A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Transcend's Sue and others monitoring our posts - mtmom

Posted: May 17, 2011

Just thought I'd let you know that I received an email from Sue telling me that people are telling her to come to this site to see what people are saying.  She said that she values the MTs, even though they fall short (her words), and that she would like to discuss this with me.  Well, I'm not going to discuss anything with her as then my identity will be know, which will probably get me fired.  I just thought I'd let everyone from Transcend know they are watching, so be careful of what you say and make sure you don't put anything that could let your identity out.  I'll be changing my nickname on here to something else so they won't be able to keep watching me.  Kinda stinky because this is supposed to be a forum for MTs to be able to vent, share, etc on, and now that is starting to become compromised.

pros and cons - hmmm

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Many moons ago (re: 1997) I worked for a company who sent around an email similiar to this one asking that we turn in each other for posting on public message boards and the MTSO was going to compile a list (of real MT names) to share with her buddie MTSOs to blacklist those MTs. I quit the same day.

More recently, I have a cousin who works as a lobbiest for healthcare services that send work and medical records overseas. I brought up this issue with her. She promptly dismissed the situation by telling me that no company wants to see themselves talked about in a negative fashion by the people who work for them. I can't recall that I've talked to my cousin since.

I finally came to this belief, though. I have an absolute right to say whatever I chose about the company I work for. The MTSO has an absolute right not to continue using my services if they don't like my opinions.

It's the ying-yang of life.

I agree... to a point - mtmom

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At least on here she has no idea who I am. She emailed me by replying to this as an email, so she does not have my actual email. However, I don't know that legally they can fire you for not liking an opinion. I did not say anything bad about Sue at all. I have said things about the company, but all of them have been true. I have also said on here many times that while Transcend may not be great, I do feel they are probably the best one out there. I don't know. Complaining to the suits does nothing. This forum is what we have. It should be left for us. I used to love working for Transcend till my ROM quit and my current one took over. She is just not a nice person at all. I've never spoken with Sue, but I'm sure if I told her I think my ROM is abusive and downright bullying, she probably would not do a thing about it. I could be wrong, but it's not worth trying if in the end I end up losing my job. I'll just try to stay under the radar and meet my minimum lines to keep this job. And while I'm doing that, I'll be looking for better during my off time. :)

at-will employment - hmmm

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A company does not need a reason to fire you. Even if they decided to discontinue their relationship with you based on what they think you may or may not have said in a public forum, most likely they will not give this as the reason for termination. It would be more likely that you simply lose lines and then you aren't meeting your production. This last scenario is actually more damaging to you as you are then left with a negative referal source (new company to old: Would you rehire? "no"...)

I stand by my opinion (it is mine :0} ) and say to each his/her own. You have a right to say what you will. Please be prepared for accepting responsibility for it. They have a right to hire whomever they chose. They should be prepared to accept the responsibility of losing some good MTs and developing a reputation of this.

I think it's all a wash in the long run. A company is gonna do what it wants to do, just like individuals with opinions :)
At will employment still has rules to follow - mtmom
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There is something under law called "protected speech." While being able to prove that one was fired for doing this would be difficult, it would not be impossible. In the end, I guess it really wouldn't matter. If they decided to fire me because they found out who I am, I would just look for another job somewhere else. There are plenty of companies out there that pay the same as Transcend. I'd like to keep my job, but it certainly is not the only one out there. I am always keeping my eye open and my resume fresh. After all, I had a job when I found my current one. :)

I thought you (and others who post about companies) want MTSOs to read - what you have written

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Now I'm confused. I thought that part of the reason for posting here for most people is that they wanted their employers to know that they were unhappy. I'm not working for that company and don't care one way or another, but you can't have it both ways, can you?
You're right - mtmom
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I do think they should read on here and be able to know what we think. I guess I was just taken by surprise when I actually received an email from her about it. I wonder if she emailed anyone else? I certainly am not the only one that mentioned something about her.
MTMom and Hmmm, I admire both of you for speaking out - Pragmatist
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but most especially Hmmm for, "I finally came to this belief, though. I have an absolute right to say whatever I choose about the company I work for. The MTSO has an absolute right not to continue using my services if they don't like my opinions."

With the little clarification that statements must be responsible and true, these are words to live by. Good for you, Hmmm!

My opinion - Sheila Reeser - ex-transcender

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Just passing through here, but just to let you know Sue will go to bat for you if your ROM is abusive. I worked for Sue at MDI-FL and I also worked for Transcend after the buy out (9 years). Although I feel Transcend could treat their employees with a little more respect and they could actually pay their employees more than the peanuts they do, I have absolutely nothing bad to say about Sue. She has always answered my calls and/or emails. I had dinner with her a month or so ago after she called me saying she would be in the area where I live (even after I quit Transcend to go out on my own) We talked about the industry and where it is going, etc, and she is aware many MTs are unhappy with VR and have other "gripes", but she told me she would be happy to discuss it with anyone who wanted to discuss it with her. She is just an all around hard working good person and probably the only one in upper management you should trust.

PLEASE proceed with caution (SM) - For your own job security

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Remember the TransTech MT who posted things on here and ended up with a lawsuit filed against her? While I realize that poster was posting a lot of false statements/assumptions as "factual," making your situation different from hers, I shudder to think Transcend could subpoena MTStars to get your IP address and thus identify you.

I might be a tad paranoid, but perhaps you could contact your local cable carrier and ask for a change of IP address "just in case"?

From what I've gathered on these boards, Transcend can be a pretty slimy group (much like their apparent idol, the Q), so PLEASE protect yourself and your identity. Better safe than sorry, as the saying goes.
Whatever happened to that lawsuit? Is there a way to find it online? nm - thanks in advance. nm
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Unless I wake up some morning in the middle east - and wearing a burqa, I say what I want on this boa

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I know that corporate america would love to take away everyone's freedom, especially the freedom of speech, but it hasn't happened yet.

Companies that are so scared of having employees say bad things about them should seriously consider treating their employees a smidge better than they currently do.

I don't think it is a matter of companies being - hmmm

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scared about what their workers are saying publically. I believe their are factors the workers don't consider about the company. For example, during negotiations for a buyout, they don't want dirty laundry out there flapping in the breeze. It could hurt the deal. How that effects the worker is that maybe the deal is not as good and it trickles down to forced layoffs or pay cuts. The worker should be concerned about that as that is a direct effect of airing dirty laundry.

I fully support your right to say whatever you want on this board. I also fully support the consequences of those words/actions that you may bear as a result of the first right.

Didn't you just out yourself by saying you got an email? - Dumbo

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Maybe I just don't get it.

She replied to post as an email - mtmom

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Since she replied to the post, she did not get my email, thus she does not know who I am, Ms. Dumbo. So no, I did not out myself. But thanks for asking. Obviously, you don't get it.

Whatever happened to her post? I can't find it now. Deleted? - no msg

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She replied to my post by email, a different post from weeks ago - mtmom

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You have the choice to reply by email as opposed to posting a reply. So what she wrote went straight to my email and not on here. All she said was that she appreciates MTs and that while they fall short, we just need to give them a chance. Then she told me to email her and we could discuss it. However, if I email her, then she will know who I am, and i'm not going there. This job is still better than no job.

I meant the post on the board. I read it the other day, but can't find it now. hmmm. - nm

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What am I missing here? I think I may have missed a lot of the - MAP

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posts on this subject but I do not have time to try to read through it. There may be some valid issues, but I think Sue gave you an open door to try to discuss the problems with her and not to try to stir up a hornet's nest and chase people away from Transcend. Some of your concerns may be able to be easily corrected.

I have been with the company for 7 years or so, had multiple team leads and ROMs, and each has their own way of doing things. If you have a problem, let Sue know. Like she has said in many conference calls and e-mails, if 1 person has a problem, then it is more than likely that others have the same issue, but she cannot go to a nameless, faceless accusation about a nameless, faceless person on a public board and try to correct the problem from there.

I came from MDI-Florida, and was probably the last person on the AIM platform to convert to editing, and that was not that long ago, probably less than a year. I had heard how bad editing was, how hard it was to get a line count, etc., (I was a fast transcriptionist for straight typing), but once I decided I was not going to let a machine beat me and actually started studying the program and what it was doing, I can say that I can probably make more money editing in a lot less time with less problems for my hands than I ever could with straight typing. I get upset with M-Modal goes awry and messes everything up but if I give it a few days, it seems to straighten up for a while.

I have to say that I think Transcend (and Sue) are more than fair with their employees and should be commended for this.

I've never actually spoken to Sue - mtmom

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I really don't have any problems with Transcend overall. I do have serious problems with my ROM as she is a bully and just mean. Her assistant is not any better. I don't like the pay, but that is across the board for all MTSOs, so I don't really complain about that. I have been on here multiple times telling people that out of all the big companies, Transcend is probably the best. I'm not sure why she singled my post out. A person had asked if anyone had heard of anybody losing money in a buyout. I personally know someone who's MTSO was bought by Transcend. While everything was great for about the first six months, VR kicked in and she went from 0.10 per line to 0.04 per line. Of course, she is freaking out now on how to make it. That was all I had posted that from my friend's personal experience and what I've seen on here, it eventually happens to everyone. I have not badmouthed Sue or Transcend. The only thing I have said that could be considered bad is that it appears all the MTSOs suck, but Transcend sucks the least. As for Sue, she has never talked to our region that I am aware of. I've been here almost 3 years and have never spoken with her. As for trying to reach out, I did that with the employee relations person and it got me nowhere. In fact, she tried to tell me how to do better with editing. When I asked her how it worked for her, she told me she has never done MT work in her life, to which I respectfully told her that she should not tell me how to do my job as she has never done it before. I am also a quick typist and a quick editor (almost 400 lph by Transcend stats). So, I'm not sure why I was singled out. I have only had problems since I got my new ROM. She's just not a nice person. And I've never mentioned her name on here and never will. This is all just strange all the way around to me. I'll just keep typing/editing away and hope no one bothers me anymore.

Typical intimidation by Transcend - ex-Transcender 2

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to monitor MTs posts. I believe the Moderator is the only one who can monitor this board.

Thank You! - mtmom

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We all come here to chat and vent with other MTs without having to be worried about our bosses trying to find us out. I only put this out to be nice and warn fellow Transcend MTs and it kinda backfired on me. Thanks for being one of the nice ones to me on here. :)

wondering - hmmm

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if I was one of the nice ones or the other category - an independent opinionator...hmmm lol!
You were a nice one :) - mtmom
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You gave your opinion respectfully and intelligently. Trust me, there are many others on this board that just go to straight attacking.

transcend intimidation - HarryPotter

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I recently worked for Transcend and the nightmare just got worse and worse. Management was very open to me and tried to help and that backfired. I had worse dictators, less lines, and everyone was so nice while stabbing me in the back. A lot of cherry picking by Team Leads. I stayed too long.
Nutty Transcend - been there
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You just described Transcend in a nutshell!

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