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Transtech - still low to no work? - what is going on

Posted: Mar 21, 2010

at Transtech, still low to no work or what?

same here - supposed to be my weekend to work - MT4Eight

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Didn't have work for both days, not 1 single job. Of course I wasn't sitting in front of my computer waiting either. Shouldn't have to.

Frustrating - Maxie

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I have had very low work at Transtech all weekend. I have 4 accounts. What's the problem?

Are you at both Transcend AND Transtech? - nm

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NYOB - Maxie
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Mind your own business.
hmmm company bashing? - wow
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Looks like someone got caught company bashing and didn't like it?
so now posting a personal experience/opinion is labeled - company bashing???
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Why is that? I spent hours waiting for work over the weekend, that's not company bashing but a fact.

This should also include question above about implying one person posts many times to make it look like more -- like more than one person can share a bad experience or voice an unpopular opinion? This board is certainly no longer what it used to be........
what I was referring to - wow
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The poster above implied working at both Transcend and Transtech and when someone asked her to clarify if she worked at both, she responded by telling them to "mind their own business." Seemed like they forgot which company they really were getting no work from. :o)
Ahhhhh, I see and apologize :) - no message
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why dont you type and stop wasting time trying to catch people "company bashing" as you sa - maxie
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Why the hostility when in fact you have spoke of two - different companies and claim there is no work.
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How can we believe your posts, when you are not even willing to say which company you feel has no work. Some people just totally wow me. If is true there is no work, then please be precise before you bash Transtech and/or Transcend. Get it right! Maybe you have no work because you do not even know where you work! LOL ;)
I'm the one that asked if you worked for both companies - I was just wondering
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I was thinking that it is getting REALLY bad in this industry when we keep hearing this same complaint over and over. When you mentioned both Transcend AND Transtech (with 4 accounts and working all day including nights) I was just thinking how bad it's getting.

But now with your hostility and rudeness it does make me wonder if you're just stirring the pot. IMO, anyone else with a valid complaint against 2 different companies would want to warn their fellow MTs instead of being so crabby for simply asking a question. Your attitude is telling of a much different story and you just blew your credibility out of the water.

Transtech and no work situation - sad, sad, sad

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This has been going on at TransTech for over a year now -- what is the surprise now??? TransTech always takes the 5th amendment when asked any questions, or tells us MT's what they think we are stupid enough to believe! At least that is my experience at TT. I was so VERY disappointed when TransTech began to take a turn for the worst -- from the MT advantage -- but only took away and took away until I am left with practically nothing in the way of a paycheck. I find it so sad that Transtech does not seem to even care !

If you plan to always be a medical language specialist by trade, the lower and lower wages is what you will experience with any of the MTSO's -- not just Transtech. The bottom line is the "suits" paychecks and bonuses.

Wow, I have really enjoyed this profession until the last 2 years when my paycheck began to dwindle down to poverty level.

The above is my experience and opinion only.

Transcend sux - Gypsy Gina

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I just left there 2 weeks ago after about 3 months of trying to make a decent line count. I consistently averaged $10 hour. It was so bad, I qualified for Food Stamps!

TT - low/no work.. but threatened we still have to make out line counts - Kiki

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TT, I wonder what is going on...the work is about nonexistent..and I am having a rough time making my line counts but yet was told there was work late last nite...I don't work nites...does any one working for TT know how long we are to keep trying to get work....is it literally all day 24-hours we should keep trying to get our lines??

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