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TransTech/Nuance - ttmt

Posted: Mar 23, 2011

Am I the only one who thought the email about audits was strange? Nuance is doing audits also?

Nuance is a partner on some accounts? What does that mean?

Audits - Another MT

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Some companies prefer to use their own particular auditing companies with certain accounts, and this is happening at TT, which also means they have stricter regulations and often go overboard in how they audit MTs, such as dotting every i and crossing every t, and it makes it harder to maintain a higher percentage rate. In other words, they weed out the MTs who are not maintaining the percentage rate set forth when you are hired. This is why there is a high turnover rate in MT personnel.

You are incorrect - NM

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TransTech focuses on major errors and added/omitted dictation and does not count off for little stuff. I was audited and some oversights really lowered my score. That's my fault, not theirs. I had punctuation typos that were not even counted off for.

I am not incorrect - Another MT

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They do count off for little stuff, and I can verify that. I was told that occasionally they give an MT a break, but all of it counts, and they weigh both together. I don't mean to sound harsh or anything, but this is from information I had been witness to.

my punctuation typos weren't counted against me either - me too/nm

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