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Statistical monitoring - Curious

Posted: Sep 18, 2013

I was put on monitoring for "quality."  Supposedly my quality was under 99%.  Has anyone else had to do this? how long?  It's been a week now but I haven't heard not one word, no kind of feedback, no email, nothing.   

Curious - are you being docked 3 cents/line? - dnr

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Go ahead and ask your QAM (or whatever they are called now). Make sure you aren't forgotten and left on monitoring!

WHAT? you mean you would only make 1 cent a line - pfffffffffffffffffttttttttttttttt

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that means they would have to pay you minimum wage for the performance management time. I would go at snail's pace and triple check every report! they are crazy.

Not docked when system sends rpts to QA - JustMe

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When the system sends the rpts to QA MTs are not docked. It's the same as when rpts are sent to QA by the system because some drs. and accts are full QA. This is my understanding of the policy anyway.

so when are you docked and how do you know? - new to Fluency

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dear lord!
Stat monitoring - Curious
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Not being docked, just "monitored" and I was going to email but I figured they "should" know what they are doing right, Oh poop just answered my own question, I guess I'd better email her.

Not totally true. - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
Was on 100 just for getting moved to a new account and was docked! If you are put on 100 for quality...absolutely plan on being docked. I threw a fit and it was still never remedied. Loom for QA trans or QA SR on your paycheck. Those are docked lines.

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