A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I'm utterly confused regarding this latest merger/acquisition/whatev of MQ of M*Modal. I just accepted a position with an MTSO working on the M*Model platform. Does the fact that the Q purchased M*Modal mean that down the road I will be working for MQ? Does this mean that MQ just owns the rights to M*Model and now has the ability to charge the MTSOs obscene amounts of money to continue to use the platform? Does this affect our positions as MTs who do work on M*Model and, if so, can anyone explain to me how?
I'm so doggoned confused by this latest development that I wasn't even sure if I should post this on the company board since so quite a few MTSOs seem to use M*Modal, on the Q board since they now apparently own M*Model, or on the Tech Help board.
Feel free to move my thread if I'd put it on an incorrect board, Mod...
Thanks so anyone who can clear up this muddy mess for my simple little mind, LOL!