh! Transcend's OWN platform was dreadful in those days. I have no idea how it is now but would check into it carefully before accepting a job working on it.

See message. - Used to work there too

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The information from the poster above is mostly correct. However, very few people are making 10 cpl at Transcend. I went to Transcend from MDI when the company was sold to them. Anyone making over 9 cpl was cut in pay. I think the 10 cpl is for the most extreme account(s) where there are a lot of issues like the poster above mentioned with management or with accounts so bad that they CAN'T be put on VR.

There is very little that is "new and/or good" posted about Transcend.

Transcend - Looking for another job

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I currently work there and wish I didn't. Poorly managed and constant mistakes on many things, think twice before working here.

Transcend input - tired metatarsal

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Good news - they pay on time.

Bad news - they overhire, frequently no work available, frequently unable to make minimum line count to keep benefits unless you want to keep checking back 24/7 to see if any work available.

transcend input - me

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Not a place I'd choose to work - left within 4 months after the merger after 5 years with MDI. Was making 12 cpl, went down to 11.5, then down to 10.5 and was told it may go lower than that. They penalized the very people that were keeping the accounts they wanted...I hope they are getting the backlash on that with the new hires who have to learn the accounts. Wouldn't bother me one bit. Very disappointing end to what was lauded as a great merger for everyone. HA.

Do the math. Over 1500 MLS and 6 negatives here. - The archives contain negative

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reviews by the same handful over and over. Those from MDI who were disappointed over the 11-12 cpl, really where will they get that pay anywhere?

I left 6 months ago for personal time committment reasons. In the 3 years I was there, I had steady work, a decent manager and was pretty much left alone to do my work. On the rare occasion when work was low, a simple email requesting another acct to work on was all it took. All in all, if you have well-rounded experience and can work across different work types and accents, you will do fine.

Before anyone starts, I'm not a "suit," just a ditch digger like the rest.

I guess what I'm saying, when reviewing the comments here and prior, put it in perspective. It's a LARGE company, so the handful of complaints is not representative of the overall MLS staff.

Good luck to you!

I was not going to post until I read the last post. - Add me to the handful

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It is made to sound that the same people are complaining and that out of that LARGE company, most are satisfied.

Not me.

While the last poster had a positive experience, mine was not. Ran out of work all the time. Could not keep benefits. So what if you have multiple accounts? So does everyone else who runs out of work. Some of these accounts are saturated with MTs. Emails that are sent out to everyone on that account list was in the 90s on one. Come on. What account has enough work for 90?

Also, a former employee.

Using your own logic and doing the math - Writing on the wall

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Yes, Transcend is a large company. But if you do the math, like you say, and compare the handful of complaints about the company with the positive posts, the percentage of those not having any problems whatsoever is very, very low in comparison with those experiencing numerous issues mentioned above.

You are misinterpreting. The handful of complaints - on here pale in comparison

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to the number of employees. The majority of those employees are happy. Unfortunately, you don't hear all those stories because those MLS go about their business after their workday is over.

So, 6 complaints out of that many employees, go back and do your math again. I realize you absolutely hate to think that some Transcend employees may be happy in their positions, but it's the way it goes. I was happy when I was there and, in fact, left that door open in case I wanted to come back in the future.

Look around at the other companies being blasted here. Some don't pay, most run out of work, QA complaints. What make them any different?

Remember, you get out of a job what you put in.
Getting out of it what you put into it? - me
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I was paid well because of that very reason - so that does not apply. I'm sure some MTs are very happy there, probably being hired at lower rates. I had hoped to be happy there, but not at the cost of paying my bills. The hiring rate now is what, 8 cpl? You do the math, and see what an impact that makes on your paycheck and subsequent ability to pay bills with a pay cut. I realize it is happening all over, but it certainly doesn't make it right. I have worked for many companies, and always left the door open to go back, and have...but would not do so with this company. The offshoring is a big help to them at present, but hopefully the hospitals they contract with will decide that is no longer allowed, as has happened with several other companies. It's coming, just slowly. Thanx for letting me rant, and for those of you who are happy, good for you. I'm glad you're happy, but everyone's situation is different, therein lies the answer.
Another Thought - RLee
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For the ones that will be interviewing for Transcend I do wish them the best - hopefully their experience will be different and they can come on this board and state just how HAPPY they are. It seems like Transcend is on a hiring spree again - that sends a red flag in itself. Maybe because they are losing so many of their MTs??? And for the ones that are happy and content there - I wonder if they were hired for PT and not FT. For the Transcenders that do not post here maybe they are too busy working 2-3 jobs to make a living and do not have the time to post and you are interpreting that as HAPPY!!!! Or maybe they are looking at a blank screen waiting for a job to appear and try to grab it before it disappears before their very eyes. Just a thought. There are only 6 complaints on this particular post - check the archives and you will see a different scenario in most cases. If you were so Happy there - why did you leave - for greener pastures????

I agree - transgal

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I still work there and have a GENERALLY positive day to day work experience, but I agree with the "no work/no benefits" double standard. I lost my benefits for that reason, though the "rolling 90 days" is still confusing. Especially when it contains two holiday weekends when there's NEVER work though they beg for extra coverage. I have a great team lead and a good account and I'm paid only slightly less than when we were brought on. I do disagree with the benefits policy. It would be fair that if you run out of work two days during a pay period, and notify your team lead, that pay period is not factored in. Never mind telling us to make it up during the other pay periods so the average doesn't go down. If it's a "rolling 90 days," you can't catch up. If you do, here comes another holiday weekend to screw it up!

do the math - tired metatarsal

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I am sure there are happy people at Transcend, just as there are unhappy people anywhere. I was with Transcend for well over a year after a merger (not MDI) and things just got worse and worse. I watched all the negative posts on this board and I did not contribute to them until after I left. I was too busy trying to find some work. My opinion, and it is just my opinion, if you need to make a living do not go with Transcend. If you are just looking to supplement an income and do not have to rely on just Transcend, then maybe give it a try. I was working 3 different jobs when I was with them, well over 90 hours a week. Now I work 2, down to about 70-80 hours a week and have no problem making my lines and my emotional well-being is sooooo much better. Again, just my opinion.

80 hours a week? - nightowl

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OMG, when do you sleep, or do you? LOL Wow thats a heck of a lot of time in front of a computer! You've got more ambition than I do!!!!

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