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Is anybody else having trouble since latest auto updates - sm

Posted: Nov 17, 2013

getting into ADP or the MLS website?  I haven't gotten my line count since last week, I think Friday, and I think the autoupdate to IE 11 was Thursday when I shut down, and I can't see my ADP check info either.  I did a trouble call and they uninstalled IE 11 and reinstalled IE 8 but everything is a mess.  My sisters are both having trouble, too.

Yes. I was unable to access my - alice

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email and just had lots of glitches overall. I restored settings to before update and now everything is fine.

Thanks, I'll do that! - nm

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That did it Alice, thanks. - nm

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ADP website - Rainwoman

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You can get into ADP using Google Chrome without worrying about what version of IE you have. ADP.com and follow the prompts for large company and then login.

I can't look up tokens - sm

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Anyone else having this problem?

Now have a popup about loading document - AmITheOnlyOne

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Since ExEditor updated, I now get a popup basically "loading document" and it scrolls through saying it's loading things like the CC list, saving the document, etc. This never happened before.

Anyone else seeing these? I wish they'd tell us when these updates were coming out, what to expect, etc? I think my update took at least 10 minutes, if not longer, which is time I could have been typing! And they certainly won't pay us for that time!

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